Your Chinese Horoscope 2009: What the Year of the Ox Holds in Store for You. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope 2009: What the Year of the Ox Holds in Store for You - Neil  Somerville

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over the year will lead to an increase in income. However, the Wood Rat’s outgoings will be considerable this year and could be made all the greater by new commitments. As a result, the Wood Rat will need to manage his finances very carefully and if entering into any new agreement, check the obligations he is taking on and make allowance for them in his budget. Financially, this is a year for careful control. Wood Rats, do take note.

      The Ox year may be a busy one, but the Wood Rat should not let his interests, recreation or level of exercise suffer as a result. By setting time aside for recreation, he will not only derive pleasure from what he does but also be able to relax and bring balance to his lifestyle. Any interests that take him out of doors, give him the chance of additional exercise or allow him to meet others will be particularly beneficial.

      In many respects the Ox year is encouraging for the Wood Rat, but to get the best out of it he will need to put himself forward. For the determined, what is achieved now can be an important foundation that can be built on in following years. Overall, the Wood Rat will benefit from the encouragement of those around him and many will enjoy some very special times in their personal life.


      Believe in yourself and be persistent. With your strengths and support, you can achieve a great deal this year, but it does rest with you to act determinedly and move forward.

       The Fire Rat

      The Ox year offers considerable scope for the Fire Rat and by making the most of his situation he can make this a satisfying and constructive time.

      For Fire Rats born in 1996 this will be an important year with a lot being asked of them. There will be new challenges in their education as they move on to more complex work and they will sometimes feel daunted by all they have to do. However, the Fire Rat should realize he is not alone and those around often feel the same way as he does. By focusing on what needs to be done and giving his best, he will find himself mastering a great deal and making satisfactory progress. And, as so many have found, he will learn more by being challenged than by having things too easy. The emphasis of the Ox year is on commitment and effort, and by giving this, the Fire Rat will be helping his present situation and building the skills and knowledge he can use in following years.

      The Fire Rat will enjoy a wide variety of recreational pursuits over the year. Whether in sport and outdoor activities or interests that allow him to express himself and draw on his ideas, by using the chances he has to develop and enjoy his skills, he can take much satisfaction in what he does. Also, if there are any after-school groups or local clubs he could join that could help him to try out more, he should make the most of them.

      With his outgoing nature the Fire Rat will also enjoy a wide range of friendships, and by being involved in various interests, he can look forward to a great deal of fun. Over the year many Fire Rats will value one friendship in particular and will be especially grateful for the opportunity to share confidences. In addition the Fire Rat will often benefit from the help and encouragement he is given over the year and whenever he has concerns or is troubled over something, whether an academic matter or perhaps something else at school, it is important that he mentions this to others rather than keeps it to himself. By being forthcoming, he will find that others will be better able to assist and understand. Similarly, if there is any skill or interest he would like to take up or develop further, he should let others know. He does need to be open for his hopes to be realized.

      There will also be opportunities for many Fire Rats to travel over the year and whether these involve short trips to places of interest or longer journeys, the Fire Rat will often enjoy the chance to see places new to him. His adventurous and enquiring spirit can be well satisfied this year.

      For Fire Rats born in 1936 this can also be a satisfying time. As the Ox year starts, they would do well to give some thought to what they would like to do over the year and to discuss their ideas with others. With some clear aims, whether concerning household or garden projects, interests they are keen to pursue, travel or outings they would like to undertake, they will find they are not only able to direct their energies more profitably but that more will happen. As the Chinese proverb states, well begun is half done, and good planning early in 2009 can lead to a more fulfilling year. Also, the Fire Rat will be well supported by loved ones over the year.

      The Ox year is a particularly encouraging one as far as the Fire Rat’s personal interests are concerned and over the year many Fire Rats will enjoy furthering their knowledge and talents. Creative activities are especially favoured and those Fire Rats who enjoy art, craftwork, writing, photography or music will find their pursuits bringing much personal satisfaction. In addition, if they are able to meet others with similar interests, they will not only enjoy sharing their knowledge but also find this can lead to some special occasions. By making good use of their time, skills and opportunities, they will be well rewarded.

      The Ox year will also bring some good travel opportunities, including invitations to visit those living some distance away. In addition, if there is a particular destination the Fire Rat has been promising himself that he will visit, he would do well to make enquiries and see what is possible.

      As far as financial matters are concerned, however, the Fire Rat will need to be careful and thorough. This includes budgeting for commitments and plans as well as dealing with any financially related forms or correspondence promptly. If he is in any doubt over a financial matter, he would do well to seek advice. With care and attentiveness he will be pleased with how he fares, but this is a year for good financial management.

      The Ox year is a generally positive one for Fire Rats and, whether born in 1936 or 1996, if he makes the most of his situation, he will often take much satisfaction in what he is able to achieve. Overall, the Ox year holds interesting prospects and fine opportunities for many.


      Embrace new challenges. By furthering your knowledge and skills you will find yourself gaining in a variety of ways.

       The Earth Rat

      This will be a pleasing year for the Earth Rat, giving him a good chance to concentrate on his plans and derive satisfaction from his activities.

      Many of the Earth Rats in work will have been involved in recent change and in the Ox year they will often have more chance to focus on their particular duties and use their strengths to advantage. However, while this will be an often more fulfilling year, there will still be pressures and sometimes problems to be overcome. Nevertheless, the Ox year does bring out the best in people and it will give the Earth Rat the chance to draw on his often considerable experience. Over the year many colleagues will look to him for advice and some Earth Rats will be given the role of mentoring and training others. Work-wise, this may be a busy year, but it can be a satisfying one.

      Many Earth Rats will remain with their present employer during the year, but for those keen to move on to greater responsibilities or alter their commitments, the Ox year can again bring good opportunities. However, these do need to be sought out and those Earth Rats intent on change will need to make enquiries as well as be active in seeking advice and information. Sometimes the changes they may be considering could have other implications, perhaps financial or involving alterations to their working pattern, and these do need to be carefully thought through. These Earth Rats’ plans will take time and effort to achieve, but by remaining alert, they will find possibilities opening up for them. The period from March to mid-April and June, October and November could see some interesting developments.

      This also applies to those Earth Rats seeking work. By widening the scope of what they are prepared to consider and persisting in their quest, many will secure a position that will prove an interesting way both to use and extend their experience.

      Another benefit of the year will be the chance the Earth Rat has to add to his skills. In his work this could be through taking on new responsibilities, but as far as his personal interests are concerned, if there is a technique or skill that could help him get more from what he does, he should set time aside to acquire this. Whether through

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