The Surprise of Her Life. Helen Myers R.

The Surprise of Her Life - Helen Myers R.

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mind, I’ll do it on my way home this evening?”

      “As busy a week as it’s going to be, I hate for you to have to do that, but thank you. What else is wrong?”

      “I can’t get anyone to answer at Executive Floral Services. Did some big deal in Denver die that I don’t know about?” she asked her boss. She’d accused Rae of sleeping with a radio scanner beside the bed, since she was always on top of the news in town.

      “No, but there was some cable cut at a construction site by the airport. That could have something to do with the problem.” Rae browsed through the other paperwork and mail that was covering her desk. “Why don’t you detour that way on your lunch hour?”

      “Because I’m not taking lunch, for the same reason I’m not going shopping for those supplies until later.” Realizing Rae hadn’t noticed yet, Eve updated her. “At any moment Kristen is going to admit that she’s come down with the flu and—”

      “Good grief, where’s my disinfectant spray?” Rae opened her top desk drawer and took out a bottle of hand sanitizer instead. “Now the alcohol in this will make me look like a crone. Tell her to get out. Now. We can’t afford to spread her condition through the office. And tell her to stop and get a case of chicken soup on the way home—I’ll reimburse her.”

      Smiling at her boss’s logic, as well as her generosity, in the face of her germ phobia, she stepped out to have a few words with Kristen Minnow, then returned. “She says you’re the nicest scary person she knows.”

      “Liar, that’s pure you,” Rae said as she waved at the departing woman through her window. As Eve resumed her seat, Rae sighed. “I’m sorry for being so tightly wound. I’d push up my sleeves and help you with things, but I have that Chamber of Commerce luncheon.”

      “Yeah, that would be a smart one not to miss considering you’re an honoree. We don’t have a job if you aren’t out there doing yours. Fabulous suit, by the way.”

      Turning up the collar, Rae relaxed enough to preen. “Thank you kindly. You don’t think it’s too Good Witch? I know some there will be thinking a black pointed hat would be more appropriate.”

      “Only your competitors.” Crossing her arms over her sapphire-blue tunic sweater-skirt set, Eve said, “You look regal as well as radiant. Wasn’t that the idea?”

      Shaking her glossy red coif, a move that also made her gold-and-diamond earrings sparkle in the light, Rae sighed with satisfaction. “You’re so good for my ego, and the best business decision I ever made.”

      Eve wasn’t convinced that she agreed, considering that four of the five people left working in the next room had degrees, pedigrees and ambitions that made her look like an underachiever.

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