His Forever Love. Missy Tippens

His Forever Love - Missy  Tippens

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“Lindsay cooks up a nice roast every Sunday. And my other boy, Richard, will be in town this afternoon.”

      “We’d love to,” Granny said.

      He couldn’t believe his grandmother had agreed to go. She had to know Harry was just being polite. They might not have enough food for two more. “Oh, we don’t want to barge in,” he added.

      “Not barging at all.” Harry slapped him on the back. “We always have plenty.” He looked to Lindsay for confirmation.

      “Yes, plenty,” she said without looking directly at him.

      Great. She didn’t want him there any more than he wanted to be there. “No, thanks. I think we’ll—”

      “Lindsay,” Granny said, interrupting his refusal, “I found a bag of fabric that you left at my house. It’s in Bill’s backseat. Why don’t you grab it now before we forget.”

      Sure enough, a plastic bag rested on the seat.

      “Oh, thank you.” She walked past him to the back passenger door and opened it.

      She smelled so nice, all tropical and sweet. And her hair looked soft and touchable as it swung forward while she leaned across the seat. But she had acted so prickly since he arrived. He truly wished they could be on better terms.

      His grandmother jolted him back to reality when she pinched his arm to get his attention, then opened her eyes wide, giving him a look that said you better do what I say. “Bill, I’d really like to go eat at the Joneses’ today.”

      “Well, I guess if that’s what you want to do…”

      “Good,” Harry said. “We’ll see you at the house.”

      As Bill helped Granny into the car, Pastor Eddie walked up. “So nice to see you again, Billy boy.”

      Bill had forgotten about the nickname. He smiled. Pastor Eddie was one of the good memories. “Thanks. It’s nice to be here with Granny.”

      “Well, I’ll let you get to your lunch. I just wanted to say hi. I hope you’ll join us for the service next week if you’re still here.”

      “Thanks.” He knew it was noncommittal, but it was the best he could do. He didn’t have time to debate faith issues at the moment.

      He had a family gathering to attend at the Joneses’.


      When they reached Harry’s house, Lindsay welcomed them in. “Richard arrived right before we did. He’s looking forward to seeing you.”

      He and Richard met up in the dining room. It was strange to see him since Richard had been only sixteen when Bill moved away. He was definitely a grown man now. Taller than his dad and brother. And looking exactly like photos of his blond-haired, blue-eyed mother.

      They all settled at the table, Harry said a blessing, and then they passed the serving dishes. Somehow, they managed to have enough food for everyone. When it was time for dessert, Lindsay shooed the little boys outside with chocolate chip cookies in hand. Then she made coffee and served chocolate cake for the adults. She’d refused his help throughout the meal, but finally relented and let him pour the coffee.

      She was extremely stubborn when it came to asking for help. It seemed she thrived on being in charge of the family, a task that had come to her at too early an age after her mother’s death.

      “So, Richard, I hear you’re in Atlanta now,” he said to her brother.

      “Yes, but I’m looking to move home in the next year or so. I’m tired of the hotel business.”

      “What do you plan to do once you get here?”

      “He’s finally going to pursue his dream,” Lindsay said as she smiled at her brother. She looked like a proud parent.

      “I plan to open a bed-and-breakfast.”

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