Your Chinese Horoscope 2015: What the year of the goat holds in store for you. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope 2015: What the year of the goat holds in store for you - Neil  Somerville

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to this legend, one Chinese New Year the Buddha invited all the animals in his kingdom to come before him. Unfortunately, for reasons best known to the animals, only 12 turned up. The first to arrive was the Rat, followed by the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and finally Pig. In gratitude, the Buddha decided to name a year after each of the animals and that those born during that year would inherit some of the personality of that animal. Therefore those born in the year of the Ox would be hardworking, resolute and stubborn, just like the Ox, while those born in the year of the Dog would be loyal and faithful, just like the Dog. While it is not possible that everyone born in a particular year can have all the characteristics of the sign, it is incredible what similarities do occur, and this is partly where the fascination of Chinese horoscopes lies.

      In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence upon the signs. Details about the effects of the elements are given in each of the chapters on the signs.

      To find out which sign you were born under, refer to the tables on the following pages. As the Chinese year is based on the lunar year and does not start until late January or early February, it is particularly important for anyone born in those two months to check carefully the dates of the Chinese year in which they were born.

      Also included, in the appendix, are two charts showing the compatibility between the signs for personal and business relationships and details about the signs ruling the different hours of the day. From this it is possible to locate your ascendant and, as in Western astrology, this has a significant influence on your personality.

      In writing this book I have taken the unusual step of combining the intriguing nature of Chinese horoscopes with the Western desire to know what the future holds, and have based my interpretations upon various factors relating to each of the signs. Over the years in which Your Chinese Horoscope has been published I have been pleased that so many have found the sections on the forthcoming year of interest and hope that the horoscope has been constructive and useful. Remember, though, that at all times you are master of your own destiny.

      I sincerely hope that Your Chinese Horoscope 2015 will prove interesting and helpful for the year ahead.

      Ox 6 February 1913 to 25 January 1914

      Tiger 26 January 1914 to 13 February 1915

      Rabbit 14 February 1915 to 2 February 1916

      Dragon 3 February 1916 to 22 January 1917

      Snake 23 January 1917 to 10 February 1918

      Horse 11 February 1918 to 31 January 1919

      Goat 1 February 1919 to 19 February 1920

      Monkey 20 February 1920 to 7 February 1921

      Rooster 8 February 1921 to 27 January 1922

      Dog 28 January 1922 to 15 February 1923

      Pig 16 February 1923 to 4 February 1924

      Rat 5 February 1924 to 23 January 1925

      Ox 24 January 1925 to 12 February 1926

      Tiger 13 February 1926 to 1 February 1927

      Rabbit 2 February 1927 to 22 January 1928

      Dragon 23 January 1928 to 9 February 1929

      Snake 10 February 1929 to 29 January 1930

      Horse 30 January 1930 to 16 February 1931

      Goat 17 February 1931 to 5 February 1932

      Monkey 6 February 1932 to 25 January 1933

      Rooster 26 January 1933 to 13 February 1934

      Dog 14 February 1934 to 3 February 1935

      Pig 4 February 1935 to 23 January 1936

      Rat 24 January 1936 to 10 February 1937

      Ox 11 February 1937 to 30 January 1938

      Tiger 31 January 1938 to 18 February 1939

      Rabbit 19 February 1939 to 7 February 1940

      Dragon 8 February 1940 to 26 January 1941

      Snake 27 January 1941 to 14 February 1942

      Horse 15 February 1942 to 4 February 1943

      Goat 5 February 1943 to 24 January 1944

      Monkey 25 January 1944 to 12 February 1945

      Rooster 13 February 1945 to 1 February 1946

      Dog 2 February 1946 to 21 January 1947

      Pig 22 January 1947 to 9 February 1948

      Rat 10 February 1948 to 28 January 1949

      Ox 29 January 1949 to 16 February 1950

      Tiger 17 February 1950 to 5 February 1951

      Rabbit 6 February 1951 to 26 January 1952

      Dragon 27 January 1952 to 13 February 1953

      Snake 14 February 1953 to 2 February 1954

      Horse 3 February 1954 to 23 January 1955

      Goat 24 January 1955 to 11 February 1956

      Monkey 12 February 1956 to 30 January 1957

      Rooster 31 January 1957 to 17 February 1958

      Dog 18 February 1958 to 7 February 1959

      Pig 8 February 1959 to 27 January 1960

      Rat 28 January 1960 to 14 February 1961

      Ox 15 February 1961 to 4 February 1962

      Tiger 5 February 1962 to 24 January 1963

      Rabbit 25 January 1963 to 12 February 1964

      Dragon 13 February 1964 to 1 February 1965

      Snake 2 February 1965 to 20 January 1966

      Horse 21 January 1966 to 8 February 1967

      Goat 9 February 1967 to 29 January 1968

      Monkey 30 January 1968 to 16 February 1969

      Rooster 17 February 1969 to 5 February 1970

      Dog 6 February 1970 to 26 January 1971

      Pig 27 January 1971 to 14 February 1972

      Rat 15 February 1972 to 2 February 1973

      Ox 3 February 1973 to 22 January 1974

      Tiger 23 January 1974 to 10 February 1975

      Rabbit 11 February 1975 to 30 January 1976

      Dragon 31 January 1976 to 17 February 1977

      Snake 18 February 1977 to 6 February 1978

      Horse 7 February 1978 to 27

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