A Diva in Manhattan: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance. Aubrie Dionne

A Diva in Manhattan: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance - Aubrie  Dionne

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no, no. It’s no bother. It’s just what you’re looking for doesn’t exist.” Phil shut off his phone and stuffed it back in the pocket of his jeans. “Too bad you can’t rent a jet and fly her there.”

      Wait a second. Mrs. DeBarr had said to do whatever it took. Brett pointed at Phil. “That’s not a bad idea.”

      Phil stood and they stared walking back to the construction site. “I was joking, man. Where you gonna get the money for something like that?”

      Brett clapped his friend on the shoulder feeling more confident than ever. This would be a night she’d remember. “Leave that to me.”


       Looking Too Hard

      Alaina paced the front of the lobby in her black heels. She’d found a dress like the one she’d worn last night, with a little more glamor. This one was black with a solid top and a lacy underskirt revealing her legs from her ankles to her upper thighs, with a mini dress underneath. It was elegant enough for a formal dinner with a subtle sexuality.

       I hope he likes it.

      She’d forgotten to ask what his car looked like. She could tell a lot about a man from the car he chose to drive, and she wanted to know more about Lance DeBarr. A lot more. There was something so different about him- a cool modesty and a relaxed simplicity that the other guys she met didn’t have. He wasn’t trying to prove himself to anyone. If anything, he was trying to blend in. She could learn from him. She shouldn’t always have to be the center of attention. Life would be much easier for her if she could learn to step aside.

      Maybe then Bianca wouldn’t bother her as much.

      A black limo pulled up to the curb. Anxious nerves climbed up her arms and legs. Was this for her? As much as she wanted to see his car, she never passed up a chance to ride in style.

      Lance stepped out dressed in a crisp, white button down shirt and black slacks, looking laid back, yet classic. His dark brown hair fell in natural waves around his ears, and she longed to run her hands through it. Alaina took a deep breath and stepped through the revolving door.

      The September air hit her like a brisk slap, and she wished she’d brought her fur coat instead of the little black leather one. But this one matched her dress better- and fashion came first. Especially on a first date. Later on down the line she could start bringing out the comfy clothes.

      Lance’s face softened into a fond smile when he saw her, making her feel like they were best friends from way back. “Hi, Alaina.”


      His gaze glanced over her dress. The lace fluttered in the wind, and his eyes settled on the short underskirt. “I like that one, too.”

      “I thought you would.” Any guy who complimented her on her clothes won extra points in her book. It showed he cared enough to notice details.

      He opened the door for her and offered his hand to help her in. She slid her fingers in his, feeling the rough calluses and the warmth of his touch. She didn’t want to let go.

      Alaina slid into her seat. Lance closed the door behind her and circled the limo. He said something to the driver, but she couldn’t make out any words.

      The door on the other side opened, and he sat in the passenger seat behind the driver.

      She adjusted her lacey skirt. “So where are we going?”

      Lance shook his head and “tsked tsked” as though she’d been naughty. “Still a surprise.”

      The driver took off, and Alaina wished she knew something about the evening he’d planned. She pouted her lower lip. “Can’t you give me a clue?”

      Lance crossed his arms and scrunched his mouth to the side, like he was thinking really hard. “Hmm…it’s got something to do with trees.”

      “Trees?” There weren’t that many trees in New York. “We’re not going to Central Park are we?”

      He laughed. “No.”


      His features turned vulnerable. “What’s wrong? You don’t like the outdoors?”

      Did she like the outdoors? She’d never really thought of it before. “To tell you the truth, I haven’t spent much time outdoors. I grew up in this city and went to school at Julliard. Most of my time was spent studying and performing inside concert halls and practice rooms.”

      He furrowed his brow. “Have you ever gone hiking?”





      She shook her head. “Definitely not.”

      “Wow.” He sat back stunned. An awkward silence fell between them.

      Alaina played with her seatbelt, wondering if she’d already ruined their date. Was the outdoors so important to him? Maybe it was like someone telling her they’d never heard opera? She’d probably discount them like they were some type of fool. But was that the right thing to do? Would she want Lance to discount her just because she never held a canoe paddle?

      Opera was the center of her life. But did it define her, or was she more than a beautiful voice? “Why do people go camping anyway?”

      Lance laughed like he didn’t believe she’d just asked that. “The outdoors can be very relaxing. For me, it’s a kind of release, like breathing deeply after holding my breath for too long. It clears my mind and helps me sort things out.”

      Her mind did feel cluttered at times from the traffic, the smog, and the perpetual noise of the city. Maybe she’d been missing out all these years? Alaina reached out and touched his hand. “Just because I haven’t had the experience, doesn’t mean I don’t want to try.”

      Hope glimmered in his eyes. “You sure?”

      “Yeah.” She meant it. Maybe she’d been too narrow minded, always thinking about her concerts and her practicing. “I’ve been focused on my career since I was five and my parents started taking me to auditions. I guess I’ve never had the time to explore other hobbies.”

      He ran his fingers over hers and threaded heir hand together. “Do you have the time for me?”

      Alaina didn’t hesitate. “I’ll make the time.” Once she said it out loud, she realized she had no other choice. She’d regret this for the rest of her life if she didn’t explore what she had with this man.

      He relaxed his shoulders and smiled. “Good, because I think you’re missing out.”

      Alaina glanced out the window. The limo had pulled into the back of the airport and parked next to a hanger. Her jaw dropped.

      “No way. We’re not going on a plane, are we?”

      He nodded and got out of the car. “A Pilatus to be exact.”

      Alaina followed him into the hanger, where two pilots waited by a sleek, white jet. They shook Lance’s hand and helped them up the stairs. Eight leather seats stretched out across the back of the plane. Lance must have ordered champagne, because a bottle waited for them on a small pull out table. He opened it up and poured two glasses as Alaina took her seat.

      “I thought this would help with the jitters.” He handed her a glass and sat beside her.

      “Don’t worry. I fly all the time.” Alaina took the glass and sipped. Even though she did fly around the world- heck she’d

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