THE KANTIAN ETHICS: Metaphysics of Morals - Philosophy of Law & The Doctrine of Virtue, Perpetual Peace and The Critique of Practical Reason. Immanuel Kant

THE KANTIAN ETHICS: Metaphysics of Morals - Philosophy of Law & The Doctrine of Virtue, Perpetual Peace and The Critique of Practical Reason - Immanuel Kant

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im Grundrisse (1821). Werke, Bd. viii. (passim). Dr. J. Hutchison Stirling's Lectures on the Philosophy of Law present a most incisive and suggestive introduction to Hegel's Philosophy of Right.

      16. Die beiden Grundprobleme der Ethik (1841), pp. 118-9.

      17. Grundlinien einer Kritik der bisherigen Sittenlehre (1803). Entwurf eines Systems der Sittenlehre, herausg. von A. Schweizer (1835). Grundriss der philosophischen Ethik, von A. Twesten (1841). Die Lehre vom Staat, herausg. von Ch. A. Brandes (1845).

      18. Grundlage des Naturrechts (1803). Abriss des Systems der Philosophie des Rechts oder des Naturrechts (1828). Krause is now universally recognised as the definite founder of the organic and positive school of Natural Right. His principles have been ably expounded by his two most faithful followers, Ahrens (Cours de Droit Naturel, 7th ed. 1875) and Röder (Grundzüge des Naturrechts o. der Rechtsfilosofie, 2 Auf. 1860). Professor J. S. del Rio of Madrid has vividly expounded and enthusiastically advocated Krause's system in Spanish. Professor Lorimer of the Edinburgh University, while maintaining an independent and critical attitude towards the various Schools of Jurisprudence, is in close sympathy with the Principles of Krause (The Institutes of Law: a Treatise of the Principles of Jurisprudence as determined by Nature, 2nd ed. 1880, and The Institutes of the Law of Nations). He has clearly indicated his agreement with the Kantian School, so far as its principles go (Instit. p. 336, n.).

      19. This applies to the latest German discussions and doctrines. The following works may be referred to as the most important recent contributions, in addition to those mentioned above (such as Ahrens and Röder, xi. n.):—Trendelenburg, Naturrecht auf dem Grunde der Ethik, 2 Auf. 1868. Post, Das Naturgesetz des Rechts, 1867. W. Arnold, Cultur und Rechtsleben, 1865. Ulrici, Naturrecht, 1873. Zoepfl, Grundriss zu Vorlesungen über Rechtsphilosophie, 1878. Rudolph von Ihering, Der Zweck im Recht, i. 1877, ii. 1883. Professor Frohschammer of Munich has discussed the problem of Right in a thoughtful and suggestive way from the standpoint of his original and interesting System of Philosophy, in his new volume, Ueber die Organisation und Cultur der menschlichen Gesellschaft, Philosophische Untersuchungen über Recht und Staat, sociales Leben und Erziehung, 1885.

      20. Leibnitz, Nova Methodus discendae docendaeque Jurisprudentiae, 1767. Observationes de principio Juris. Codex Juris Gentium, 1693-1700.Wolff, Jus Naturae Methodo Scientifica pertractatum, Lips. 8 Tomi. 1740-48. Institutiones Juris Naturae et Gentium, Halae, 1754. (In French by Luzac, Amsterdam, 1742, 4 vols.) Vernünftige Gedanken. Vatel, Le Droit des Gens, Leyden, 1758. Edited by Royer-Collard, Paris, 1835. English translation by Chitty, 1834. [For the other works of this school, see Ahrens, i. 323-4, or Miller's Lectures, p. 411.]

      21. Grotius, De Jure Belli ac Pacis, lib. iii. 1625. Translated by Barbeyrae into French, 1724; and by Whewell into English, 1858.—Pufendorf, Elementa Juris Universalis, 1660. De Jure Naturae et Gentium, 1672. [English translation by Kennett, 1729.]—Cumberland, De Legibus Naturae Disquisitio Philosophica, London, 1672. Translated into English by Towers, Dublin, 1750.—Cocceji, Grotius illustratus, etc., 3 vols. 1744-7. [See Miller, 409.]

      22. Christian Thomasius (1655-1728) first clearly distinguished between the Doctrine of Right and Ethics, and laid the basis of the celebrated distinction of Perfect and Imperfect Obligations as differentiated by the element of Constraint. See Professor Lorimer's excellent account of Thomasius and of Kant's relation to his System, Inst. of Law, p. 288; and Röder, i. 240. The principal works of this School are: Thomasius, Fundamenta juris naturae et gentium ex sensu communi deducta, 1705. Gerhard, Delineatio juris naturalis, 1712. Gundling, Jus Naturae et gentium. Koehler, Exercitationes, 1728. Achenwall, Prolegomena Juris naturalis, and Jus Naturae, 1781.

      23. Hobbes, De Cive, 1642. Leviathan seu de civitate ecclesiastica et civili, 1651. On Hobbes generally, see Professor Croom Robertson's Monograph in 'Blackwood's Philosophical Classics.'

      24. L'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes, Dijon, 1751. Contrat social, 1762. Rousseau's writings were eagerly read by Kant, and greatly influenced him. On Rousseau generally, see John Morley's Rousseau, Lond. 1878.

      25. Burke is assigned to the Historical School of Jurisprudence by Ahrens, who not inaptly designates him 'the Mirabeau of the anti-revolution' (i. 53). See the Reflections on the French Revolution (1790). Stahl gives a high estimate of Burke as 'the purest representative of Conservatism.'

      26. 'The very cry of the hour is, Fichte and Schelling are dead, and Hegel, if not clotted nonsense, is unintelligible; let us go back to Kant. See, too, in other countries, what a difference the want of Kant has made.' Dr. J. H. Stirling, Mind, No. xxxvi. 'Within the last ten years many voices have been heard, both in this country and in Germany, bidding us return to Kant, as to that which is alone sound and hopeful in Philosophy; that which unites the prudence of science with the highest speculative enterprise that is possible without idealistic extravagances.' Professor E. Caird, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. xiv. 1, 126. 'From Hegel, we must, I think, still return upon Kant, seeking fresh hope for Philosophy in a continued use of the critical method.' Professor Calderwood, Introduction to Kant's Metaphysic of Ethics, p. xix.

      27. The Socialistic and Communistic Doctrines of Owen (1771-1858), Fourier (1777-1837), Saint-Simon (1760-1825), Louis Blanc, Proudhon, and Cabet, 'considered as aberrations in the development of Right,' are sketched by Ahrens (i. § 12) with his characteristic discrimination and fairness. The principles of the contemporary English Socialism will be found summed up in A Summary of the Principles of Socialism written for the Democratic Federation, by H. M. Hyndman and William Morris (1884). Compare also Hyndman's The Historical Basis of Socialism in England, and To-day and Justice, the organs of the Social Democracy.

      28. Schelling's contributions to the Science of Right have hardly received the attention they deserve. The absorption of his thought in the Philosophy of Nature left him less free to devote himself to the Philosophy of History, but it is mainly to him that the idea of the systematic objectivity and the organic vitality of the State, in its latest forms, is due. Hegel and Krause have severally adopted and developed the two sides of this conception. Compare Schelling's Abhandlung über das Naturrecht in Fichte and Niethammer's Journal, iv. and v.; and his Vorlesungen über die Methode des akademischen Studiums, p. 146, etc. See Stahl's excellent account of Schelling's Doctrine, Philosophie des Rechts, i. 403-14, and The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. xiii. No. 3, vi., 'Schelling on History and Jurisprudence.'

      29. Stahl and Baader represent the Neo-Schellingian standpoint in their philosophical doctrines.—F. J. Stahl, Die Philosophie des Rechts, 3 Bde., 3 Auf. 1865 (an important and meritorious work).—Franz von Baader's Sämmtliche Werke, 16 Bde. 1851-60. (Cf. Franz Hoffmann's Beleuchtung des Angriffs auf Baader in Thilo's Schrift: 'Die theologisikende Rechts- und Staatslehre,' 1861.)—Joseph de Maistre, Soirées de St. Petersburg, Paris, 1821. Mémoires, etc., par A. Blanc, 1858.—L' Abbé de Bonald, Législation primitive, 1821.

      30. Hugo (1768-1844) is usually regarded as the founder,

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