Sex By The Numbers. Marie Donovan

Sex By The Numbers - Marie  Donovan

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      “I think I have an idea of what you need…”

      Dane sincerely hoped not.

      “I’ll leave first,” Keeley said, picking up her raincoat. “We don’t want to be seen together.”

      “Good idea.” Dane felt foolish about the cloak-and-dagger stuff, but that didn’t keep him from admiring her ass as she strolled away. She paused and looked over her shoulder to catch him staring. He gave a feeble little wave and her lips curved in a small smile.

      Then she pushed out the café’s door and disappeared.

      Dane exhaled loudly. Had Keeley tried to arouse him on purpose? If so, she’d done a good job. He did have big appetites, and not just for fine food, but for fine women.

      And now he had the sneaking suspicion that he could eat a whole can of cherry filling off another woman’s body and it wouldn’t have the same impact on him as the earlier sight of Keeley’s pink tongue licking her finger clean thanks to that cherry tartlet….


      Dear Reader,

      Keeley Davis, the heroine of Sex by the Numbers, popped onto my computer screen as I was writing my previous book, Bare Necessities. One of the exotic dancers says she needs a costume receipt for her accountant, a former exotic dancer herself.

      A stripper-turned-accountant intrigued me. I had no name, no physical description, only that she was a small-town girl determined to lift herself out of a difficult background. But I had just the man for her—ambitious, brawny Dane Weiss, a farm-raised, world-traveling business consultant.

      Keeley is all those girls we vaguely wonder about after we leave high school—the girls of whom little is expected, except to drop out of school and work unskilled jobs. What if one of those girls surprised everyone by getting her education and a great career? A surprise to everyone except herself, because she always knew she was tough enough, smart enough and brave enough to succeed.

      Here’s to all the girls who make it and the people who help them!

      Marie Donovan

      P.S. I’m delighted to hear from my readers. Visit to enter fun contests and learn more about my upcoming books.


      Marie Donovan






      Marie Donovan, an award-winning author, is a Chicago-area native who got her fill of tragedies and unhappy endings by majoring in opera/vocal performance and Spanish literature. As an antidote to all that gloom, she read romance novels voraciously throughout college and graduate school.

      Donovan has worked for a large suburban public library for the past nine years as both a cataloguer and a bilingual Spanish storytime presenter. She graduated magna cum laude with two bachelor’s degrees from a Midwestern liberal arts university and speaks six languages. She enjoys reading, gardening and yoga.

      Books by Marie Donovan


      204—HER BODY OF WORK



      To my mother, a self-made woman,

       whose bravery continues to this day,

       and to all the girls she’s helped.


       Chapter 1

       Chapter 2

       Chapter 3

       Chapter 4

       Chapter 5

       Chapter 6

       Chapter 7

       Chapter 8

       Chapter 9

       Chapter 10

       Chapter 11

       Chapter 12



      “ARE YOU SURE my breast implants aren’t tax-deductible?” The blond bombshell sitting across from Keeley Davis tapped her acrylic nails on the rich brown maple desk. “That exotic dancer in Indiana got hers deducted and they weren’t that much bigger than mine.”

      Keeley turned away from her laptop screen, where she was reviewing Sugar’s tax return. Tax season was finally wrapping up, and none too soon for a poor, worn-out accountant. “Sorry, Sugar—it’d be a long shot. The tax court is cracking down on what they regard as frivolous deductions and I doubt we could get it past them. We can write off your costumes and the tinted latex nipple makeup, but that’s about it. No personal care like tanning, manicures or hair extensions.”

      “And we can’t appeal? I only got the implants for professional reasons, you know.” Sugar pursed her pink glossy lips.

      Keeley had known her friend and client too long to fall for her act. She peered over the tops of her glasses. “And you get no personal benefits from them?”

      Sugar smacked her arm playfully. “Oh, all right, you naughty girl. I didn’t lose any nerve sensation from the surgery and my last boyfriend and I did enjoy them.”

      “Thought so.” Keeley pushed her glasses back up her nose to focus on the computer again. “And if we make an issue over this, the IRS might want to look in to how much of your cash tips you’ve been reporting as income.” Keeley wasn’t a novice to IRS audits, but didn’t exactly enjoy them, either.

      “Hmmph.” Sugar backed down, like Keeley thought she would. As a certified public accountant, Keeley couldn’t take part in tax evasion in the form of under-reporting garter or G-string tips, but she had a good idea that Sugar salted away her own personal cash stash, and who could blame her? Keeley would do the exact same thing in the same situation.

      But Keeley was on the straight and narrow, just taking the figures Sugar gave her and plugging them into the tax program, although sometimes she raised an eyebrow at an obviously low figure. Sugar would revise it upward without blinking.

      Keeley added in a couple of last-minute expenses Sugar had brought over today. Sugar, not one to sit still for any period of time, paced around the small office. Her long legs took her rapidly from one terra-cotta faux-painted wall to the other, the beige Berber carpet muffling her sneaker-clad steps. Like some dancers, Sugar had foot problems and only wore high heels onstage and on dates.

      Keeley rotated her own brown-pump-clad foot under her desk. Her shoes matched her hair, her eyes, her jacket and her skirt. She was a big brown wren in comparison to her flashier blond friend, but accountants couldn’t exactly sport cleavage T-shirts and midthigh denim miniskirts.

      Sugar stopped to eye a pair of watercolor prints of Florence, Italy. Keeley had never been there, but the red tile roofs matched the whole rich, Tuscan, trust-me-with-your-finances theme she wanted to emphasize. After all, accountants working in Renaissance Florence had invented double-entry bookkeeping.

      Keeley printed the return and eyed it one last time before passing the pages to Sugar. “Read these over before I file electronically.”


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