Время от времени вооруженным силам США, в первую очередь военно-морскому флоту, приходилось на практике доказывать право молодой федерации иметь и на равных отстаивать собственные экономические и политические интересы. См., например: Capture of the British brigs Detroit and Caledonia, January 13, 1813. № 99, 12th Congress, 2nd Session. American State Papers, Documents, Legislative and Executive of the Congress of the United States. Naval Affairs. Wash., 1834. Vol. 1. P.282.
См., например: Message, transmitting a treaty of commerce, Sept. 13, 1816. № 284, Senate, 14th Congress, 2nd Session American State Papers, Documents, Legislative and Executive of the Congress of the United States. Foreign Relations. Wash., 1832. Vol. 4. P.98; Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with Prussia, communicated to the Senate, 1828, May 9. № 491, 20th Congress, 1st Session. American State Papers, Documents, Legislative and Executive of the Congress of the United States. Foreign Relations. Wash., 1832. Vol. 6. P.992.
См.: Message showing the negotiations with Great Britain, 1808, Mar. 22. № 214, 10th Congress, 1st Session. American State Papers, Documents, Legislative and Executive of the Congress of the United States. Foreign Relations. Wash., 1832. Vol. 3. P.80.
Carruth Gorton The Encyclopedia of American Facts and Dates, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1997.
Paulus Robert D. Pack Mules and Surf Boats: Logistics in the Mexican War, Army Logistician November/December 1997.