Song of Her Heart. Irene Brand

Song of Her Heart - Irene  Brand

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installed ramp made the house handicapped accessible. When the house was renovated for use as a dude ranch, partitions had been taken out of the original structure and the first floor contained a kitchen, a large dining area and rest rooms to the left of the dining room.

      “The kitchen equipment is modern,” Norah commented as she looked around the large room.

      “Yes, it’s in good shape. The upstairs rooms haven’t changed much since the house was built.”

      “Hey, Mason,” a voice called from outside.

      “That’s Doug. I’ll see what he wants.”

      Mason opened the door. A young blond man, dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, stood on the porch. “Doug, meet Norah Williamson. She’s the one I hired to take care of the cooking.” He turned to Norah and explained, “Doug Johnson and his wife, Sheila, are the caretakers here. Sheila will be helping you in the kitchen.”

      “Glad to meet you, Norah,” Doug said, taking off his wide-brimmed hat. “Sheila’s been looking forward to your arrival.” Looking at Mason, he said, “Before you leave, I’d like for you to come to the stable. I brought in an injured calf—thought you’d better take a look at it.”

      “I can check the rest of the house by myself, if you want to go now,” Norah said to Mason.

      “All right. I’ll stop back soon and see what you’ve decided.”

      The upstairs was divided into four bedrooms and two bathrooms. All the rooms were furnished comfortably with choices of queen or twin beds, and plenty of chairs and chests. Norah chose a room with a queen-size bed on the back side of the house for her personal quarters. She was downstairs giving the kitchen a closer inspection when Mason returned.

      “This kitchen is supplied with anything a cook would need, but I want to wash all the utensils and dishes before the guests arrive. I’ll have plenty to keep me occupied for the next two weeks. We might as well move in my things, and then you can go back to your work.”

      “You don’t have to clean the house. Sheila does it occasionally, but H & H has arranged for volunteers to do the cleaning. You’re not required to do anything except cook.”

      “Still, I’ll have enough to keep me busy until the children arrive.”

      “But I’ve gotten the feeling that you’re a little uneasy about living in the country. Will you be afraid to stay alone?”

      “Probably, but I’ll get used to it. Don’t worry about me.”

      Mason’s eyes still reflected his concern after the car was unpacked. “I’ll leave my cell phone with you until phone service can be started here.” He took a sale bill from his pocket and wrote Doug’s phone number as well as his own on it and handed the paper to Norah. “If you have any trouble at all, call me. Will you promise to do that?”

      “All right, Mason, I promise.”

      She stood on the porch and waved to him as he drove away. After spending her life caring for others, it was nice to have someone concerned about her. In less than twenty-four hours, Mason had brought a song to her heart—a song of thanksgiving to God for bringing this man into her life.

      She watched until Mason reached the county road, where he made a quick U-turn and came back to the house. She went down the steps to meet him.

      “Is something wrong?”

      He pushed his hat far back on his forehead. “We’re not thinking too well. There’s no food here, unless you have groceries packed in your suitcases.”

      “I have some fruit and crackers in the car.” Norah laughed and patted her stomach. “But it won’t hurt me to fast for a few hours. If you’ll give me directions to a grocery store, I’ll go shopping tomorrow and lay in a supply of food to last me until our guests arrive.”

      Mason scratched his head, an unconscious mannerism he displayed when he was thinking. “I’ve got some work to finish today, but tomorrow I can take you into Valentine and show you where to shop.”

      “I don’t want to inconvenience you. I’ll find my way if you point me in the right direction.” She added, in a joking manner, “That is, if I don’t encounter Buster again.”

      “I told you that Buster is a lamb. Actually, I’m trying to think of a way to keep you at my house for a few days. After that breakfast you prepared, I want to see what you can do with a full meal.”

      “Then I’ll settle in here today, come to your ranch, prepare supper, spend the night and tomorrow we’ll go shopping. How’s that?”

      A wide smile spread over his face, and his whiskers seemed to bristle with pleasure.

      “That’s music to my ears. If I’m not at home when you arrive, go on in. The door’s never locked. The freezer is full of meat.”

      Mason’s gaze roved over the secluded valley that surrounded the Bar 8, and he reflected, “For the past four years I’ve often considered this ranch a pain in the neck.” He looked pointedly at her, and his dark eyes were gentle and contemplative as he added, “Today it looks better to me than it ever has.”

      His words brought a glow of warmth to her face, and her heart sang with delight as he stepped into the pickup and drove away.

      Chapter Three

      Norah had just started checking out the kitchen appliances when a knock sounded on the door. A petite brunette entered at Norah’s invitation.

      “Hi,” the newcomer said. “I’m Sheila Johnson, Doug’s wife. I’ll be your closest neighbor. Is there anything I can help you do today?”

      “I hardly know what to do myself,” Norah admitted. “Mason seems vague about the rehab program. Have you talked with any of the staff members about their planned schedule?”

      “Yes, a little.” Sheila shivered. “It’s cold in here. We need more heat to take out the dampness. Come in the dining room, and I’ll turn up the thermostat. I run the sweeper and dust once a month, but I haven’t been here for three weeks.”

      Heat soon penetrated the house as Sheila and Norah sat on the sofa located at one end of the large dining room.

      “The equine therapeutic program is called Horses and Healing,” Sheila explained, “better known by H & H. Their activities start the first of June and will end by September. That’s about all I’ve been told. I have the telephone number of the Omaha office if you want to talk with the director.”

      “I’ll do that. I’ve never handled a job like this,” Norah admitted, “and I’m a little anxious about it. I want to be well prepared before the first group arrives.”

      Sheila stood. “Let me know when I can help you. Will you come to our house for supper this evening?”

      “Thanks, but I’m going back to Mason’s tonight, and he’ll take me into town tomorrow. I need to buy groceries for myself until the therapy sessions start.” A smile touched Norah’s shapely mouth. “He invited me to supper, but I have to prepare it. He mentioned meat, but I wonder what else he has to cook.”

      Sheila laughed. “Precious little! He keeps meat, potatoes and apples, but not much else. He’d starve to death if he had to depend on his own cooking. He goes to town several times a week, and he always stops in at a restaurant.”

      “He mentioned that you invite him to dinner often.”

      Sheila’s eyes gleamed fondly. “Yes, we do. Doug’s father and Mason have been friends for years. He’s almost like one of the family.”

      “I’m sure he appreciates it.”

      “By the way, I keep a well-stocked pantry and freezer, because sometimes in the winter we’re snowbound and I can’t go to the store for a week or more. Come to our house for lunch, and you can choose

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