Eden. Molly

Eden - Molly

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cooked by itself, just like quality men are less and less in our world. It’s better to say: people.

      I went for a walk, and get warm from the sun, and substitute my face. After all, I can not live without sunshine and pure love.

      I went for a walk, and get warm from the sun, and substitute my face. After all, I can not live without sunshine and pure love.

      When I embrace children as if saturated with life and strength. Now in this big city, I have no desire to welcome anyone, I just wait for that one. Stop dreaming and fly in the clouds.

      He always brings me around. It’s when I have a mess in my life on the ground, and I have nothing to live on. I took the card on the subway and moved in the direction of the store, where I had to buy cheese. I was on the 12th line. And then he jumped some guy else with his bag.

      I was pushed in front, and I stepped forward to him on foot. What an awkwardness, he probably hurts, but also my heels.

      “Oh, I’m sorry, probably it hurts you?” – I asked in embarrassment and with anger.

      “Yes, it hurts!” – A strange stranger in the subway answered a maniacal but calm voice.

      And he also gave his business card.

      – Hello, how are you? – The voice. “Excellent, how are you?”

      – Thank you, all is well!

      – Well, let’s go?

      We chose the other side of the waterfront. There were a cosy place and very few people. You could enjoy this rising sun.

      I chose, as always, Americano with milk and a cake. And he wanted a cappuccino and apple pie.

      Sometimes I feel that I lack real human love. True love and fake – it can be readily distinguished. This is how instead of real milk you are given a powder or instead of noodles a natural mixture with a chemical composition. I’m sick of forgery. I am fed with fake emotions and fake food and artificial sun!

      For some reason, I had one incomprehensible and, maybe, a silly dream and so.

      Dream number one: I want a man of my dreams to ride me on a bicycle, so he turns the wheels, and I was sitting in the back in a white dress and hat.

      One day he decided to make a surprise for me – he came by bicycle, and we strolled through the park.

      We sat all day on the lawn and watched the children play with grandparents, and one dream came true. But I was not in a white dress I was just in jeans shorts and a white t-shirt and in sneakers.

      He was always busy with his startup project, which he said he would share with me and tell me and that I can participate in it. Self-confident and kind. Investment and working till 10—11 pm and waking up in the early morning around 7.

      But in the park, we often talked heart to heart. We were frankly in our thoughts. Today my cousin, who has lived for 5 years with her husband, decided to divorce. Of course, what can I do, they have two beautiful daughters, one 5 years old, another 3 years old. Why do people get married and get divorced, maybe it would be better to live a civil marriage, as all do? But I imagined that even if it were a civil marriage, nothing would change in the soul. When they have a divorce, if someone really loved, then after parting, perhaps, the heart would not stand that and would just refuse to fight, at least this is my perception of love.

      The answer is simple: she divorces him because he has another on his side. God, where is the love gone?

      I want to cry! But alas! This is the reality, and this is life! People are free to let them be free and be free yourself.

      For me, loving a person is hugging him every night!!! And cook in the morning breakfast, and just enjoy. The unconditional love that’s what I want. And I guess that’s what a lot of people want. Not only me?

      And when I feel sad, I repeat one poem from the Internet:

      Angel tip 1

      Let the impossible become possible.

      Let all that is far away become closer.

      And let all that seems so complicated,

      It is solved beautifully and effortlessly.

      Right: Adele, I’m a little hungry, maybe we’ll go? Do we eat pizza? Good? Perhaps we’ll have coffee too?

      Adele: Okay, come on.

      We very much like to eat together and walk together. When I walk with, I forget about many things. That people are starving in the world and that somewhere on this planet, there is a war. War, the reasons that even the belligerents themselves do not understand. Today I have no mood, I decided to go home.

      Adele: Something’s wrong with me, can I go home?

      Right: Yes, of course! Do you mind if I will call for you a cub?

      Adele: No, do not, I’ll get it myself.

      Metro. Crowds of people, and I in my thoughts. how

      Always, I think that we are men and women, we are all from the same planet. And all just people who have to hold these promises to each other and not deceive and care for each other. Unconditional love, does it exist it the world? Why I have these thoughts in my head? Do you know?

      There were two friends, a guy and a girl. They broke up. The girl drank the pills and left this world!

      The story from the Internet, I read this news while riding the subway. And I came to the idea that if everyone died because of parting, then on earth would die 1/4 of the total population. Perhaps, it is better to love art or food, at least they will not betray you.

      Angel Tip 2

      Trust your forebodings. You know, sometimes it happens that your mind says one thing and your heart is something else. And then it’s better sometimes to listen to my heart, rather than believe external factors. Learn to trust yourself.


      I was 18 years old when I first flew abroad. I had to go through a small test when, before the border guards, an elegant, middle-aged companion stood up for me, saying to the officer:

      – Pass this young person without a notarised assurance of her parents – she is the future diplomat of her country.

      So I first saw him and with him for the first time tried a real coffee with milk. I will never forget this taste. He smiled then and gallantly took me from the airport to the city. In this city, I spent no less than a year. After graduation, she went home. When I left, he again quietly escorted me, having treated a tasty supper in one of the Italian restaurants. I flew home, but for some reason, I was still drawn back, to where he was.

      I told you I like the gems but I like the diamonds and to make one great, brilliant need a lot of time in nature than after nature 2 found diamonds have to sharpen to each other. Other stone cant grinds the diamond.

      On the second trip, he decided to surprise me. I see the city in the night in a multitude of lights, in me, as if everything was frozen deep inside in my soul, caught my breath.

      These lights of the city were always near to me, but I didn’t notice them. When I needed advice, I went out on the dam and asked him out of the city. The city embraced me and as if said that everything will be fine, do not worry.

      He again met me calmly and loving, did not say anything, but just sent me to study further. I still spent a year in splendid solitude, fighting for my existence. Each day I had to devote five hours to learning a new language, which was challenging to master. I could not get a standard pronunciation, but I stubbornly taught a unique style for myself.

      The first time I went to study, my parents paid for my studies. The second time I received a grant for training. The

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