they pass by important points, such the avenue going down to the bus station, the Franciscan convent and reach the Avenue of Recife, turn left towards the Pesqueira IFPE unit.
Now every step was decisive because they were approaching the destination. Walking for about two hundred metres they stop in front of an abandon house. At a signal, they all come close, pass through the entrance, access the external area and at this point the son of God speaks.
— My brothers, I am in front a symbol of my past. In 2002, I was passing through here and I heard a dark story from my friends, about this place, involving assassination, justice, spirituality and fear. The time has gone by, but even so I have not forgotten the story. My aim now is to get an explanation to what has happened— Finalized the seer.
As soon as he said that, everything seemed to change. Mysteriously, the gate closes behind them. Dark clouds partial cover the sun and the cries can be heard inside the house frightening the humans. Rafael them speaks:
— Calm down, Guardian! Pardon our friend for his curiosity. We promise to go away immediately and leave you in peace.
Making a signal, Rafael called Uriel and together they grabbed the humans and flew over the wall. In seconds, they were outside. They walk again in the opposite way and then the angel explains:
— It is not the time yet, son of God! You are not ready yet. (Rafael)
— I don’t understand. Why not? (the son of God)
— Do not ask us. That is best thing to do now – Intervened Uriel.
— Very well. (The son of God)
— What is the next step, Rafael? (Renato)
— Let’s continue the journey – He answered.
— Ok. (Renato)
— Let’s us be lucky! (Rafaela Ferreira)
— I wish, cat! (The seer)
— I am ready, Aldivan. Could you touch me? (Bernadete Sousa)
— I was waiting for it, my servant. (The seer)
Aldivan goes near his apostle. Affectionately, stretches his arm and this time touches the tip of her fingers. The smoothness of her skin makes him vibrate and have the vision of her future:
“Bernadete was having a cup of tea at home, reclined on a chair in the lounge. At fifty years of age, recalls the main events of her busy life: the upbringing from her parents, her growing up together with friends at the village of Mimoso, the passage the adolescence, the rape, the abortion and the promise from a young man that everything could change. Encouraged by his words, had accepted his invitation to travel through the world and had truly discovered a father and a son prepared to do anything for her. He demonstrated much love and as reward she dedicated herself to the neighbour at asylum nearby. Besides, she spreads her message to all who knew her. Through these deeds, she discovered the true happiness and was sure of her welcome in the kingdom of God, when she departed from the terrestrial life. She had found her inner “I am” and understood the father’s “I am” through his son called seer, divine, Aldivan Teixeira Torres, and exceptional guy beside other adjectives. The universe and the benign forces were conspiring to her success and it was only that, she wished from the one who changed her life. Blessed be he! Repeats internally. With a smile on her face, gets up from the chair and goes to do her domestic chores and take care of her cat Tobit, the sole companion in her home. And life would continue…”
The seer takes his hand away after the vision. Embraces again the apostle and with a signal he asks that her and her friends go with him. The silence reveals much more than if he had spoken and Bernadete understands it. Not everything could have an answer and the important was to commit herself to the present mission. Always forward!
The group, walking at a good speed, comes down from Prado neighbourhood towards the centre. Turn at the Avenue of Recife, go straight for a few hundred metres, turn another corner and follow the neighbourhood main avenue.
Remaining at the same rhythm, they cover the route to the bus station in fifteen minutes. In front of the single storey building they go forward a little and buy the tickets at the ticket office. After, they settle at the waiting room.
They waited for more than thirty minutes before the bus arrived. One by one, they get in and sit down on the empty seats. When all the passengers were inside the bus departs.
In the short trip, the only thing they do is to rest in face so many worries. They knew independently for what may happen, they were already to be congratulated by their commitment, dedication and enthusiasm to their causes. However, they wanted and dreamed of more.
In this way they arrived at their next stop in ten minutes: the town of Sanharó. Carrying their heavy suitcases, they climb down from the bus at the edges of the highway and walk on foot to the town centre.
With his knowledge of the town, the seer looks for an inn that could accommodate them all. They find it a few minutes later. Sanharó had changed little since the time he worked there for two months as administrative agent, at the municipality administrative headquarters. It had grown, it was noticeable, but it didn’t change the feeling of quiet and welcoming place.
Known as the town of cheese and milk, the name derived from a black bee, existing locally, meaning in indigenous language cross or excited. Data from 2014: Area: 256 km sq.; population: 24,556 inhabitants; IDH: 0.603.
They were, in front the small inn, a modest building, style chalet, with asphalt large entrance. Gathering the remaining courage, they enter the establishment, speak to the proprietor and settle the basics. After, they go to relax a little. In the afternoon, new emotions are awaiting them. Each one tries to enjoy the morning rest in their respective rooms, which were equipped with gadgets of the latest generation: Some sleep, other watch TV, others listen to music or read books. These rare moments in a tiresome and demanding journey were like a balm to their fatigued bodies.
Nearing lunch time they meet again and eat together. They take advantage to finalize the journey’s next details. At the end of thirty minutes, they decided to go out together. The seer’s objective was to introduce them to someone special too.
From the centre they head in a southern direction, from side to side in the streets of the small place, and two blocks after, arrive in front of a medium size masonry house, about 6x14, type house, with garden and swimming pool, walled in front. At the main gate, they knock a single time and immediately someone comes to attend them. It was a man about 50 years old, short, belly—potted, round body, brown eyes, black hair and white skin. With an expression of indignation, he speaks when he gets closer.
— What do you want, gentlemen?
— It is me, Osmar. Don’t you remember? I worked with you at the prefecture. (The son of God)
Osmar, looks Aldivan completely up and down, and at the end smiles. How to forget the dreamer who on the slack hours at work would write his book, because he didn’t have a computer? Numerous times I felt admiration for him, then a lad in the bygone times of the year 2007.
With a few steps, advances towards him and gives him a great hug. Aldivan did the same and both live the reencounter moment intensely. They were two sister and companion souls that have lost contact because of the circumstances of life.
At the end of the embrace, Osmar ruffles his shoulder long hair and starts to speak again:
— And these, are your friends?
— Yes. (Aldivan)
— Aldivan’s friends are my friends too. Please, come in. The house is yours. (Osmar)
— Thank you. (Rafael, in the name of the group)
Osmar enters the house again and the others follow him. They pass a small lounge, a passage and into the living room, furnished with rack shelves, sofa, chairs and table, leather carpet on the floor, pictures and other ornaments on the walls and Persian curtains at