The War. Rita Fe

The War - Rita Fe

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p>The War

      Rita Fe

      © Rita Fe, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-4498-4933-5

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      THE WAR

      STREET IN MINSK – DAY 1941

      German soldiers are walking along the central street of Minsk. Two women leave the house and look at the street, see the soldiers.

      THE WAR

      STREET IN MINSK – DAY 1941

      German soldiers are walking along the central street of Minsk. Two women leave the house and look at the street, see the soldiers.

      (One woman’s name is Maria (35 years), the

      other is Natalia (40years) (they both poor))


               I did not understand.

               What kind of soldiers

               are they?


      This is the Third Reich

      or what?

      A young guy runs out of the house, named Pavel (25 years, he is poor).


      Mom, what’s this?

      There is a gunfight, gunshots are heard.

      Natalia lies on the ground, blood flows from her mouth. Pavel leans over her.


      Mom, what’s going on?

      Maria runs into the house. She’s screaming:


      Pavel, come here


      Paul gets up and goes into the house.


      Stalin is sitting at the table writing a letter. Nearby phone rings.

      Stalin picks up the receiver.


               What? The war has



      Stalin lies down.

      He looks before him with a hard look.

      The messenger is running.


      Permission to report?


      Go away!


      The war began at the

      Belarusian station. The

      messenger runs away.


      Minsk – top view.

      From 6 houses there is smoke and fire, 15 houses are exploding.

      Fighter flies by and explodes a few more houses.


      There is a girl named – Lena on the street of Minsk, her foot in the blood, she comes to the hospital building.

      She pulls the door, the door opens.

      A fighter flies to the girl’s head, the hospital lights up. The girl screams and runs away from the hospital.

      PAVEL resorts and looks at the blazing hospital. She sees the girl.


      My mother is also

      wounded, what are we

      going to do?

      15 soldiers are walking along the street and shooting at passers-by.

      Pavel, the girl and the rest of the people are running. The girl gets a bullet in the heart and falls.

      Pavel runs to the high-rise building, runs into the house.

      Through the street passing military trucks. PAVEL looks out the door and looks at the trucks.

      INT.ROOM – DAY

      In the big room are sitting artists, dressed in unusual outfits for the atrical stage.

      German soldiers come into this room.

      They grab the artists and take them out of the room, with the words:


      We all go out to be shot!

      What are you doing here



      (on the way to the exit)

      I’m German, maybe you

      will not shoot me?


      I remember you, lady!


      German soldiers kick out and push artists out of the big building.

      INT. PARK – DAY

      In the park, between the benches, the Germans are building artists in a long row. The German soldier turns to the.

      German actress, who stands apart from everyone:


      No, you do not need,

      you’re German.

      Here, hold the gun (he gives her a gun in her hands), and now shoot everyone.

      The German actress takes aim and shoots at the artists.

      Another soldier approaches he and puts on her hand a red ribbon with a fascist flag.

      INT.PARK – DAY

      Two young girls run in the park, they see a lot of scattered corpses, cry out, look at the corpses.

      ONE GIRL

      (at the sight of the corpse)

      These are the same artists!


      Let’s run from here, Anna!

      They run further, see ahead of the German soldiers and run to the sides.


      Odessa. A girl named Nastya comes to the mirror.

      NASTYA – beautiful girl, 20 years – the main character.


           Mom, what’s the news

           on the news, are the

           German soldiers

                              really here?

      Nastya turns and sees her mother. Mom is washing things over the basin.


      I do not know Nastya,

      look again.


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