Outrageously Yours. Susanna Carr

Outrageously Yours - Susanna Carr

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evident as his gaze traveled down the length of her body. She couldn’t tell if his reaction was good or bad. Did he like what she was wearing or was it the opposite of what he had suggested? Claire didn’t know what to do and gave an awkward wave.

      “Claire, is all this for Jason?” Deanna asked in disbelief.

      “Uh...” Claire’s stomach turned when Jason abruptly changed direction and walked toward her. She wasn’t sure how to answer Deanna. She certainly wasn’t going to tell anyone about her need for a wild reputation.

      “Sweetie, bad idea,” Alison said with a grimace.

      “Why is that?” Claire asked without taking her eyes off Jason. But she already knew the answer. It didn’t have to be said that Jason was out of her league.

      Deanna hesitated before she explained. “You are not Jason Strong’s type. He likes women who are easy.” There was an awkward beat of silence. “No, that’s not what I meant. He likes women who are undemanding.”

      “Silly,” Alison supplied.

      “Simple,” another friend interjected.

      “Stupid, if you want to be blunt about it,” Deanna added.

      “Shush! He’s coming over here,” Alison whispered fiercely before she gave a brilliant smile. “Hi, Jason!”

      Claire said nothing as Jason approached. She considered what the women had said. Jason was creative and clever. She had watched him while he worked at Mountain Creek Wine Cellars and noticed how he bounced around ideas with his employees and how he solved problems. The man thrived in a creative atmosphere. And yet, she had to admit that the women he had dated followed a pattern. They were beautiful and sexy but rarely contributed to the conversation.

      He greeted the women and they preened under his attention. Claire understood how they felt. Her whole body lit up when he was near but she knew how to hide her reaction. Although she couldn’t stop her startled response when Jason grabbed her hand. “Come dance with me, Claire.”

      She went rigid as she sensed the heightened interest of those around her. Dance? They had not discussed this beforehand. She automatically dug her heels into the dirt but Jason either predicted her move or was a lot stronger. Claire’s muscles locked but she didn’t say anything as he guided her to the center of the dance area.

      “Jason, I don’t dance,” she announced through clenched teeth.

      “There’s nothing to it,” he told her as he curled his arms around her. Jason frowned. “You’re too stiff. Just lean against me and follow my lead.”

      She hesitantly stepped closer and draped her arms over his powerful shoulders. She was affected by his nearness. Her skin tingled and her knees were wobbly but he was a solid wall of muscle.

      “I think I should have been more specific when I said ‘show as much skin as possible,’” he murmured as his hands splayed against her back. “You’re completely covered.”

      “It’s a cold September night and the rain is hanging in the air.” That wasn’t the whole reason she hadn’t followed Jason’s advice. She didn’t want him to know that she had already talked herself out of the flirty dresses before she’d even stepped into Miranda’s shop.

      “I approve of the shirt.” His fingers stroked the lace. “It looks like you’re not wearing anything underneath. It’s very distracting.”

      “I think that was the idea. There’s a thin lining underneath that matches my skin tone.” But with his large hands against her spine, it felt as if there was no barrier between his skin and hers.

      “Next time go for a brighter color so you stand out more,” he suggested as his hand slid down her spine. “How long have you been at the party?”

      “I just got here.” She sounded breathless as her heart pounded against her chest.

      “Perfect.” He bent his head and Claire closed her eyes. He was so close and she wanted to curl into him. She shivered as he whispered in her ear. “So, this is what you need to do. First, relax. This is a party.”

      How could she relax when she was wrapped in Jason’s arms? The man of her hottest fantasies surrounded her. Her hands were linked behind his neck and she was tempted to spear her fingers into his hair. She imagined gripping the back of his head before she kissed him hard. “I’ll try,” she said hoarsely.

      “Second, get in every picture. Look like you’re having a really great time. Tilt your head back and laugh hard while the picture is being taken.”

      She wasn’t paying close attention to what Jason was saying. She just nodded and inhaled his scent. It was warm and masculine. She wanted to burrow her head against his neck. Lick his skin and taste him.

      “Third, do something crazy.”

      She blinked a couple of times and met his gaze. “Crazy?” she repeated. “How crazy?”

      The left side of his mouth hitched up. “I recommend taking on every dare.”

      Claire stared at his mouth. What would Jason dare her to do? What would she dare him to do? A kaleidoscope of sexual images crashed through her mind and she tried to ignore the insistent pull deep in her belly.

      She abruptly looked away. “Why would I do that? I have no idea what someone’s going to dare me.”

      “You’ll be fine,” he decided before he dropped his hold on her. “Yeah, I think that covers it. Good luck.”

      Alarm streaked through Claire as her hands dropped down to his chest. “Wait just a second. Where are you going?”

      He jerked his thumb in the direction of the bonfire. “I’m going to—”

      “This is it?” Her voice rose and she hurriedly pressed her lips together before she tried again. “That’s all the help I’m going to get?”

      “Earning a reputation is simple,” Jason said as he took a step away. “There’s not much to it.”

      She grabbed his shirt and bunched it with her fist, forcing him to remain where he stood. “You are not getting out of this, Jason Strong,” she hissed in a low tone.

      His hand covered hers. He was so big and powerful compared to her and they both knew he could pluck her hand away with very little effort. “I don’t need to be with you through every step.”

      “Oh, yes, you do, or this deal is off!”

      “Come on, Claire.” Jason tilted his head back as irritation rolled through him. “You are doing everything you have to do. And, let’s face it, your outfit is doing most of the work. Guys are going to swarm you the minute I leave.”

      “I’m not looking for a man,” she reminded him.

      “Right, you’re doing all this so you can get a job with Max.” He clenched his jaw. She couldn’t tell if it was disapproval or disappointment that flickered in his eyes. “If you want him to see that you are a wild woman, then you need to show that you are fighting off all the men.”

      “So to get a man’s attention, I should show that another guy wants me? Great, I’ve just appointed you to be that guy. You’re staying.”

      * * *

      JASON INSTINCTS WARNED him to get away. His chest felt tight as lust pulsed in his blood. He was fighting the urge to touch her. Press his mouth against the base of her neck and feel her pulse beat against his lips. Caress her and watch the blush bloom on her pale skin. He felt as if he was on the cusp of discovering Claire’s hidden side. A part of her that she only revealed to someone special. He wanted to be that special one.

      It didn’t make sense. This was Claire Miller. He had known her forever.

      “So what does a woman have to do to get your attention?” she asked as she gripped his shoulders. He wasn’t sure what his expression

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