The Magic Aquifer: Treating the Political Stress Syndrome A Novel. John R. Krismer

The Magic Aquifer: Treating the Political Stress Syndrome A Novel - John R. Krismer

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transport their fish. There were also several nets hanging behind the two rustic cabins that stood just in front of a rather dilapidated barn, where several horses were casually picking at an unbundled bail of hay.

      Since the fishing was very poor near the bridge, Bill decided to motor back across the harbor, so they wouldn’t be seen if the Indians returned early. As Ed once again scanned the horizon, he finally saw two large boats off in the distance, heading directly toward them. As they moved closer, he could see the net rigging, but he could not tell if they had any nets dragging behind them. As they finally entered the channel, Ed counted three men working each boat, and there appeared to be some milk cans and large boxes on each deck, similar to the boxes they’d just seen on the truck. Behind each boat, they were also towing a large flat-scow that was filled with what appeared to be wet gill nets, from the day’s fishing. Since the rigging was empty, they’d obviously been using the gill nets, and as they docked, several of the Indians immediately began to load the boxes of fish on the truck as the others stretched out their wet nets on the drying racks. One Indian then loaded what appeared to be several empty milk cans onto a two wheel cart, while his helper hooked up one of the horses to this unusual contraption. Once this was all ready, they both got on the other horse and road bareback into the forest, pulling the horse with the trailer and the empty milk cans behind them.

      “Where the hell do you think they’re going?” Dave asked, raising both eyebrows.

      “I bet their hauling water from that aquifer,” Ed whispered, as if it was some kind of secret.

      “I bet you’re right,” Bill replied. “That’s about all they could be getting, unless they’re going to fill them with gold.”

      “Well they sure as hell don’t have any cows out in the woods and with wolf out there, they aren’t going to fill them with milk,” Dave quickly chimed in.

      As Ed refocused his binoculars on the back yard, he continued to talk in a whisper. “I also see a water pump, so just why do you think they’d be going to the woods to get more water?”

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