Lady Diana – Top Secret. Sergio Felleti

Lady Diana – Top Secret - Sergio Felleti

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until the day after to leave for London.

      Diana was sadly wrong, within two hours unimaginable and uncontrollable things would have happened, strange and ghostly events. The Lady will not even notice of falling into a deadly trap, everything will happen like in a horror demonic thriller bringing only cruelty, pain and violent death.

      1997 Saturday, August 30, 9:53 pm: Diana and Dodi are bout to enter in the spacious and elegant lobby of the Ritz. The space of the restaurant is packed full with people, there is not a single table available. Even if Dodi is the owner's son and despite the fact that Diana is the most famous woman in the world, according to what the French maître and the Hotel Ritz Director, Franck Klein, aka Mohamed Al-Fayed's right arm in France, are thinking there is no choice: «If you are not happy to eat standing up or at the bar, you will have to find a different place to eat dinner» (it seemed that Dodi did not have much control in this his hotel). Luckily, a table for the pair was quickly arranged.

      Diana goes to one of the many luxurious toilets to rearrange her hair and make up, then she sits on the comfortable chair of her table, in the middle of the bustling and noisy Espadon restaurant. With her eyes looking down, Diana tries to unwind in her own silence.

      Between a peek and the other, among the curious customers there are also some children. Sat down right there all alone, Diana shows a terrific body appearence, tanned by the Italian sun, but also very tired and hiding an emotion revealed only by her blue eyes, wet with small tears, drops that are struggling to get out.

      1997 Saturday, August 30, 10:00 pm: The Mercedes with darkened windows that was used to pick up the couple from the airport of Paris and to drive them around the capital in that crowded afternoon, is now parked in front of the main entrance of the Ritz.

      1997 Saturday, August 30, 10:08 pm: In a video recorded by the surveillance camera of the main entrance, you can see Henri Paul (deputy chief of the security) while he was parking his Austin. He is back to work and enters the Ritz. After briefly joining his colleagues (security guards) located on the ground floor at the “Vendôme” bar of the Ritz, Paul reaches Dodi.

      In fact, that day Henri Paul should have had a night off. According to our investigators, the reason for which Paul has returned to work is not just to give support to the team of bodyguards, in order to avoid the same pressure that evolved in the presence of the numerous paparazzi and onlookers that afternoon, but it is for the need to report Dodi a vital message regarding the Princess. The recordings from the cameras of the Hotel Ritz show Henri Paul very peaceful, sober and smiling. His steps, his moves and his appearence seem quite normal.

      1997 Saturday, August 30, 10:10 pm: Dodi asks Diana what she would like to eat, however, after placing their order, it becomes noticeable that the eyes of the other customers are fixed upon the couple, and especially upon Diana. She feels embarrassed by those elusive glances of dark nature.

      Suddenly Diana expresses Dodi the wish of wanting to retreat in her own room, to have a bit of privacy. Dinner will then be served in their own Imperial suite number 102 of the luxurious Ritz Hotel.



      1997 Saturday, August 30, 10:20 pm: Henri Paul approaches Dodi in one of the rooms of suite 102 and, confidentially, reveals to him, face-to-face, a piece of news which will disrupt him. Being very formal, Paul refers Dodi to have been contacted by a character, or one of his representatives, however, this person is a very influential man that in this book we will sometimes call: “The French Puppet Master/Collaborator”, his real name is Jean-Pierre Chevènement, and he was the Interior Minister at the time.

      Paul's words are: «This afternoon you rejected our welcome and the presidential security vehicles prepared by French Authorities for the Princess of Wales. Furthermore, you have been repeatedly informed about the agreement set in the past between French Authorities and your father. Parisian Authorities have been disappointed and strongly affected by your denial. Although, even if they nourish a bit of resentment as well as displeasure, they have decided to give you another favourable chance».

      Paul adds: “Chevènement's exact words were: «Therefore, in order to prevent something bad from happening to someone, we wisely advise you not to dare to come out from the Ritz Hotel with the Princess and to not use your vehicle with your security guards. If you wish to take Lady Diana somewhere in Paris, you need to ask for our vehicles and our security agents at our Parisian Authorities. We will richly provide you all of our support”.

      1997 Saturday, August 30, 10:40 pm: It is the night of a beautiful and warm day in late summer, we are in a fairly quiet and deserted Paris. The Eiffel Tower entirely lit up rises above the Napoleonic city, and with its 324 meters of height it looks like a massive diamond. Restaurants, bars and bistros are open, shops and their windows spread the light.

      There are few vehicles circulating on the roads and a low amount of pedestrians, many Parisians are out of town for the holidays. As opposed to that, outside the main entrance of the Ritz Grand Hotel, overlooking the elegant and vast Place Vendôme, there is a lot people and a bustle of cars, motorcycles, photojournalists, onlookers and many tourists armed with cameras and video-cameras. Everyone is hoping for the Princess to appear at the windowsill, to see her, admire and photograph her.

      Dodi and Diana are dining on the first floor of the majestic Imperial Suite of the Ritz, one of the most attractive hotels in the world.

      They are both unaware that this it will be the last night of their life, the final dinner of their existence. According to wire-tapping and bugs that were placed in their suite and based on reports from eyewitnesses (the staff of the Ritz), journalists have established what follows: «Between a word and the other with Diana, Dodi makes and receives several phone calls, even from his father».

      During the first phone call that he receives, someone announces a first message to him. The minute in which Dodi is aware of this message, his attitude changes, he feels disturbed and very concerned. During the second phone calls he gets, someone is talking about an appointment for that same night. Dodi answers to his interlocutor with an uneasy tone: «Let's talk about it face to face in a quiet place».

      Did the content of these phone calls have something to do with the message just received by Henry Paul? Did Dodi have to negotiate an important deal, planned for a long time? Or maybe he had to meet with the same people that were waiting for him at Chez Benoît Restaurant, the bistro on Rue Saint Martin, earlier that afternoon? As we shall see following, the topics of these calls are one of the main keys to the solution of the case on the death of Princess Diana Spencer.


      In an attempt to answer this question and to give a sense to the rest of the events, many journalists-investigators stated and wrote the following, but incomplete, piece of news: «That Saturday night, at the beginning of the first hour of Sunday, August 31, 1997 the couple left the Ritz because Dodi, for work reasons (a big business), was expected at a specific location and they could get there on their own initiative, using a Hotel service car».

      Surely the given address referred to the building of the “Residence Passy Kennedy”, in the XVI Arrondissement of Paris. This Palace, built in the '80s is located on Maison de la Radio, on the Avenue du Prèsident-Kennedy, which extends from the Avenue de New-York along the Seine after the Place de l'Alma. This is also the home of a major consultation agency, which has big companies of the defence industry as clients, such as GIAT Industries, Matra and Thalès.

      Other journalists, however, asserted that at 12:20 am the couple walked out of the back of the Ritz promising and making paparazzi believe that, upon request and need of Diana, they would head to Dodi's house first. Many have said that in reality things went simply like this: at 12:20 am the couple stepped out of the back of the Ritz, which is located on Rue Cambon, entered the Mercedes and set off towards the house of Dodi, who is in Rue Arsène-Houssaye near the Arc of Triumph.

      They would have wanted to spend the entire night in Al-Fayed

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