The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty. Николай Камзин

The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty - Николай Камзин

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mode of «co» or «collective diving» rates, which rates countries – members of the group supported the currency in relation to each other within the «currency corridor» and «swim together» around the office, outside the group.

      The development of the exchange rate regime of the ruble in Russia. After the entry of Russia in 1992, the IMF, the Central Bank refused treatment of multiple exchange rates and imposed a regime of «floating» exchange rate. Since mid-1995 mode of the «floating» exchange rate regime was replaced by «currency corridor». In 1995-1997 The Bank of Russia established the absolute values of the upper and lower bounds on the exchange rate variations, and later introduced «horizontal trading band» with a central rate of the ruble to the U.S. dollar to possible deviations from it within certain limits. This «corridor» has been extended August 17, 1998, and since September 1998 exchange rate is set to «free float».

      3.6. Currency quotation

      Exchange rates – defining the proportions of exchange, that is, the mobile market rates of the day. They depend on the condition of the course yesterday, before closing, and on major international stock exchanges – from Tokyo to New York, what are the views of market conditions, foreign exchange potential of the banks. Full quotation includes the selling rate (usually higher) and buying (lower). The difference (margin) account fees.

      Turnover on international stock exchanges, as well as short-term play money capital in order to profit from the difference in interest rates and exchange rates in the hundreds of times higher than world trade[36].

      Exchange rates (currency quotation) – To identify and exchange rate chosen on the basis of market mechanisms[37].

      In the currency market are two methods of currency quotes: direct and indirect (inverse). In most countries (including Russia) applied direct quotation, in which the rate of one unit of foreign currency expressed in domestic currency. In the indirect quotation exchange rate of national currency units expressed in a certain amount of foreign currency. Indirect quotation applied in the UK and since 1987 in the USA.

      There are also quotes an official, interbank, exchange-traded. The official exchange rate quotation by the Central Bank. The official exchange rate used for accounting purposes and customs payments for the balance of payments.

      Methods for determining the official exchange rate varies by country depending on the nature of the monetary system and exchange rate regime. In countries where the fixed exchange rate regime, the quotation is determined purely by administrative means. The Central Bank sets (regardless of supply and demand for currency) exchange rate against the currency of any one country to which the «tied» the currency of that country, or in relation to several currencies at once (on the basis of the «currency basket») or SDRs. At the same time the Central Bank may establish different exchange rates for individual operations (multiplicity of exchange). This method was used in the Russian Federation until July 1992.

      Under the regime of «currency corridor» official exchange rate set under the «currency corridor», or at the level of the exchange (as, for example, in Russia from July 1995 to May 1996) or by daily quotations, the so-called «sliding fixation».

      In some countries with underdeveloped exchange market, where the main circulation of currency transactions pass through the currency market, the official rate set at the level of the exchange.

      In countries with a free currency market, where a regime of «floating» rate, depending on the prevailing supply and demand for foreign currency, central banks set the official exchange rate at the interbank level. In some industrialized countries maintained a tradition of setting the official exchange rate at the level of the exchange.

      Since the bulk of foreign exchange operations in industrialized countries are carried out on-the-counter interbank market, the main course of the internal market in these countries is the interbank rate. Interbank quotation installs large commercial banks – the main operators of the foreign exchange market, supporting one another permanent relationship. They are called market makers (makers of the market).Other banks – market-users (users of the market) to apply for quotation of market makers. Interbank Foreign Exchange quotes are set by market makers by sequential comparison of supply and demand for each currency.

      On the interbank rates are guided all the other members of the currency market, it is the basis of establishing rates for each currency. Exchange rate is mostly for reference.

      In countries with rigid exchange restrictions and fixed exchange rate, all operations are conducted at the official rate. In some countries with underdeveloped exchange market, where the volume of currency transactions are in foreign currency exchange rate of the main foreign exchange market is the exchange quotation, which is formed on the exchange, based on the consistent comparison of bids for the purchase and sale of foreign currency (exchange fixing). Exchange rate is the basis of establishing rates, both in interbank transactions and for bank customers.

      Distinguish quotes:

      – The lines are used in most countries (including Russia). When direct quotation cost per unit of foreign currency expressed in national currency unit (for example, U.S. $ 1 = 29.64 RUR):

      – Indirect, the unit adopted a national currency, the rate of which is expressed in a certain amount of foreign currency. Indirect quotation is used in the UK, since 1987, and in the U.S. (for example, 1 RUR = 0.034 U.S. dollar).

      Between direct and indirect quotations of the inverse relationship exists:

      The display of exchange rates of a large bank of any country is induced by the dollar against other currencies that is, represented by direct quotation.

      For the British pound has historically maintained an indirect quotation, so the string GBP in this table is read as follows:

      1 pound = 1.62 U.S. dollar

      – Cross-rate is the ratio between the two currencies in relation to third currencies.

      For example, on April 10, 2012 Bank of Russia[38] set for accounting purposes and customs payments the following rates:

      1 U.S. dollar = 29.64 RUR.

      4. Foreign exchange operations

      The most common is separation of currency transactions in cash and term. The first is also called the overnight (overnight). In this case we are talking about the provision of goods (currency) at the time of the transaction or within a few days, in the second – about the time lag between the date of the transaction and its implementation.

      4.1. Cash Transactions (transaction «spot»)

      Transactions on a «spot» (spot – cash, instant) made at the rate established at the time of the agreement, and the supply of currency no later than the second enterprise day. Delayed pay increases progressively fine-interest.

      At the heart of deals «spot» is based on correspondent relationships among banks.

      – The spatial arbitrage. This foreign currency transaction had to start spontaneously dealers. Profit arises from differences in the courses on various foreign exchange markets.

      Under normal conditions, currency trading is, in its macroeconomic consequences, to a positive phenomenon, because it promotes the equalization of market rates. But inflation in the atmosphere an additional influx of a particular currency may cause the exchange rate distortions.

      In a simple arbitrage interact two counterparties. Buyer shall pay from their bank accounts, dealer – acting on the orders of the first (or in conjunction with them) – accrues revenue. Their foreign exchange reserves as a whole does not change.

      Complex or the conversion arbitrage involves working with a number of currencies in different markets. The study of the geography of currency rates reveals a point relative to cheaper foreign

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