Kiss of Death. P.D. Martin

Kiss of Death - P.D.  Martin

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about it later.” I glance at Mercedes and he gives a reluctant nod. He knows it’s out of line to start that conversation when we’re not alone.

      “So tell me about the club.” His tone is much lighter.

      “Don’t know much about it yet. It’s a nightclub near downtown that has two Goth nights and one lesbian night. Guess we’ll know more in a couple of hours.”

      Darren nods. “And I see you’ve got a shopping bag there.” He gives a little raise of the eyebrows. “Can’t wait to see the outfits.” The Darren I like…maybe love…returns.

      Once we’ve finished eating, we start the transformation in my bedroom, leaving Darren to channel-surf in the living room.

      “Looks like you’re in trouble,” Mercedes whispers.

      “It’s not exactly the best start to our few days together, but it can’t be helped.”

      “Are you sure about that? Why don’t we just wait until Thursday?”

      “Darren will cope. Besides, I need to get on top of this angle ASAP. I get the feeling the lead detective isn’t too sure about her decision to call in the Bureau.”

      “And you want to prove yourself?” She frowns.

      “Not prove myself…I just want to be thorough.”

      Mercedes rolls her eyes. “You’re always thorough.”

      “My job’s important to me.” I sound defensive, but I can’t help it.

      “I know.” Mercedes puts her hand on mine. “But you need a life outside of the job. And Darren…he’s a good guy.”

      I sigh. “You’re right. I need to get better at the whole balance thing.” Generally speaking, if I’m not working I’m exercising, and vice versa. And my kung fu takes up a big chunk of time each week too, especially now that I’m working toward my second dan black belt. “This will only take us a few hours and Darren will be fine.” I don’t know if I’m convincing Mercedes or myself.

      Mercedes takes the leather pants I bought out of the VampIt bag. “Most men would forgive anything if they saw their girl in this outfit.” She gives me a big smile and passes the pants to me.

      “Good.” I lay my clothes out on the bed and Mercedes does the same. Looking at the clothes makes me feel like a teenager dressing up for a nightclub or a high school dance. “We need music.”

      “I don’t have anything Goth in my music collection. You?” Mercedes is in her underwear and we both stand at my full-length mirror about to start our makeup.

      “I used to listen to Madonna when I was getting ready in my teens.”

      She shrugs. “I’m up for Madonna. But I don’t think it would help us get into character.”

      I laugh. “Let’s see how we go without any mood music then.”

      We both start with regular moisturizer before applying the base, smoothing it over our faces and necks.

      I check out Mercedes. “That looks nice.” She’s definitely a few shades paler than normal, but doesn’t look like she’s putting on a clown face, either. I take my dressing gown off and mix the foundation with regular moisturizer to tone it down. My arms and décolletage are already pale and won’t need much work, but I want to blend the effect across my upper body, given I’ll be wearing a corset. Once I’ve smoothed the blend over my arms and chest, I use the ash powder to dust my face, arms and chest. It creates an even, velvetlike finish and, just like the girl said, it only lightens the tone of the base by one or two shades.

      I pass the powder to Mercedes. “Knock yourself out.”

      “Thanks.” Mercedes looks at her reflection. “Man, how do you stand being this pale all the time?”

      I give her a light push. “Don’t get me started. I’d trade skin tones any day.” Mercedes’ skin is beautifully smooth and olive. No need for fake tan, or solariums or even a body bronzer.

      She smiles. “Pity you’re not really a Goth.”

      When I’m done, my face, décolletage and arms are Nicole Kidman pale. Mercedes, on the other hand, looks more like my natural skin tone but it’s still enough to give a Goth pallor, especially once we add dark eye shadow and lipstick.

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