Unlimited. Darina Grotto
appeared from behind the doors.
Having seen her Victoria was glad and nervous at the same time. Kharon and she didn’t make up a story of their first meeting… Vic didn’t want to lie. But to say “this is Kharon, a man from Hell and I sold my soul to The Devil to get Kharon’s love” wasn’t a good idea.
A woman walking near Vasilisa cooled Vic a few.
‘Vic, hi!’ her friend shouted from far.
‘Hi!’ she answered and nodded at the woman.
She said nothing but silently looked at Vic in replay. Victoria shrugged her shoulders and switched over to Vasilisa.
Her friend was looking at Kharon. It was understandable. Kharon was very attractive. You just wanted to look at him…always and everywhere. His features would be good for everyone.
‘This is Kharon.’ Victoria introduced her company.
‘Vasya..lisa.’ The girl wasn’t even going to hide her admire, desire to look and flashed envy. Vasya shifted her eyes at Vic, expecting her to explain the strange and unexpected acquaintance.
‘Kharon and I… Hm…’ Vic hesitated without knowing how to say and the most important what.
‘Victoria is my girl!’ the demon saved the situation.
‘Well, that’s great!’ Vasilisa said having got nothing. ‘So, you both will tell me your story in a café as I’m devilishly hungry.’
With no discussion they moved to the underground passage. Each of them felt strange at least. Victoria didn’t plan to meet with her friend that day. Besides she was embarrassed because of the woman walking near Vasilisa. Vasilisa didn’t introduce her! As there was no woman!
Kharon was thinking about his phrase – “she’s my girl”. What was he supposed to do to make Vasilisa believe him?
Kharon and Victoria sat at the table and Vasilisa and the woman went to buy meal. The girl was burning her “boyfriend” with her eyes.
‘What’ve I done wrong?’ he asked finally in a low voice.
‘No, no, it’s ok. I like what you said Vasya about us… Now we have to make up the love story…’
‘Oh’ the demon interrupted her, ‘you can trust me and don’t forget to play up to me.’
‘Jesus, everyone has got crazy! I hardly bought my meal. God damn it. Well, tell me: what, when, how?’
The demon glanced at his girl. Vasilisa was staring at both of them, eating the sandwich with almost its cover.
‘Maybe we’ll start from you?’ Vic asked carefully.
‘Nope!’ the friend shook her finger. ‘I’ve got a usual after-three-months breaking up. But you…you’ve got something unusual. Where did you meet, Kharon?’
Vasilisa addressed her question to the man having got that her friend was shy.
‘Three months ago, I was in metro… I saw a girl who was reading something in her notebook without stopping. She was leaned over her writings like a kite, having hid herself in her red hair. I was watching her and didn’t move to scare her. Honestly, I was frenzied. There was something… demonic in the red devil. I couldn’t tear myself away from her. After two stations passed by, I understood that I wanted that girl to look at me. No, I didn’t want but I craved for it. Probably with the help of a thought power I made her eyes tear away from the papers and look at me. Her dark-olive eyes were staring my face for several seconds and it was enough for me to understand that I had to know her name and phone number at least.’
The demon stopped speaking and smiled. The both girls were looking at him, having opened their mouths. Vasilisa forgot herself to be hungry. Victoria was listening to a beautiful story, being a little bit upset with that the reality was different from what the demon was telling.
‘What happened next?’ Vasya asked with her mouth full of meal, after she finally remembered about it.
Kharon kept on telling his fascinating story. Victoria looked at the woman sitting near Vasya. She was silent. She had so whitish eyes. Vic had never seen such eye colour before. They were empty, terrible and colourless like transparent lenses sold for a half of a coin at a second-hand sell. The pupil was dirty with fat fingertip prints, the colour disappeared. You could hardly have looked at such eyes: you would look away because you’d feel sympathy or sick.
Victoria didn’t feel quite herself because of the way the silent woman was looking at her in. Victoria felt like that because of the woman’s paleness and white-pink lips, chapped thoroughly. Her lips were so dry that Victoria instinctively wanted to give water to that woman just to help her in any way.
‘Who’s it?’ Vic asked, interrupted Kharon’s story.
‘Where?’ Vasya looked around.
‘The woman sitting near you. You haven’t introduced us.’
‘The woman?’ Vasilisa asked in surprise, looking over the empty chairs near her.
Kharon was frowning. His face was so serious as if he was in the edge of discovery of something unusual. Maybe it was. Vasilisa smiled, put the rest of her sandwich at the tray and instantly pierced into her friend with her eyes.
‘The woman, right?’ she summed up. ‘What woman? What’s wrong with you, Vic?’
‘This one!’ Victoria said but not in such a confident voice as before, staring into the stranger’s eyes.
‘Listen, you started scaring me. There’s no woman.’ Vasilisa demonstratively got up and sat down on the empty chair.
It seemed like no one, but Victoria saw a greyish fog cloud raised up after Vasilisa sat on “the woman” and next second it came down again at another chair still near Vasilisa.
Little by little Victoria started understanding what woman she saw who no one else saw.
‘You don’t see her, neither, do you?’ Vic asked Kharon with fear.
The man shook his head confusingly, taking the last hope from Victoria to believe her not to be an insane.
‘You mean that you’re still seeing her?’ Vasilisa asked.
‘No.’ Vic said quickly and looked away from the woman. ‘No, I’m just kidding.’
‘I’m glad that it was your trick.’ Kharon decided to say anything.
He, of course, understood more than others that there was nothing about jokes. He perfectly remembered Lucifer’s words and was too afraid of that what was going to happen in future. The wandering witch near the demonic essence was bad for the witch and the demon…
‘Fine.’ Vasilisa exclaimed and turned her eyes to the man. ‘You’ve met in such a romantic way, Kharon!’
‘Yes,’ the man destructed himself from his thoughts. ‘From that very minute it seems to me that I’ve been faced love and I wanna it be nearby.’
Vasilisa mercilessly tortured the poor demon with questions which he answered let his amusing imagination be free. He studied to speak in reality, carefully following the girl’s reaction. He was important to understand what she liked and did not. It was an attempt to put, immerse into a human psychology that the demon thought was something impossible and changeable. He spoke something funny as he thought he expected the girl to laugh but there was confusion and perplexity on her face. He tried to speak of serious things, and she smiled. What could be in her head? How to work with it he didn’t know also.
Victoria wasn’t listening to Kharon’s stories. She was staring at what that no one could see, at what that didn’t exist for anyone. She was observing the woman… the woman spirit which had been following her friend.
Victoria looked aside, called herself a crazy fool in her thoughts. What spirits? Could they exist? Idiotism! Vic didn’t want to think any more about it. There were no ghosts, spirits and other dead.
Vic stared at Kharon trying to switch over to his unbelievable