Cursed Hearts. Amy Blankenship

Cursed Hearts - Amy Blankenship

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the teachers claim that I’m not good for anything.” His smile was brilliant as he waved his hand toward the stairs. “I can now prove them all wrong by keeping you from getting lost today.”

      Kyoko thankfully followed him up the stairs as he kept talking about the teachers, who gave homework and who didn’t. When they entered the science class, she noticed it was set up with double desks.

      â€œYeah,” Tasuki frowned. “Everyone already has a partner. The school has a thing about putting double desks in every class.” He shrugged, “but the desk beside mine is empty.”

      Kyoko was just happy that the teacher simply smiled at her then looked away instead of introducing her to the class. Finding a science book already on the desk, she quickly got herself organized as the rest of the students slowly filled the chairs. Tasuki was the last one standing since he was flipping through her book pointing out what chapter they were on.

      â€œTasuki… quit trying to pollinate and take your seat.” The deep male voice came from the front of class making Kyoko turn several shades of red when some of the students turned to look at them. “She may be new, but from the look of her previous grades, I don’t think her lack of a partner will hurt her.”

      â€œIf she needs a partner…” Shinbe walked into the class like he belonged there, “… then I will volunteer.” He handed a slip to the teacher and started for the only empty seat in the room.

      While the teacher looked over the paper, Kyoko’s eyes widened and she moved her stuff out of the chair beside hers. He instantly reminded her of Tasuki because they seemed to have the same hairstyle. But this guy’s eyes weren’t soft brown like Tasuki’s… she could have sworn they were amethyst. Where Tasuki tried to look like a rock star, this guy didn’t have to try… he simply did.

      â€œWill you share it with me?” Shinbe locked his gaze with hers as he took his seat.

      â€œHeh?” Kyoko so elegantly replied. Why had her temperature just gone through the roof?

      â€œYour book,” Shinbe smirked wondering what she was thinking. “There seems to only be one.”

      â€œOh. Yes.” Kyoko nodded sliding the book between them as he slid his chair right up against hers. She silently wondered if it was a rule somewhere that the new girl had to blush all day long.

      Looking past him at Tasuki, she noticed her new friend’s smile had vanished and he was rapidly tapping his pencil against his desk as he stared a hole in her new partner. He wasn’t the only one staring. It seemed every girl in the room decided they needed something out of their book bag so they could turn and look.

      Shinbe placed an elbow on the desk and leaned in to block her view of the guy he’d seen lead her up the stairs from the office by the hand. “Looks like you’ll have a partner after all. Name's Shinbe,” He winked wanting her full attention.

      An hour later Kyoko was almost sad to see class come to an end. Shinbe had turned out to be a lot of fun as they did that day’s science experiment. Only their table and Tasuki's table had gotten it right.

      Shinbe picked up their shared science book the same time she did. Placing his hand over hers, he pulled her toward him. As she stared up at him with those big emerald eyes, it was all he could do not to wrap his arm around her waist and bring her flush against him. “I’ll keep this,” his voice was husky then evened out as he added, “Since there’s no homework.” His thumb caressed the back of her hand as he listened to her heartbeat speed up.

      Kyoko nodded, feeling herself go weak in the knees, then pulled her hand away from his reluctantly. There was something about him that made her want to crawl up in his arms and that was just disturbing. She turned around to grab her backpack off the floor but noticed someone else’s arm already reaching for it.

      Tasuki scooped the book bag up before she could and quickly squeezed in between her and Shinbe. “Ready for calculus?”

      Kyoko nodded glad for the distraction. “Never.” She laughed at the look on Tasuki’s face.

      Tasuki caught on to the joke, rolling his eyes and groaning. “Yeah, every time I think I have math figured out, they throw something even stupider up on the chalk board just so they can laugh at me.” He grabbed Kyoko’s hand, pulling her behind him, “Come on, I’ll show you the way to hell.”

      Shinbe watched them leave with his eyes narrowed on the hand that was holding hers so possessively. “He thinks he knows what hell is, eh? I can show him the real thing.” Shinbe whispered jealously under his breath. He shrugged off the need to break the boy's fingers.

      Closing his eyes for a moment, he let his powers fan throughout the school in a wave as he searched for any signs that demons were on the prowl. When the wave passed Kyoko and her friend, Shinbe frowned. It wasn’t that the boy was a demon… the aura was strangely familiar.

      In the next classroom, Tasuki started to take her toward the table he knew was open but suddenly stopped in his tracks. Kyoko followed his gaze, and everybody else’s in the classroom. Her eyes widened seeing the long silver hair of the guy she’d seen arguing with the secretary. As if sensing he was being watched, his head slowly turned and his liquid gold eyes captured hers and held her immobile.

      â€œHow many new people do we have starting today?” Tasuki asked no one in particular.

      â€œSix,” Kyoko answered him remembering what the secretary had said.

      â€œMy seat is way up here,” Tasuki said broodingly as she slowly walked past him.

      Kyoko felt a sense of déjà vu when she noticed one math book and that he had already slid it between the two seats as if waiting for her. She pushed the thought aside thinking maybe the teacher had asked him to share it with her before she’d come into the room. The closer she got to him, the more disturbed she felt. It was as if every hormone in her body had just stood up and taken notice.

      When she sat down, he scooted his chair closer and she felt heat creep into her cheeks. Looking out across the room she noticed a couple of the girls were now frowning at her. Knowing this was going to be the longest class in history, Kyoko closed her eyes and rubbed her temple.

      As soon as the math class started their assignment, Kyoko struggled to remember how to do the problems even though she’d learnt this the year before at the boarding school. Seeing Kyou’s hand nearly flying across the page, Kyoko sighed inwardly having become stuck on the second problem.

      The teacher was walking the isles and noticed Kyou was almost finished with the page. “I see you have already learned how to do this Kyou. Would you do me the favor of helping explain it to Kyoko?” The teacher smiled sweetly but didn’t wait on an answer as she turned up the next row of students.

      Kyoko was mortified. She stayed completely still as she watched him push his own papers away. When he leaned toward her to draw hers closer, a lock of his hair slid across her hand. Feeling the cool silkiness, Kyoko confirmed her worst fears… she was so going to fail math this year.

      The corners of Kyou’s lips tilted in the barest hint of a smile as he heard her thoughts. Leaning down so he could look her directly in the eyes, he placed his hand over hers and whispered, “I won’t let you fail.”

      By the end of class, Kyoko had remembered how to do the calculus problems. They’d even finished that night’s homework assignment before class was over. Déjà vu knocked again when he offered to keep the book for them. Seeing Tasuki waiting for her next to the door, she hurried.

      â€œDo you really have home economics?” Kyoko asked him to keep herself from looking over her shoulder at Kyou.

      â€œSure. As a matter of fact, it’s mostly guys taking the class this year.”

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