Christmas Wish Come True: All I Want For Christmas / Dreaming of a White Wedding / Christmas Every Day. Gina Rochelle

Christmas Wish Come True: All I Want For Christmas / Dreaming of a White Wedding / Christmas Every Day - Gina  Rochelle

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it worried him.


      Isabella saw him first, but it was Tyler who jumped up to greet his uncle when Jordan entered.

      “Uncle Jordan! We waited! We waited!” He ran to the box and retrieved the star, then went to Jordan. “Lift me up!”

      Jordan dutifully obeyed, hoisting Tyler to the top of the tree. “Now the lights, the lights,” Tyler insisted, waiting in gleeful anticipation as Isabella plugged them in. They all stood together, gazing at the beautiful spectacle in the middle of the living room. Emily, pleased by the sight of the three of them looking like a happy family, decided to slip out quietly.

      She stepped past the coffee table, catching her knee on the edge of the ornament box, tipping it over. The silver chest slipped out, falling with a thud on the hard wood floor. The three adults looked toward the noise simultaneously. The lock was sprung and the chest popped open. Jordan’s expression was fixed on the diamond solitaire ring that rolled out, watching as it twirled to a stop by the wall. Isabella picked up the chest, quickly tucking back some photos that peeked out.

      “Oh no,” Emily exclaimed, moving to the ring and scooping it up. She stood there holding it, her eyes filled with concern. “I’m so sorry,” she said to Jordan.

      Jordan clutched Tyler a bit closer, as if to shield him. “No worries. It’s not doing any good in that box anyway, Emily. You take it – sell it. Donate the money to the shelter.”

      “Well, all right – if you’re sure?”

      “I’m sure,” he said firmly.

      “What about these?” Isabella asked quietly, holding the box open to reveal the stack of photographs. Jordan barely glanced at them.

      “They belong to him.” His eyes moved to the boy in his arms. “When he’s ready.” He set Tyler down and ruffled his hair. “You did a great job tonight, buddy. I’m going to take a shower. Would you like Isabella to tuck you in?” When Tyler nodded, he said, “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”

      “Okay,” Tyler replied, his head down.

      Isabella watched as Emily hugged Tyler. “It’s a beautiful tree, darling. Soon, Santa will come and admire it, too. Aren’t you excited about that?”

      Tyler nodded again, but the familiar uncertainty returned to his face. Isabella wondered if he was remembering his disappointment over last year’s wish. Or maybe he recognized his mother’s silver chest. Either way, she was more determined than ever to make things as close to right as possible for him.

      It was a quiet Sunday morning. Jordan left early, and Emily took Tyler along once again, saying he’d done such a good job decorating his Christmas tree that she needed his help with the one at the shelter. Isabella was grateful for this time alone. She needed to recharge her batteries from her first week of non-stop efforts where Jordan and Tyler’s relationship was concerned. She was just a substitute teacher, not a family psychologist. Thank goodness Tyler had someone to talk to at school. But here at home, Isabella was overwhelmed by the prospect of explaining why Santa couldn’t bring his parents back on Christmas morning. Not to mention the looming disaster of Jordan’s probable plan to let the Forresters take Tyler in. With the baby steps they’d made since she’d been here, she hoped there was a chance Jordan would change his mind.

      She threw herself back in her bed, succumbing to the wave of helplessness that hit her. Jordan’s work had been keeping him so busy, getting an opportunity to speak to him was a challenge in itself. And, the last time she’d been completely alone with him, very little talking had been done.

      Isabella closed her eyes, remembering how he’d kissed her. So hot. And though the foolish dreamer in her wished for more kisses, more of Jordan, her inner realist could only hope that Tyler would be okay when Christmas was over.

      She rolled onto her side. How well did Jordan know the couple who wanted Tyler – Kim and Derek’s friends? He’d only just learned about Tyler after his brother and sister-in-law were killed, but surely he’d met them, at least. She’d known him long enough to be sure he’d do what he thought was best for his nephew. So, they must be decent people. She hoped.

      Isabella jumped out of bed and headed to the main house for coffee. The kitchen telephone was ringing and she hurried through the door to answer it, thinking it could be Emily or Jordan. “Yes…hello?”

      “Oh. Hello. Er – is this the Butler residence?” The woman on the other end sounded surprised.

      “Yes,” Isabella answered her.

      There was a slight pause, then the woman responded carefully. “May I ask who I’m speaking with, then?”

      A cattiness rose in Isabella. She had the distinct impression the woman assumed she was Jordan’s girlfriend, and Isabella surprised herself by allowing her to think it. “Isabella. Jordan is out. Would you like to leave a message for him?”

      “This is Abby Forrester. I’m…” She sounded choked up. “I was Kim’s best friend.”

      Isabella’s interest sharpened. She attempted to make the woman feel at ease now. “I’m sorry for your loss, Mrs. Forrester. I’m Tyler’s teacher and…live-in guest.”

      “You mean, his nanny?” Abby Forrester asked.

      “No, I wouldn’t say that. The arrangement is only temporary…”

      “I’m sorry, Miss…Isabella,” Abby said. “It’s none of my business, really. I called to talk to Jordan about visiting Tyler today, if that’s possible. Kim wanted my husband – Zach – and me to be a part of his life.”

      Isabella was at a loss for words. She hadn’t considered that Kim might have chosen the Forresters as Tyler’s guardians. Thankfully, Abby Forrester eased her concerns.

      “Don’t get me wrong,” Abby continued. “Jordan is Tyler’s uncle – and he should be with family now, of course. We discussed visits later on, but since we’re in the area, we’d like to stop by, if you think Jordan wouldn’t mind?”

      “Well, I don’t know.” Isabella paused. It wasn’t her place to give consent for the couple to visit Tyler. But, since Jordan was considering them as possible parents for Tyler, he shouldn’t mind if they came over. And anyway, she’d like the chance to meet them – see what she was up against on her mission to keep Tyler with Jordan. “When did you want to come over?”

      “I know it’s short notice, but we’re Christmas shopping in Denver today. And…it seemed like a perfect opportunity to drop off the gifts we bought for Tyler.”

      Isabella knew Emily wouldn’t be home with Tyler until sometime after noon. And Jordan, well, that was anybody’s guess. “I’m the only one here this morning. However…” she took a deep breath “…I don’t see why you can’t stop by and drop off the presents. Tyler’s with Emily, but maybe they’ll return before you leave.”

      Abby Forrester hesitated, her voice muffled as she spoke to another person. Isabella assumed it was Zach Forrester. “All right, Isabella,” she answered after a moment. “Thank you. We’ll be there within the hour.”


      Jordan stared at the sprawling brick structure. It was a single-story building, but with lots of square footage, enough to fill the needs of the entire city. This project had been his saving grace, since the accident. It occupied his thoughts, kept him from falling into the dark abyss of regret. He’d spent every spare minute orchestrating the construction, even rolling up his sleeves and doing some heavy lifting himself. It took his mind off the deaths. First, burying Kim. Then accepting that Derek was gone, too.

      Jordan was told the couple died after their car went over a steep cliff above Horsetooth Reservoir, in Fort Collins, just north of Denver. His brother was never

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