Tall, Dark... Collection. Carole Mortimer

Tall, Dark... Collection - Carole  Mortimer

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more sons and daughters that looked exactly like Gabriel.

      She gave a fierce shake of her head. ‘You can’t seriously want to spend the rest of your life married to a woman who doesn’t love you—’

      ‘Any more than you would wish to be married to a man who does not love you,’ he acknowledged curtly. ‘But the alternative is even less palatable. A long—and no doubt very public—legal battle for custody of Toby,’ Gabriel said grimly.

      Bella gasped as her greatest fear was made a possibility. ‘You would do that to Toby?’

      Gabriel gave a shrug. ‘If you leave me with no other choice, yes.’

      Bella looked at him searchingly, knowing by the utter implacability of Gabriel’s expression that he meant every word he had just said. Marriage to him, or Gabriel would involve them all in a very messy legal battle.

      She breathed in deeply. ‘All right, Gabriel, I’ll think about marrying you—’

      ‘Thinking about it is not enough, Isabella,’ he cut in harshly. ‘Especially,’ he added more softly, that dark gaze narrowed on her speculatively, ‘when I suspect you are only delaying the inevitable in order that you and Toby might return to England tomorrow, as originally planned, with your family, yes?’

      That was exactly the reason Bella was delaying giving Gabriel a definite answer!

      She chewed on her bottom lip. ‘I don’t believe it’s inevitable that the two of us will marry—’

      ‘I beg to differ, Isabella.’

      Her eyes flashed deeply purple. ‘You’ve never begged in the whole of your privileged life!’

      He lifted an autocratic eyebrow. ‘And I am not about to do so now, either,’ he said. ‘I want your answer before you leave here today.’

      ‘You’ll have my answer when I’m damned well ready to give it!’ she flashed back heatedly.

      Although Bella already had a feeling she knew what that answer was going to be.

      What it had to be…


      ‘WILL I see you in the morning, Daddy?’

      Bella’s breath caught in her throat as she waited for Gabriel to answer Toby. She was standing at the bottom of her son’s bed watching the two of them as Toby lay tucked snugly beneath the duvet, Gabriel sitting at his side.

      She had absolutely no doubts that Toby had enjoyed his day with his father and grandfather. The three of them had spent most of the morning out in the garden, Gabriel keeping Toby occupied with a number of ball games while Bella sat on a lounger watching them, dark sunglasses perched on the end of her nose as she allowed her thoughts to wander. The problem was, they kept coming back to the same place—Gabriel’s insistence that she marry him…

      As the day had progressed—a drive out to look at the Danti vineyard, and lunch eaten outside on the terrace at the magnificent villa there, and then dinner later that evening at a wonderful fish restaurant at Pier 39—it was impossible for Bella to deny that Gabriel was wonderful with Toby.

      That he already loved Toby with the same fierceness that Bella did…

      And that Toby loved Gabriel right back!

      Looking at the two of them sitting together now on Toby’s bed, so alike with their dark curling hair and chocolate-brown eyes, and that cleft in the centre of their chins, Bella couldn’t help feeling that she was fighting a losing battle. That even attempting to fight this harder, more arrogant Gabriel was a waste of her time and emotions.

      Gabriel glanced down at her now, the expression in his eyes unreadable. ‘I think that depends on Mummy, don’t you?’ he murmured.

      ‘Mummy?’ Toby prompted eagerly.

      Bella drew in a ragged breath before answering. ‘We’ll see,’ she finally said non-committally.

      ‘That usually means yes,’Toby confided as he looked up at Gabriel conspiratorially.

      ‘It does?’ The darkness of Gabriel’s gaze was mocking as he glanced across at Bella.

      ‘It means we’ll see,’ she insisted. ‘Now it’s time for you to go to sleep, young man,’ she told her son firmly as she moved to tuck him more comfortably beneath the covers. ‘G—Daddy and I will just be in the other room if you should need us, Toby,’ she added reassuringly before bending down to kiss him.

      Toby reached up to wrap his arms about her neck as he hugged her. ‘It was a lovely day, wasn’t it, Mummy?’

      Emotion caught in Bella’s throat as she looked down into her son’s happily beaming face.

      Could she endanger that unclouded happiness by subjecting Toby to the trauma that a legal battle with Gabriel was sure to cause? Could she really put Toby into a position where he would almost be forced to choose between the mother he had lived with all of his young life and the father he had only just met? Could she do that to him?

      Surely the answer to all of those questions was no…

      ‘Lovely,’ she answered Toby brightly before kissing him again.

      ‘I’ll see you in the morning, darling.’ She ruffled his dark curls before stepping away from the bed.

      ‘We will both see you in the morning, Toby,’ Gabriel added pointedly as he moved to receive Toby’s hug goodnight.

      Gabriel’s arms were gentle, but his emotions were not. Toby, his son, now represented everything to him, the past, the present, and most definitely the future.

      ‘Sleep now, little one,’ he said huskily as he released Toby to step back.

      ‘You promise you’ll come back in the morning?’ Toby’s eyes were anxious.

      Gabriel doubted that Toby heard the sob in his mother’s throat as she stood just behind him, but Gabriel certainly did. ‘I will come back in the morning,’ he assured the little boy. Whatever it took, Gabriel was determined to be in Toby’s life every morning!

      ‘What would you have done about this situation if you had already been married to someone else when you learnt of Toby’s existence?’ Bella challenged once the two of them had returned to the sitting-room.

      Gabriel’s mouth tightened. ‘Fortunately, that problem does not arise.’

      ‘But if it had?’ she insisted.

      He shrugged. ‘I refuse to answer a “what if” question, Isabella.’

      She gave a little huff of frustration. ‘Doesn’t it bother you that I don’t want to marry you?’

      It should, and it did. But Gabriel knew from Bella’s response to him earlier today that on one level, at least, she did want to be with him…

      Other marriages, he was sure, had begun with less.

      ‘Not particularly,’ Gabriel dismissed curtly.

      Bella continued to glare at him for several more seconds before she gave a sigh of defeat. ‘All right, Gabriel, I will agree to marry you—’

      ‘I thought that you would,’ Gabriel murmured as he moved to sit in one of the armchairs.

      ‘If you will allow me to finish…?’She raised dark, expressive brows as she stood across the room from him.

      ‘By all means.’ Gabriel relaxed back in the armchair. He had won the first battle—and the most difficult, he hoped—and so could now afford to be gracious in victory.

      ‘Thank you,’ she accepted dryly. ‘I will agree to marry you,’ she repeated, then went on more firmly, ‘but only on certain conditions.’

      Gabriel’s gaze narrowed as he easily guessed, from the calmness of

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