The Complete Novels of Lucy Maud Montgomery - 20 Titles in One Volume: Including Anne of Green Gables Series, Emily Starr Trilogy, The Blue Castle, The Story Girl & Pat of Silver Bush Series. Lucy Maud Montgomery

The Complete Novels of Lucy Maud Montgomery - 20 Titles in One Volume: Including Anne of Green Gables Series, Emily Starr Trilogy, The Blue Castle, The Story Girl & Pat of Silver Bush Series - Lucy Maud Montgomery

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without some kind of companionship.”

      “Well, it’s the first human thing I’ve noticed about her,” said Mrs. Dennis. “I dunno’s I have any awful objection to a dog, but she sort of vexed me with her sarcastic way of asking … ‘I s’pose you wouldn’t consent if I asked you if I might have a dog, Mrs. Dennis,’ she sez, haughty like. Set her up with it! ‘You’re s’posing right,’ sez I, as haughty as herself. I don’t like eating my words any more than most people, but you can tell her she can have a dog if she’ll guarantee he won’t misbehave in the parlor.”

      Anne did not think the parlor could be much worse if the dog did misbehave. She eyed the dingy lace curtains and the hideous purple roses on the carpet with a shiver.

      “I’m sorry for any one who has to spend Christmas in a boardinghouse like this,” she thought. “I don’t wonder Katherine hates the word. I’d like to give this place a good airing … it smells of a thousand meals. Why does Katherine go on boarding here when she has a good salary?”

      “She says you can come up,” was the message Mrs. Dennis brought back, rather dubiously, for Miss Brooke had run true to form.

      The narrow, steep stair was repellent. It didn’t want you. Nobody would go up who didn’t have to. The linoleum in the hall was worn to shreds. The little back hall-bedroom where Anne presently found herself was even more cheerless than the parlor. It was lighted by one glaring unshaded gas jet. There was an iron bed with a valley in the middle of it and a narrow, sparsely draped window looking out on a backyard garden where a large crop of tin cans flourished. But beyond it was a marvelous sky and a row of lombardies standing out against long, purple, distant hills.

      “Oh, Miss Brooke, look at that sunset,” said Anne rapturously from the squeaky, cushionless rocker to which Katherine had ungraciously pointed her.

      “I’ve seen a good many sunsets,” said the latter coldly, without moving. (“Condescending to me with your sunsets!” she thought bitterly.)

      “You haven’t seen this one. No two sunsets are alike. Just sit down here and let us let it sink into our souls,” said Anne. Thought Anne, “Do you ever say anything pleasant?”

      “Don’t be ridiculous, please.”

      The most insulting words in the world! With an added edge of insult in Katherine’s contemptuous tones. Anne turned from her sunset and looked at Katherine, much more than half inclined to get up and walk out. But Katherine’s eyes looked a trifle strange. Had she been crying? Surely not … you couldn’t imagine Katherine Brooke crying.

      “You don’t make me feel very welcome,” Anne said slowly.

      “I can’t pretend things. I haven’t your notable gift for doing the queen act … saying exactly the right thing to every one. You’re not welcome. What sort of room is this to welcome any one to?”

      Katherine made a scornful gesture at the faded walls, the shabby bare chairs and the wobbly dressing-table with its petticoat of limp muslin.

      “It isn’t a nice room, but why do you stay here if you don’t like it?”

      “Oh … why … Why? You wouldn’t understand. It doesn’t matter. I don’t care what anybody thinks. What brought you here tonight? I don’t suppose you came just to soak in the sunset.”

      “I came to ask if you would spend the Christmas holidays with me at Green Gables.”

      (“Now,” thought Anne, “for another broadside of sarcasm! I do wish she’d sit down at least. She just stands there as if waiting for me to go.”)

      But there was silence for a moment. Then Katherine said slowly,

      “Why do you ask me? It isn’t because you like me … even you couldn’t pretend that.”

      “It’s because I can’t bear to think of any human being spending Christmas in a place like this,” said Anne candidly.

      The sarcasm came then.

      “Oh, I see. A seasonable outburst of charity. I’m hardly a candidate for that yet, Miss Shirley.”

      Anne got up. She was out of patience with this strange, aloof creature. She walked across the room and looked Katherine squarely in the eye. “Katherine Brooke, whether you know it or not, what you want is a good spanking.”

      They gazed at each other for a moment.

      “It must have relieved you to say that,” said Katherine. But somehow the insulting tone had gone out of her voice. There was even a faint twitch at the corner of her mouth.

      “It has,” said Anne. “I’ve been wanting to tell you just that for some time. I didn’t ask you to Green Gables out of charity … you know that perfectly well. I told you my true reason. Nobody ought to spend Christmas here … the very idea is indecent.”

      “You asked me to Green Gables just because you are sorry for me.”

      “I am sorry for you. Because you’ve shut out life … and now life is shutting you out. Stop, it, Katherine. Open your doors to life … and life will come in.”

      “The Anne Shirley version of the old bromide, ‘If you bring a smiling visage to the glass you meet a smile,’” said Katherine with a shrug.

      “Like all bromides, that’s absolutely true. Now, are you coming to Green Gables or are you not?”

      “What would you say if I accepted … to yourself, not to me?”

      “I’d say you were showing the first faint glimmer of common sense I’d ever detected in you,” retorted Anne.

      Katherine laughed … surprisingly. She walked across to the window, scowled at the fiery streak which was all that was left of the scorned sunset and then turned.

      “Very well … I’ll go. Now you can go through the motions of telling me you’re delighted and that we’ll have a jolly time.”

      “I am delighted. But I don’t know if you’ll have a jolly time or not. That will depend a good deal on yourself, Miss Brooke.”

      “Oh, I’ll behave myself decently. You’ll be surprised. You won’t find me a very exhilarating guest, I suppose, but I promise you I won’t eat with my knife or insult people when they tell me it’s a fine day. I tell you frankly that the only reason I’m going is because even I can’t stick the thought of spending the holidays here alone. Mrs. Dennis is going to spend Christmas week with her daughter in Charlottetown. It’s a bore to think of getting my own meals. I’m a rotten cook. So much for the triumph of matter over mind. But will you give me your word of honor that you won’t wish me a merry Christmas? I just don’t want to be merry at Christmas.”

      “I won’t. But I can’t answer for the twins.”

      “I’m not going to ask you to sit down here … you’d freeze … but I see that there’s a very fine moon in place of your sunset and I’ll walk home with you and help you to admire it if you like.”

      “I do like,” said Anne, “but I want to impress on your mind that we have much finer moons in Avonlea.”

      “So she’s going?” said Rebecca Dew as she filled Anne’s hot-water bottle. “Well, Miss Shirley, I hope you’ll never try to induce me to turn Mohammedan … because you’d likely succeed. Where is That Cat? Out frisking round Summerside and the weather at zero.”

      “Not by the new thermometer. And Dusty Miller is curled up on the rocking-chair by my stove in the tower, snoring with happiness.”

      “Ah well,” said Rebecca Dew with a little shiver as she shut the kitchen door, “I wish every one in the world was as warm and sheltered as we are tonight.”

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