My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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belief was surprised.

      – You were a participant of those events? Interestingly? Roman never told me about this history.

      Dimitrii answered.

      – There is nothing to tell. – he told and having grinned added. – You know that such affairs do not discuss. – he made a pause, and having looked in Vera's eyes, added absolutely seriously. – This classified information. – then he kind of added. – Do you understand?

      – Yes. – with understanding Vera told. – Such this business?.

      Roman agreed.

      – That's it. – then he added. – Investigation it put? She is not one to be trifled with. – then he added. – She is not one to be trifled with.

      Dimitrii agreed.

      – Many people died, disclosing the state secrets. We simply destroy them.

      The belief took an interest.

      – How?

      Dimitrii grinned.

      – And you do not guess?

      The belief in all seriousness answered.

      – No. I do not guess.

      – All of them in prison. – Dimitrii told. – There is their place.

      – And when it is blown?

      – Will live then once, death on a threshold will be become. Here not it is necessary to think of a state secret, and of the soul.

      – Yes. – Vera agreed. – In old age it is necessary to think not only about the remained lives, but also too it is necessary to think of the soul.

      Roman told.

      – Soul soul and what we will do with Natalia? Nobody knows where it now? None of attendees us know it here. – he made a pause, then added. – She can it is already dead, and can it is alive? Who knows?

      – It precisely. – Vera answered. She made a pause, then added. – It is terrible when you lose somebody dear person. Especially if this person your sister, mother or somebody from native, from family.

      Men completely agreed with it.

      – Terribly, you are right.

      The belief took an interest.

      – Means you do not know where Natalia now?

      Dimitrii answered.

      – We do not know.

      – Why it to you? What is the time passed?

      Dimitrii answered.

      – You see, we consider that Natalia did not die.

      The belief with care asked.

      – What do you mean?

      – It was not by that plane. – Dimitrii told. – She did not die with all. But where it now? This secret. A secret which we have to open. He agrees, time passed much, but we have Nina's corpse. – He made a pause, then added. – Everything will deliver to DNA on the place.

      The belief made the assumption and at this time something frightened it. Some inexplicable feeling captured it. She did not understand, what is it? Fear? Horror? Or all together? She did not know it.

      – Do you want to tell that in a grave not Nina lies? in a grave Natalia lies?

      Dimitrii answered.

      – It only assumption.

      Roman was terrified.

      – It is impossible!

      The belief exclaimed.

      – Cannot be?

      Dimitrii answered.

      – It is impossible, but it is possible. Which of them lies in a grave, we will find out it. But if it is not there? And there Natalia, where then Nina?

      The belief thoughtfully answered.

      – Question? – she made a pause, then she addressed Roman, and asked. – And you noticed nothing when you met Nina?

      – No. – Roman answered. – There is nothing. – then he added. – I so long did not see it that forgot what it is actually.

      The belief noticed.

      – Did you love it? If loved, then never forgot it. And you as I see, forgot it. Maybe you forgot it because you did not love Natalia any more, t talking to Nina, you talked to Natalia. Therefore you did not make out its essence. Perhaps, it found children once given Nina in orphanage. She was perhaps guilty to Nina, and it found her children, and found you Roman. – she made a pause, then asked. – Do you understand me Roman?

      – Yes, I understand.

      The belief continued.

      – Perhaps, she was ill, and knew that she will die soon. Having connected you, she executed the last will of the sister, and then with quiet heart died. – Vera finished the story.

      Having listened to Belief, the Novel thought. He never thought of what was told to it by Vera. He never even could assume that it is possible. Nina and Natalia perhaps same person, sisters. Two sisters different and identical at the same time. How it is possible? It he, of course, understood, but his brain could not realize this situation in any way? Roman exclaimed.

      – Some madness and only.

      The belief did not agree.

      – It not madness, this love.

      AUTHOR: – So what's next? Nobody knows what will occur further? How will events develop? Sometimes it the author of it does not know the work. He writes history, and does not know that with the hero will be farther? What will we look at?

      There passed minute. In cafe there was a following. Everything that was seen by all there attendees, disappeared. All as though changed. Walls disappeared, and instead of them appeared a certain similarity to the desert. However, this was not absolutely the desert. This it was similar to a picture, the three-dimensional image to this desert rather. It approached the people who are present there, and soon reached them, having stopped directly near their legs. What is it was? Nobody knew it. However they also could not know it, it was out of their human mind. Bottomless desert of yellow sand. Tesk on which nothing grew. Only boundless yellowness scope. The yellow sand running afar for the horizon.

      The belief did not understand what occurs in this room. What deception, deception of optical sight was, or their brain sent them the picture which they did not expect in any way. What is it? Mysticism? Reality? Vera could not understand it. She asked men.

      – Do you see the same as I?

      Nothing not understanding Roman asked Vera.

      – Do you see the same as I?

      The belief carefully took an interest.

      – And what you see?

      Dimitrii told.

      – We have no relation to it. – at it the person was anxious. He did not know that he really happens, and it was visible. Then he swore. – What for the Devil?

      In the distance, among the boundless desert the figure appeared. It appeared from nowhere. Its outlines not were it is clearly visible. It was as if a mirage. A mirage in the middle of this desert. Moving closer and closer, it became clearly visible. Who it was? Nobody could answer this question posed. But here the figure approached a table for which Vera, Roman and Dimitrii sat. Now it was possible to define that this was a woman, and in hands she had what that notebook. She approached Vera, put a notebook on a table, and having bent down to Vera's ear, whispered to it on an ear.

      – It is time to wake up.




      Belief woke up early

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