Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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panic, disbelief in a victory. With risen we will be

      to fight all measures to the death. But success seems to me

      problematic. Already now we are anxious with in what business to place ours

      capitals, where big guarantee of their safety. However can come

      the moment – and it is rather, than it seems to much, – when it is necessary to think already

      not so much about the capitals, how many about to.

      – And people will rush about here and there, as in the house embraced

      flame, – in Shnirere the prophet recovered again. – From the country to the country will be

      to run they and everywhere will meet an all-devouring flame, a pernicious flame,

      unrestrained and inevitable, as destiny. Also will not save from him the guard,

      iron lattices of fencings, thick walls. Everything will die. Everything will turn

      in ashes. And we will die. – And, having passed to shrill shout again, Shnirer

      finished – And who is guilty? Cars! Proletarians! They! Still cup to tea,

      more strong if you allow.

      – Strikes began, revolution will finish, – the banker brought a remark.

      – Yes this bowl will pass us! – the bishop exclaimed and, having instantly made

      pious expression, crossed. – Here really it is time to think about

      some., an ark in which with the God’s help could take refuge

      righteous persons – color of our civilization and culture. Whether not merciful

      the Lord put some idea this, how in times Noyev?

      – To construct such “Titanic” – “ark” of modern scale,

      equipped with the latest technology? – ironically Henry asked. —

      And further? Where you on it will go? To the southern seas? To uninhabited

      to the island mislaid in the ocean and not plotted even? Nonsense,

      there are no “white spots” on the world map any more. There are no almost such islands. And if

      also is, they will be found soon. Construction of “ark” and its departure will not be able

      to pass unnoticed. Will find for us, will overtake and will crush as worms,

      together with “ark”. Where, at last, a guarantee that it will manage to be completed?

      There came silence.

      – Really there is no exit? – lady Hinton asked.

      – Why is not present? There is a solution, and quite good as it seems to me, – it is quiet

      Henry answered. – Here you, mister professor of philosophy, scolded to the technician,

      and from the point of view you, of course, are right. But the same equipment can give

      for us and an exit to open a way to rescue. We will force the equipment to render to us

      this last service, and then I have nothing against if it is

      it is destroyed, to your pleasure, professor.

      All pricked up the ears, listening. The henry happy with the had effect,

      made a pause and slowly continued:

      – “Ark” can save not all belonging to our class and

      to circle, and only small group of the electees… “Magics to escape yes will escape”

      – so, apparently, the milord is told in the writing? So, “ark” can and

      it has to be constructed. But “ark” of absolutely special grade which carried away

      us far away from this rebellious planet – well, at least for a while, so far

      danger will not be eliminated. Or otherwise., forever…

      Listeners disappointedly leaned back on backs of chairs, and the bishop,

      Henry as dexterous maneuver who apprehended words to distract the general attention from

      gloomy thoughts, threw off a fast mask, began to shine and good-natured burst out laughing:

      – Perfectly! The ark floating on waves of the radio ocean!


      – Yes, on waves of the radio ocean, – Henry seriously answered.

      – It could come to mind only to Henry! – respectable exclaimed

      the lady not flatter for it tone.

      – Least of all in my head, the aunt. I admit, I understand a little in

      to the equipment. But you, misters, know that recently I pay a tribute

      to interest in stratospheric flights together with my friend the engineer,

      large theorist of a zvezdoplavaniye and talented designer Leo

      Zander. I just from it… And if you knew about its works, it


      – But same chimera!

      – Imagination!

      – And how we will breathe there?

      – And what to eat? Air?

      – We will stiffen from world cold which will destroy us also soon

      and it is right as it will make communism.

      – He wants to send us to the sky prematurely!

      – And you depart?

      Exclamations, jokes, laughter were heard.

      – The lady and gentlemen, – Henry was not appeased, – your questions and

      exclamations testify only to full yours, to put it mildly

      ignorance of a subject. I claim that if you…

      But did not listen to it. The nervous tension found a way out. Society

      cheered up. Even Shnirer left the gloomy concentration and

      opened that in this world, except strong tea and terrible cars, exist

      still amazingly pleasant liquids concluded in graceful small bottles, and

      the bishop reddened more than ordinary and laughed more loudly, than it was necessary

      to it at its dignity.

      Lady Hinton was happy and already graciously glanced at Henry,

      it is free or involuntarily rendered her service.

      – Let’s not be, misters to think of gloomy things, – she told. – God

      it is mercy, our people are reasonable, the power in reliable hands, and to us,

      I hope, it is not necessary to resort to the air ships and to look for rescue in

      similar flight. Why you will not taste this liqueur, the baron?

      Henry was angry by a failure of promotion of a zvezdoplavaniye.

      He expected to receive several checks for continuation of experiences


      Lady Hinton seemed she managed what as to the skillful captain, already

      to bring the ship out of a strip of the most severe storm, and suddenly flew new:

      Stormer who was silent all evening zagromykhat by the thunderous voice:

      – And

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