Rich, Rugged...Royal. Cynthia Rutledge

Rich, Rugged...Royal - Cynthia  Rutledge

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wasn’t the baby down the hall crying for hours on end, it was the couple in the next room making loud passionate love.

      Not only had the moans kept him awake, they’d brought back memories of the night he and Lauren had shared.

      Though he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want her in his bed, what Alex really wanted was to get to know her better. He wanted to hear her laugh. He wanted to see her cheeks turn a becoming shade of pink. He wanted to be her roommate.

      She might have made her home sound less than appealing but Alex knew she’d just been exaggerating in an attempt to dissuade him. The place had to be a step up from the motel room and whatever she charged him in rent would be a whole lot cheaper than what he was paying for this dump.

      Being without a job for four weeks had been enough to deplete most of the money Alex had managed to save the past five months. Of course, he still had ten thousand dollars set aside in a Chicago bank, but he’d starve before he’d touch a dime of those funds.

      Alex’s gaze drifted to the clock he’d placed on the room’s rickety desk. His eyes widened. There was no time to waste. He needed to be at Sara’s house in Brentwood in less than an hour and he still had to pack.

      Tonight was his chance.

      He had to convince Lauren she’d made a mistake.

      And more importantly, he had to convince her to take him home.

      On her way to Sara’s house Lauren decided she was sick of winter. Though her friend never complained about the weather, Lauren knew the snow and cold had to be wearing on her, too. That’s why stopping at a florist’s shop made perfect sense. Fresh flowers would be just the thing to add a breath of spring to the evening’s festivities.

      Thankfully, the Stem Gallery had in-store credit so Lauren was able to give her charge card a much needed rest and walk away with a bigger bouquet in the bargain.

      The sweet scent of flowers filled the tiny interior of Lauren’s car and brought a smile to her face. A smile that turned thoughtful when she pulled up in front of Sara’s house and saw Alex’s car parked in the driveway.

      Though every self-preserving bone in Lauren’s body told her to keep her distance from the man, she couldn’t stop the anticipation that coursed up her spine at the thought of seeing him again.

      And the fact that she’d just checked her makeup before leaving home didn’t stop Lauren from flipping down the vanity mirror. But she told herself the fact that Alex was waiting inside didn’t have a thing to do with her desire to do a last minute touch-up. She always tried to look her best, no matter what the occasion or who was in attendance.

      She applied more color to her lips, grabbed the flowers and headed up the walk.

      Sara’s husband opened the door before the bell rang twice, a warm smile of welcome on his lips. Sal quickly ushered her inside, taking the flowers and her coat.

      Alex must have just arrived because he still stood in the foyer chatting with Sara as if she were an old friend instead of his new employer.

      Sara’s hand rested lightly on his arm and she gazed up at him in rapt attention. Despite being dressed in basic black, the singer resembled an angel, with her silvery blond hair and big blue eyes. A fact that hadn’t escaped Alex’s notice. Even from a distance, Lauren could see the admiration in his eyes.

      A swift stab of jealousy took her by surprise.

      “Look what Lauren brought me.” Sal shot his wife a teasing grin and held out the bouquet.

      Sara shifted her gaze and her smile widened. She moved quickly across the foyer and gave Lauren a hug.

      “It doesn’t surprise me.” Sara’s blue eyes sparkled with good humor. “I always knew she had a thing for you.”

      Lauren watched the playful interplay, wishing her mother were standing here to see the happiness the two exuded. Maybe then she’d understand that this was the kind of relationship Lauren wanted, one with true love driving the commitment, not money.

      “They’re beautiful.” Sara took the flowers from her husband and nimbly darted out of reach when he attempted to pull her close. “I’m going to put these in a vase. Sal, would you hang up their coats and then help me get the salads on the table?”

      Lauren resisted the urge to look at Alex. The moment her gaze had settled on him, a curious longing filled her. She couldn’t deny she found his quiet confidence and classic good looks appealing. But the last thing she wanted was for him to know it.

      “Where’s Anna?” Lauren looked around, finding the house strangely silent.

      “Miriam is feeding her upstairs,” Sara said. “She’s cutting teeth and has been a little fussy.”

      Miriam Wilkins was a retired woman from Sara’s church who helped out with household duties and childcare on a part-time basis. The fact that she was busy with the baby explained why Sara was on her own with dinner preparations.

      “I hope Miriam doesn’t keep her up there all evening,” Lauren said. “I don’t care if she’s fussy.”

      “That’s easy for you to say,” Sal said with a long-suffering sigh. “But fussy doesn’t begin to describe how she’s been the last few days.”

      “I’d be glad to take her off your hands,” Lauren bantered back, knowing there was no chance of that happening. Anna Tucci was the apple of her father’s eye. “Just say the word.”

      “The word is no.” Sal took Alex’s coat and draped it over the one Lauren had given him. “If you want a baby, Ms. Carlyle, you’re going to have to get your own.”

      Lauren gave him a playful shove. “I think I should find myself a husband first, don’t you?”

      Sal just laughed and waved her and Alex off in the direction of the dining room before heading to help his wife in the kitchen.

      Lauren walked down the hall next to Alex, feeling as unsure as a teenager on her first date. The awkwardness took her by surprise. After all, they’d parted on good terms and they hadn’t had any trouble communicating last weekend.

      The memory of how she’d fallen into his arms so easily still made her blush. That’s why she kept her gaze focused straight ahead and did her best to act cool. Unfortunately his close proximity and the familiar scent of his cologne wafted about her, stirring her senses, taking her back to that morning in the hotel room….

      The knock at the door roused Lauren from a deep slumber. She opened her eyes.

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