Splendid Passion. Gabrielle Queen

Splendid Passion - Gabrielle Queen

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else special. Elimian talked to them a lot about journalism, how news are created for the television. They invited a news presenter to talk about the process of news research and creation, which would have been nice if Selene would have wanted to be a presenter or a journalist…but this was not actually her dream. Probably I did not read well the information about this class, she told herself, but she was sure she heard about meeting directors and actors from telenovelas and even film these kind of scenes…even if she was a wide awake dreamer, she knew that these details in the ad were absolutely real.

      She was already thinking to give up or going less often, she did not like anyway the environment or the dark building where the classes were given. She was already thinking: The last hope taken away in this city where nothing happens and boredom is the only thing sure.

      All this since…

      â€¦Since the day she has met Mircea, one of the most famous actor and presenter. She did not really like him, because she knew him from television and she thought that he was super childish and not even a good actor. Selena liked serious men. He, instead, was the most famous presenter and his show was one of the most followed. If so, he would have known something at least, she thought. She had the possibility to convince herself that being him the guest of the day, other important people will follow at the next classes.

      He did not seem the same man from the television, but she was impressed at the beginning about his personality – he was definitely cuter that on the screen, his sense of humor was childish but in a cute way, he was very smart, and his charm was and his self-esteem was a surprise for Selena. What a thing, she thought, how much television can transform you. It was such a pity that he did not used this side for a large public but he preferred, instead, to act like an idiot.

      Every time he was talking, she was listening very carefully at everything he was saying. He was not too tall, with brown hair and dark eyes full of joy, where you could read the sweetness but also the melancholy. He seemed a nice guy, the same opposite she would have thought about a celebrity. Suddenly, she asked herself if he was married, but she tried to banish this kind of thought. She read somewhere that he was married and he had a child…but she thought faster something else: usually, nice guys are all taken.

      At the end of the class, each one of them had to invent a show and present it shortly. Selena said that would have been nice a show where different celebrities meet regular people and see if they could fall in love. Shortly, the idea was to see if a celebrity could have a relationship with a non-celebrity. While she was talking, she was looking at Mircea. She was surprised when at the end he told her that was a great idea and it could have been nice to think seriously at this kind of project for the television.

      Embarrassed, excited, with the head in clouds and with her heart full of dreams, Selena thanked him and smiled at him in a way that spoke for her… She told herself: I would like to film with you the first episode. Unfortunately, Mircea could not read her thoughts. That night he left the class charged with lots of contradictory emotions: she liked him, but what she was going to do?

      During the class, she had the impression that he looked at her often. Or she was just imagining this? Often she observed his melancholic look. In front of everyone he was joyful, but when nobody was looking, he had a sad expression such a dog without a master. Selena could not stop on asking herself why…he was rich and famous, he had a family, everyone loved him, what could he miss? She wanted to ask him her phone number in a moment of impulsivity, but he was married, famous… She was intimidated by his status. Probably he would not even consider her, why was she even thinking about a love story? She had to limit herself just on looking at him. She had anyway to see him during the class…that finally started to be interesting

      II Curtains rise

      Spring was coming, and the fresh and warm air seemed to announce a thousand of new and improvident meetings…Selena leaved her balcony door always open, so she could smell the breezing acacia’s perfume that was over the little river in front of her work building. Very often, to take a break from the computer, she left herself transporting by the amazing view, and between the blooming flowers she was seeing Mircea’s face.

      He came two times at the class. Days were longer so she could observe him better, gestures, words and attitude. She liked him every day more and more. She liked even his childish appearance. She never imagined that a famous man could be so simple and modest. He was always doing his job very professionally and in a smart way, but she was always seeing that sadness in his eyes, a resignation mixed with a mute desperation…She would have wanted to ask him what’s wrong, help him if possible and she decided to do this as soon as possible, because even she was ashamed, his friendly attitude made her to approach him without having the impression of disturbing. If she was trying to become friends, nothing was right, wasn’t it?

      Easter was coming, and Emilian told them that he had a surprise: a trip. He did not tell them the details, but he needed to know how many were available to come. Mircea was in, so Selena gave her answer right away. She thought that probably she would have had the chance to approach him more…

      She thought about the trip all day long and how she could approach Mircea when a new “teacher” arrived.

      She arrived super late once at the class. Andreea told her to finish all the work that she had in her office before leaving. Selena was doing that and cursing in her mind, she blamed herself for choosing this kind of life. She regretted for not choosing another field of study, she could have chosen an university career, being in contact with books and not standing in front of a computer doing the boring job that nobody wants to do. And now, to arrive at her acting class she had to take the metro and then a bus, outside was raining, she was all wet, full of mud, one of her shoe broke and to end…she had her period. She arrived finally at the building and while she was trying to open the big wood door she was asking herself if she would have seen Mircea that day. She threw the umbrella in a corner and she run on the stairs to the second floor, grumping about the fact that there was not an elevator. She started running in the hall that was bringing to the class but there was nobody; probably she was really really late. While she was trying to look at the time on her watch, she hit someone she did not see in the dark. He arrived from nowhere. The hit almost made her fall but two strong arms caught her. The stranger supported her for a while, trying to make her find the equilibrium. Her head was spinning a little bit but she apologized as fast as possible and she looked at him.

      He was a young man, brown hair, tall with a deep look. His eyes were so deep that Selena felt scared for a little and she felt like she had to beware, even if he saved her from falling. She murmured again some apologies and she run to the class, trembling over all her body. She hoped she had never have to meet the stranger again.

      But her wish was not accomplished.

      A new professor for movies and theater was announced. Emilian was talking in such a way about him that he had to be important and quite famous. Everyone, including Selena, was thrilled about the news. There were complaints from everyone in the last classes, because all the students wanted to do more acting that journalism and news presenter. So, Emilian, decided to hire a professional actor for a separate class so everyone could have the possibility to practice more. The class would have been more complex, mixing movie and theater elements; there would have been more meetings with professional and famous people and it sounded interesting. Selena was more and more surprised by Emilian. He was thinking about everything and he wanted to always to do more stuff. She underestimated him, she had to admit that.

      Now, when she was waking up in the morning, the first thing she was thinking about was if that day she had the acting class. Slowly, her new obsession took over her mind almost all the time. Her coworkers, by seeing her distracted like that, stopped to mocking her and started to look at her as someone who had other thoughts than work in mind. Only Andreea did not know…Even if she would have known who cares. We are talking about the free time of an employer who could use that time without giving explanations. Selena regretted just the fact that she was missing a lot of classes because of work, her schedules made her stay at work most part of the day and Andreea gave her extra thing to do

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