Lillian Too’s Smart Feng Shui For The Home: 188 brilliant ways to work with what you’ve got. Lillian Too

Lillian Too’s Smart Feng Shui For The Home: 188 brilliant ways to work with what you’ve got - Lillian  Too

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luck of the next generation. Your children will find it difficult to fulfill their ambitions – they will lack motivation and may feel alienated from the family. The most badly affected will be the young girls of the household, as the west area stands for the youngest daughter. Correct the imbalance of luck here by placing several six- or sevenrod metallic windchimes. The sounds of the windchimes will awaken the metal energy here, making it possible to redress the imbalance.

      The northwest sector

      In this area a missing corner will severely curtail the luck of the patriarch; sometimes, the husband can be encouraged to leave the household. The family will also find it hard to attract helpful people or patrons, which is considered to be a severe affliction. The Chinese identify this luck as one of the most important kinds of luck for getting ahead and being successful. It is vital to either regularize this section with mirrors or build an extension here. If this is not possible, hang six sets of six-rod windchimes to make up for the missing corner.

      The north sector

      In this sector, a missing corner curtails the career prospects and success potential of the family members. Anyone with a missing north sector will find it hard to get a promotion at work or thrive afterwards. The best remedy is to place a water feature here with moving water, such as a small fountain or fish tank. This creates yang water which enhances the chi of this corner, and helps to correct the imbalance. A missing north sector particularly affects the fortunes of the middle son.

      The northeast sector

      A missing corner here affects the knowledge luck of the family. Literary pursuits will be hard to achieve, and those sitting examinations will find it harder to do well. A missing corner here is bad news for families with children who are still at school or who are attending college. The best way to correct a missing northeast corner is to place a large boulder there, or emphasize the Earth energy of this sector by painting the wall a prominent Earth color, such as yellow. A missing northeast corner affects the youngest son.

      The east sector

      In this area, a missing corner affects the family’s good health, and the children of the family are especially affected. Correct this space by placing a strong and healthy plant in the east. A missing east sector is very bad also for descendants’ luck, as it curtails the luck of the eldest son.

      The southeast sector

      This is a particularly bad area to be missing as it affects the wealth and income luck of the corner. When this part of the home is missing, the family wealth too suffers as it is affected in a negative way. Re-balance this area by painting the wall a bright green color or by placing a large plant here. Or better still, hang a wall mirror and let it reflect the plant thereby creating a garden effect in this particular corner.

      If you use a yang water feature it will also do wonders for your wealth and your prosperity luck. A missing southeast corner reduces the luck of the eldest daughter.

      Curing missing corners

       This floor plan shows missing southwest and northwest corners, curtailing a family’s popularity.

      29 – using mirrors to cure missing corners

       Mirrors are powerful expanders of energy and can be used in certain situations to deal with missing corners in the home. But be careful; if placed in the wrong area, they can create havoc.

      In addition to using Element remedies in the home, as suggested previously, a more powerful way of dealing with missing corners is to fill in the corner with an extension or install a bright light to raise the energy of the missing area. Usually, some kind of overhead shelter is required for the remedy to take full effect. However, if you are on a budget or have space constraints, you may wish to use a full wall mirror to visually create space where it does not exist.

      Placing wall mirrors

      This solution, however, should only be used if the mirror does not have to be installed inside a bedroom. It is always important to remember that in solving one feng shui problem you do not want to create another bigger one. If you place a mirror wall inside a bedroom it brings in a great amount of unsettling energy, which can lead to some unfortunate consequences. So the main taboo for using mirrors to correct missing corners is not to put them on bedroom walls.

      In the sketch shown on the right here, the missing corner of this apartment is occupied by the lift lobby. Here, it is easy enough to place a wall mirror on the wall of the living room as shown. If this missing corner is located in a compass direction where the luck of a family member is considered as particularly important to the residents’ aspiration, this mirror cure should definitely be put into place. The mirror placed here will have the effect of visually expanding the space and correcting the missing corner.

       When correcting a missing corner, such as the one shown here which is occupied by an elevator shaft, always use mirrors in living or dining areas rather than kitchens or bedrooms. You must make sure that any mirror you install does not reflect a toilet, a staircase, a bed, a door, or ugly scenery.

      30 – guidelines for using wall mirrors

       Wall mirrors can be excellent feng shui features, when placed correctly to expand an auspicious space or to visually extend into a missing corner as a remedy.

      However, it is also important to remember the locations in which it is not advisable to place them at all.

      Mirror placement

       Full wall mirrors should be high enough so that they do not seem to “cut” into the head of anyone, or cut off their feet, so it is best that they start from floor level.

       The wall mirror should ideally reflect an auspicious space, so it should not reflect a toilet, a staircase, a kitchen stove, or oven, and most importantly it should not directly reflect the main door, as this creates an immediate outflow of the fresh chi energy that has only just entered the home. If you have installed such a mirror, then place something between the mirror wall and the door so that you force the chi to linger and be diverted.

       It is best not to install mirrors anywhere in the bedroom, especially when it reflects the bed directly. This is a serious affliction and will create sleepless nights at best and severe problems between the couple sleeping on the bed at worst. If you have to have a mirror in the bedroom, never have it facing the bed, and cover it at night.

       Mirrors are excellent in the dining room as they symbolically double the food at the table. However do not have a mirror reflecting the kitchen stove, as this accentuates the Fire Element and has the effect of bringing about accidents for the residents.

       Mirrors are preferable to mirror tiles, but if you do use tiles, make sure that they do not cause any degree of distortion.

       Mirrors directly above a fireplace are a good feature as long as the mirror is not reflecting the door. In small spaces such as narrow foyer areas, hallways, or small corners, mirrors are excellent conductors of chi. Also, a mirror on the wall is excellent for breaking the monotony of a long narrow corridor, and for slowing chi.

       Mirror tiles should be large and not cause distortion. Healthy plants reflected

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