Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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is such hour at dawn when the city polusmezhat tired for

      put eyes. Show-windows and wide windows of cafe, a window which reflect die away

      only gloss of streetlights. The movement of cars calms down.

      In this hour on the city with speed limit long rushed

      narrow brilliant limousine. It went to the building of the Central bank where

      treasures of the largest capitalists were stored.

      In a limousine sat, having leaned back on a seatback, Marshal de Terlonzh,

      squeezing a small suitcase of yellow skin in hands.

      The king of the exchange, obviously, waited in this inopportune for bank

      operations hour. The car did not manage to approach to the bank building as silently

      its side door opened. Marshal quickly went out of the car, almost

      ran space to a door and sliped in a lobby. Bald,

      the representative, stout man from the rest of curls on the head and humpbacked

      respectfully met by a nose the banker and said in low tones:

      – I ask you.

      And they went along a long corridor accompanied by armed


      They went down under the earth. The way went through the hugest fortress,

      which was constructed ever by the person. Any Pharaoh would not think up

      such unapproachable crypt in the depth of pyramids what these arches were

      bank, lit throughout strong opaque electric


      By the hoist engine they went down on two floors and appeared before

      massive steel door. Such door banks считав usually sufficient

      protection of the hidden treasure. Here it was only the beginning of fortress.

      Behind a door the small tunnel began. The tunnel came to an end steel

      tower. The tower closed the tunnel, and the third floor of the cellar had an appearance of huge

      the arch which is held down by reinforced concrete walls four and a half thick


      – This tower weighs fourteen tons, – the guide explained, – and

      it is set in motion by the special electric mechanism.

      The elevator lowered night visitors to the most first floor. Here began

      the whole labyrinth of halls, the courses, confidential boxes in the walls disguised


      Steps of travelers were given in empty halls by a repeated echo. In one of

      halls gold, gemstones, important documents – all was stored

      stolen for years it was accumulated in these safes.

      There was an underground lake above. If it was only required, water

      lakes could be flooded all basement floor.

      This most unapproachable fortress in the world is not built, and dug in

      whole granite on which there is a city. Five years that were required

      to finish rocky works.

      Armies of burglars could use all the life on penetration

      in fortress without any hope for success. And certainly, not against

      burglars all these exclusive measures were undertaken: if enemy

      will occupy the city, it, naturally, will direct to gold. Applying most

      modern means for blasting fortresses, it should work

      it is a lot of months <the description of this bank not fiction of the author. Similar bank,

      for example, is in Paris (The French national bank).>.

      According to instructions of the associate director of bank the watchman opened a steel door,

      the leader to the small reinforced concrete room which walls were filled

      fireproof boxes. Marshal opened one of them own key,

      having picked up the figures which are previously located in a corresponding way on

      the rotating ring.

      Guides showed such bashfulness as if the banker was a girl,

      going to bathe: as soon as it undertook the suitcase, they departed

      for a door also staid all the time there while the banker took out the treasures and

      moved them to a fireproof case. It were diamonds and ingots such

      sizes what were not seen even by lady Hinton. In each of them was


      Having finished this operation, the banker closed a case, thanked the

      satellites also left bank.

      But on it its efforts did not end. Being going to leave Earth, it

      cared more that will remain on Earth, than about unusual


      The banker did not trust even the superfortress. It ideally protects from

      thieves? Well. From enemy attack? Perfectly. But whether it can

      to protect from revolution?. Attack of enemies on the city not so disturbed

      the banker, as revolution and fear to lose the riches frightened.

      No walls and underground hiding places will save then treasure of bankers. And

      he decided to hide the most valuable that it had, in two places.

      He had to make one more trip with the authorized representative,

      the friend Ribot on whom he relied, as on itself (himself), to Andorra,

      small republic close to Spain. This republic

      has only four hundred twenty five square kilometers of the area and

      six villages of the population. Surrounded from all directions with unapproachable

      mountains, having only one good road through the Spanish border, this

      the remote corner of Europe was chosen long ago by Marshal.

      Several years ago he bought the abandoned site in Andorra

      lands in the deserted area, near the Pyrenean mountains. Here, in the gorge,

      the large share of richness of the March la was secretly buried. Iron chests

      were deeply dug in different places and are filled up with stones.

      If at least one such treasure remains, the banker will be able upon return on

      The earth to begin business again. By then, according to the baron,

      revolution will be suppressed.

      A lot of money for bribery of bank was necessary to spend Marshalya

      workers, that large withdrawal did not appear in books and at all not

      it would be revealed before flying away of the banker.

      Marshal de Terlinzh could fly quietly.


      Collecting to the road brought the greatest trouble upon Semuel Stormer. But to us

      it is necessary to tell before several words about that way which brought in

      “Noah’s Ark” of the new participant who quickly seized all threads


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