Prince Baby. SUSAN MEIER

Prince Baby - SUSAN  MEIER

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said as anger spiked through him. He wasn’t upset about the fact that Lucy wanted a lawyer to represent her; he simply didn’t like the counsel she had chosen. Her father’s barrister. The royal lawyer. The one who looked out for the rights of the monarchy first. Not even Lucy. The monarchy. “Why don’t you just hire an attorney here?”

      “Because that’s not how it’s done in Xavier.”

      “Well, honey, you’re not in Xavier right now.”

      “I’m aware of that. However, you seem to be missing the big picture. Your son isn’t just your son. He isn’t even simply my son. He is Xavier’s next king. And Xavier has a say in what goes on in his life.”

      Seth stared at her. “Are you kidding me? You’re telling me that some guys in long black robes, probably wearing powdered wigs, are going to dictate how I raise my son?”

      “Not dictate,” Lucy insisted. “But they will participate in things like his baptism, where he will also be consecrated as Xavier’s next sovereign.”

      “Is that anything like selling your soul to the devil?”

      “Seth, please. It’s a ceremony. There will be approximately ten or twelve ceremonies Owen will be required to attend. Until his coronation, when he will live in Xavier.”

      Seth combed his fingers through his hair, mad at himself for getting angry with her, but knowing he’d panicked because the last royal decree of her country’s sovereign had destroyed their marriage and God only knew what the monarchy would do to an innocent little boy destined to be king.

      Seth suddenly realized that controlling himself around Xavier’s beautiful princess wasn’t the only challenge he faced. He also had to fight for Owen’s rights. If he didn’t do something, there would be no Little League for his son, no mountain adventures, no cabins, cars, dates…Hell, his son might not even go to high school! Who knew what school a future king would have to attend.

      Somehow or another, over the next few weeks Seth had to figure out a way to keep Owen in America.

      Because if he didn’t, Owen Bryant would end up like his princess mother, controlled by the wishes and whims of her country. And that was the real bottom line. That was what had hurt Seth the most. When Lucy was told she couldn’t get married because she was already betrothed, she hadn’t fought to get out of the betrothal. She’d simply left him.

      That was why he could never lose an inch of his heart to this woman again.

      Chapter Two

      “I thought you were taking me to a hotel,” Lucy Santos said quietly, as she glanced at Seth’s brown brick house. Seated in the back of his SUV with her son who was sleeping soundly in his infant car seat, she caught Seth’s gaze in the rearview mirror.

      Seth tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “I brought you here because I think it’s smarter for you to stay with me than to get a hotel room.”

      Smarter? Lucy almost laughed as she considered the man she’d decided to marry in less time than she typically spent choosing a gown for one of her father’s formal affairs. This morning Seth wore a pale green Polo shirt that brought out the green of his eyes, khaki trousers and brown loafers. But when she had arrived at his door the night before, he’d been wearing only jeans that hung low on his lean hips and she’d collapsed against his naked chest. At the time, she’d been in too much pain to register a reaction to his smooth, warm skin. But right now, she couldn’t stop picturing the hard muscles of his torso, or remembering how nice it was to fall against the security of his strong body and realizing with sudden clarity why she’d married him after knowing him only two short weeks.

      Tall and sexily slim, with sandy brown hair and unusual pale green eyes, Seth Bryant was gorgeous. But he was also a little rough around the edges. When she had met him and his older brother Ty at the site proposed for her father’s Miami mansion, Seth hadn’t known she was a princess, the daughter of the king building the magnificent home. Because she was an architect, he had assumed she was simply the project manager.

      It was so nice to be treated normally that even though they’d fought over a few contract details, she hadn’t told him she was a princess until after he’d invited her to dinner. Seth was bold, intelligent, and just rebellious enough to make her feel decadent. To a woman who had been sheltered most of her life, being with him was like living an adventure. They hadn’t even known each other twelve hours before they had fallen into bed.

      So, no. She didn’t think it “smarter” for her to stay here rather than at a hotel, but their attraction to each other wasn’t the most important thing to consider in this situation. Before Lucy took Owen home to Xavier Island, she also needed to know how to care for him without the help of a nanny. Her own mother, Queen Marianna, had died unexpectedly when Lucy was six. Lucy had felt more empty than sad, as if she hadn’t really known her mother, and she refused to curse her son to that fate.

      But if she didn’t know how to care of Owen before she returned to Xavier Island, her father would insist on around the clock nannies. Lucy knew she’d never get to mother Owen unless she learned everything she needed to know before she went home, and to do that she needed a block of time with her son completely to herself. And in Porter, Arkansas, she was totally on her own.

      As long as she called her dad and let him know Owen had been born and she was fine, her dad wouldn’t panic and come looking for her. He might covertly station a bodyguard or two in Porter. But he wouldn’t show up at Seth’s door. He couldn’t leave Xavier because on Monday Xavier’s legislature went into session and there was no way he could cancel or postpone it without causing a stir.

      They’d managed to keep Lucy’s pregnancy a secret by saying she was in Miami working on the mansion. But if the king canceled the legislative session, the curious media would follow him to Arkansas. They would discover not only Lucy and her baby, but also Seth—a man unprepared for a deluge of reporters with questions about their marriage and the baby he didn’t know he was having. Which meant a story her father’s people could very easily control on Xavier Island would become a circus.

      So, for the sake of making the facts surrounding the conception of Xavier’s next king appear to be normal or even irrelevant, her father would attend the legislative session as if nothing were wrong. When the session was completed, he would travel to Arkansas and take Lucy and Owen back to Xavier Island with him, where his people would “spin” Owen’s conception and birth to a situation befitting a king. But that would be okay. By then, Seth and Lucy would have decided visitation, and Lucy would know how to care for Owen.

      The question was, was it better to be alone in a hotel or in a house with someone who might be able to help her, but to whom she was also unreasonably attracted.

      “How can you think my living with you is smarter than staying at a hotel?”

      Seth turned on the front seat to face her. “You just had a baby. You shouldn’t be alone. You need someone at least hanging out with you to make sure everything really is okay.”

      “Seth, the hotel staff would be a phone call away. Besides, I’m fine.”

      “Well, how about this, then? This period that we’ve agreed to spend deciding my place in Owen’s life would be a good time for me to bond with him.”

      Lucy frowned. That was a much better argument than Seth knew. This wasn’t merely a “good” opportunity to bond with his son. It might be the last such opportunity he would ever have. As the future sovereign of a small country, Owen would be living across an ocean. No matter how craftily Seth negotiated, Lucy couldn’t promise him he would see his child any more than a few times a year, and those times would be at the palace, not at Seth’s home. She had nearly told Seth that the night before at the hospital, but he looked so shell-shocked from the surprises he’d already experienced that she didn’t have the heart.

      She glanced at Seth’s elegant house, beautifully detailed with black lanterns at the entryways and lining the stone walk

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