Collins Complete Guide to British Trees: A Photographic Guide to every common species. Paul Sterry
WILLOW Salix caprea
Greyish to yellowish brown with a rough texture at first, but smooth later; buds yellowish, ovoid to clog-like, and rather congested towards the shoot tip.
Slender, straight and greyish, downy at first but smooth later; buds flattened and silky.
ENGLISH ELM Ulmus procera
Slender and downy; often zigzag at the nodes. Buds tiny, and ovoid to spherical.
WYCH ELM Ulmus glabra
Dark greyish brown with coarse hairs; twigs often look knobbly and are not straight, with side shoots often reflexed. Buds tiny and dark brown.
SYCAMORE Acer pseudoplatanus
Reddish brown, often tinged greenish, marked with lenticels; buds ovoid, swollen and greenish.
NORWAY MAPLE Acer platanoides
Yellowish grey to pinkish brown, smooth with lenticels; buds ovoid and reddish.
HORSE-CHESTNUT Aesculus hippocastanum
Thick and straight, reddish grey and marked with horseshoe-shaped leaf scars; buds reddish brown, pointed and sticky.
ASH Fraxinus excelsior
Stout and greyish, swollen below buds, and sometimes yellowish there; buds blackish and mitre-shaped.
ASPEN Populus tremula
Straight between nodes, but overall rather arching, yellowish brown and shiny eventually; buds long and sharply pointed.
BLACK-POPLAR Populus nigra ssp. betulifolia
Knobbly and irregular, greyish in older sections of twigs but new growth yellowish; buds yellowish brown and sharply pointed.
GREY POPLAR Populus × canescens
Rather irregular, yellowish grey, downy at first but soon smooth and shiny; buds yellowish brown, narrow and very sharply pointed.
SILVER BIRCH Betula pendula
Yellowish to purplish brown and hairless, although white warts create a rough texture; buds ovoid and pointed, greenish and reddish brown.
SILVER BIRCH Betula pendula
Catkins appear on bare twigs by late winter; male and female flowers in separate catkins.
DOWNY BIRCH Betula pubescens
Yellowish brown to purplish, with downy hairs especially towards shoot tips; buds ovoid and greenish and reddish brown.
SWEET CHESTNUT Castanea sativa
Greyish yellow with a few, elongated lenticels, swollen below the buds; buds yellowish red, swollen and pointed.
Straight between nodes but zigzagging, shiny and reddish; buds swollen and reddish.
LIME Tilia × europaea
Reddish to yellowish brown, hairless and shiny; buds ovoid to spherical, swollen and reddish.
Yellowish to reddish, or greyish in shade, downy at first but soon hairless and shiny; buds ovoid, the reddish-brown scales tipped with greyish hairs.
ROWAN Sorbus aucuparia
Yellowish brown to purplish, downy at first but soon smooth; buds conical and purplish brown but scales have long, greyish hairs.
WILD SERVICE-TREE Sorbus torminalis
Slender, shiny and yellowish to greyish brown; buds green and spherical to ovoid.
WILD CHERRY Prunus avium
Rather straight, yellowish brown but with a grey bloom; buds narrow-conical and yellowish to purplish brown.
BIRD CHERRY Prunus padus
Greyish brown with paler, elongated lenticels; buds narrow, elongated and pointed.
CRAB APPLE Malus sylvestris
Greyish brown or yellowish, hairless and shiny; buds ovoid and reddish brown, with downy tips.
HORNBEAM Carpinus betulus
Slender and irregular, hairy at first but soon smooth; buds slender and pointed.
Greyish to pale purplish and often rather knobbly; buds orange-brown and ovoid.