Your Chinese Horoscope 2015: What the year of the goat holds in store for you. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope 2015: What the year of the goat holds in store for you - Neil  Somerville

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from their original choice. However, by keeping alert, actively following up vacancies and seizing the chances they are offered, they can not only gain valuable work experience but also establish an important base which they can build on, sometimes quite quickly. March, April, August and October and January 2016 could see particularly encouraging developments.

      The Fire Rat can also see an improvement in his financial position over the year and may benefit from a gift or extra sum of money. However, in view of his busy lifestyle and the many plans and purchases he will have in mind, he will need to be disciplined in spending and budget ahead for certain requirements. Also, rather than rushing into purchases, if he takes the time to make comparisons and wait for favourable buying opportunities, he can save himself unnecessary outlay. This is a year for careful financial management.

      It can, however, be an encouraging time for personal interests. Fire Rats with creative talents could derive particular pleasure from taking their ideas further. Many will also benefit from the encouragement of others and be on inspired form. By being willing to embrace what becomes available to them, all Fire Rats can make this a satisfying and potentially successful year.

      For many Fire Rats, affairs of the heart can also bring some glorious times. Love, romance and special friendships can all play a big part this year. Changes in the Fire Rat’s situation can also lead to new friendships. May, June and August to early October could see the most social activity. However, in this busy and full year, a note of warning does need to be sounded: with a busy social life and some demanding days and late nights, the Fire Rat does need to give himself the chance to catch up. Overtiring himself, overindulging himself or paying scant attention to his diet could leave him not at his best. This can be an exciting year, but the Fire Rat does need to strike a sensible balance.

      Also, although he is often immersed in his own activities, he would do well to share his thoughts with family members as well as contribute to family life. Not only will good dialogue help rapport, but if the Fire Rat is able to express his ideas, he will find those close to him better able to understand and assist. In addition, some expertise the Fire Rat may have, whether technical or in some other capacity, could prove useful to a more senior relative and be of more value than he may realize at the time. In this respect, as with so much this year, a great deal can follow on from the Fire Rat’s willingness to be open and involved.

      Overall, the Year of the Goat is rich in possibility and there will be chances for the Fire Rat to show more of his potential as well as make important headway in his education or work. This will require discipline and application, but by believing in himself the Fire Rat can make valuable progress as well as help determine the course of the next few years. On a personal level, this can be an exciting year, with the Fire Rat making the most of his strengths and his many social opportunities.

      Tip for the Year

      Believe in yourself. Skills, qualifications and experience gained over the year can open up opportunities for you. Make the most of today, for it can lead to an exciting tomorrow.

      The Earth Rat

      The Earth Rat has a talent for using his time well and as the Goat year starts he will almost certainly have projects he is keen to pursue as well as a myriad of activities to keep him busy. However, while a lot can go well for him, it is important that he keeps an open mind. Situations may change and plans should not be set in stone this year.

      It is also important that when he has an idea, the Earth Rat consults those around him and listens to their views. Sometimes just the process of discussion can give him fresh thoughts to consider and set plans in motion. Good dialogue can assist him in many of his undertakings this year, including home and domestic projects, travel, personal interests or any matters preying on his mind. Sometimes professionals can give important advice as well. By seeking the opinions of others (and sometimes a helping hand), the Earth Rat will find that a lot can be achieved this year.

      One area which can bring particular satisfaction will be his personal interests. Creative activities are especially well aspected, and Earth Rats who enjoy art, writing, music or craftwork could take delight in developing their talents. The Goat year offers great possibilities for the willing. Earth Rats who have been considering learning another skill, trying a different pursuit or following up a new area of interest will also benefit from putting their ideas into practice. As family connections are important to the Earth Rat, some may enjoy spending time researching aspects of family history. Whatever his interests, the Earth Rat will find this an ideal year for developing them in some way.

      In addition, he should also give some consideration to his own well-being over the year. If he does not take regular exercise, he should seek medical advice on activities that may help. Here again, he could benefit from the suggestions from others, and in some cases start a pleasurable new activity. The Goat year can open up many possibilities.

      Travel may also feature prominently over the year and many Earth Rats will have the chance to visit areas they have long wanted to see. Some will also enjoy finding out more about their own area, perhaps by visiting places of interest. The Earth Rat’s enquiring nature can lead to many enjoyable occasions.

      Another pleasing aspect of the year will be the strokes of luck the Earth Rat will enjoy. These will not only include the way certain plans are fortuitously advanced but the special offers the Earth Rat is able to take advantage of, including travel-wise.

      Financially, too, the aspects are encouraging, with many Earth Rats benefiting from the receipt of extra funds. However, the Earth Rat will need to remain disciplined and budget for specific requirements. The more control he exercises, the more he will be able to benefit.

      With his genial nature, the Earth Rat will welcome meeting up with his friends during the year and some of them will be able to offer specific advice based on personal knowledge. New activities can also bring him into contact with other people and any Earth Rat who is lonely will find that taking part in community activities or joining a local group can be good ways to meet others.

      The Earth Rat can also look forward to some exciting developments in his domestic life. Many Earth Rats will see the birth of grandchildren or great-grandchildren. The Earth Rat will take a caring interest in the different activities of family members and there will be times this year when he will feel justifiably proud of their achievements. Also, just as he is keen to support close relatives, so he in turn will benefit from what they are able to do for him, whether it is providing assistance with practical tasks or offering technical advice. Shared activities can also be enjoyable. Whether the Earth Rat and others are tackling projects together or going to places of interest, they can enjoy many memorable occasions. In so many ways, this can be a fulfilling and stimulating time for the Earth Rat.

      Overall, with his ideas and talents and the good support he is likely to enjoy, the Earth Rat can achieve a great deal. He does need to be flexible in some undertakings, but he will be pleased by the range of things he is able to do as well as delight in some of his new activities. This is an encouraging year full of possibility.

      Tip for the Year

      Don’t be restrictive in your outlook. Follow up ideas, try out new activities and keep alert for emerging opportunities. This is a year to explore, to be inventive – and to enjoy yourself.

      Famous Rats

      Ben Affleck, Ursula Andress, Louis Armstrong, Lauren Bacall, Dame Shirley Bassey, Kathy Bates, Irving Berlin, Kenneth Branagh, Marlon Brando, Charlotte Brontë, Jackson Browne, George H. W. Bush, Glen Campbell, Jimmy Carter, Jeremy Clarkson, Aaron Copland, Cameron Diaz, David Duchovny, Duffy, T. S. Eliot, Eminem, Colin Firth, Pope Francis I, Clark Gable, Liam Gallagher, Al Gore, Hugh Grant, Lewis Hamilton, Thomas Hardy, Prince Harry, Charlton Heston, Buddy Holly, Mick Hucknall, Henrik Ibsen, Jeremy Irons, Samuel L. Jackson, LeBron James, Jean-Michel Jarre, Scarlett Johansson, Gene Kelly, Avril Lavigne, Jude Law, Gary Lineker, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ian McEwan, Katie Melua, Claude Monet, Olly Murs, Richard Nixon, Ozzy Osbourne, Brad Paisley, Sean Penn, Katy Perry, Philippe I, King of the Belgians, Sir Terry

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