The New World Oligarchy: Destroying the United States Through Globalization. John R. Krismer
secure their interest on the multinational bank notes they extended to our government - notes which today earn this Oligarchy almost two billion dollars a day in interest from our tax payers. And since they now control almost all of the international industrialists, as well as our politicians, they are now able to create depressions or open new markets whenever they desire. In fact, by hiding behind their fallacious NWO slogan of “World Trade through World Peace,” this NWO has blamelessly maneuvered the U.S. into some nineteen unwarranted conflicts including: World War I, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Somalia, Haiti, Croatia, Bosnia, Chechnya, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Sudan, East Timor, and Afghanistan and Iraq, which have served them well in their money making interventions and war provocations that have gained financial control over so many other nations and their natural resources. And now, with all their multinational banks loaning out today’s valueless fiat money, which they can create from nothing; and our income tax providing a means to repay the inflated debt and their huge interest earnings, these Invisible Money Baron’s have actually forced us to accept their deceitful Trickle-down Philosophy. And although very little ever trickles down from this Inter-national Oligarchy, it doesn’t stop there - since we’ve even allowed them to lower the tax on their earnings in this country, by allowing their tax exempt foundations to serve as repositories for their divested interest, making almost all of their assets non-taxable along with their estate and gift tax. And now, with this enemy of capitalism tapping directly into our treasury through their unwarranted interest payments and their ridiculous corporate welfare and tax bailout scams, these proponents of a free market have become totally dependent on big government. But it doesn’t stop there, in that during the last century these false prophets of capitalism have instituted policies that are antithetical to free markets, thereby placing themselves in an ideal position to increase earnings during positive times while gaining equity during recessions, all under the ridiculous concept of this New World Order (NWO) - clearly leveling this once great nation to that of others. But what’s even more frightening is one of our own once respected financial giants, David Rockefeller, supported this NWO and their openly stated aspiration of leveling the United States to that of other nations under the misleading ploy of globalization. David has also been financially linked with the internationally powerful Bilderberg Group, who has close ties with the Saudi Oil Czars and their corrupt cult of terrorists that strategically bombed the World Trade Center - providing still another unjust deception to go to war with Iraq. And in addition to all this, this Rockefeller dynasty Overlords the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the powerful Trilateral Commission (TC), which David himself created to take the place of today’s dysfunctional Congress that once looked after this country’s working class. But more importantly, their more recent deregulation and decentralization of our infrastructure is now applying the final blow to our sovereign nation. So this is where my novel begins.
This novel, The New World Oligarchy, is based on actual events that show how this powerful Aristocracy has taken total control over our once respected and cost effective nonprofit healthcare system. It also describes how their destructive Master Plan is now mushrooming throughout this once sovereign nation’s entire infrastructure – causing our economy to grow weak and the world more fearful, unfriendly, and certainly less united.
The N W O’s $$$ COSTLY MASTER PLAN $$$ WHICH PROMOTED: Deregulation - Endless Wars and Torture Tactics - Devaluation of the Dollar - Global Manufacturing - The Ridiculous Bail Out of International Banks - The Housing Crisis - Fiat Money - The Great Cover Up - The Buying off Congress - The 2008 Recession - and is currently promoting the 2012 Depression DISREGARDED: International Law - The Environment - The Nonproliferation Treaty - and Business Ethics OWNS OR CONTROLS: The Federal Reserve - Most of the World’s Natural Resources - and all Bank Loans AND BANKRUPTS: The Sick and Disabled - The Economy and Jobs - The Public Treasury - and This Nation’s Infrastructure |
Looking back, the imbalance in this country’s vitally important healthcare service first reared its ugly head when this controlling Oligarchy coerced our politicians into passing the 1946 McCarran Ferguson Act, which deregulated and decentralized FDR’s world-renowned single nonprofit prepayment healthcare service to our sick and disabled - all occurring right after FDR’s death in 1945. In fact, healthcare in the United States was then still ranked 1st instead of 37th by the World Health Organization (WHO).
In this novel, Doctor Bill Warner and Mary Swanson, an RN - represent two real life healthcare professionals who tried to confront this Oligarchy. And if one will only take a closer look at this nation’s infrastructure, including our entitlement programs, our energy services, our environment, our airline industry, our schools, our highways and bridges - as well as our cost of living and our outsourcing of commodities and jobs - they’re all now failing in order to support this upper crust’s contrived inflations, depressions, and wars of aggression - all skillfully designed to make big bucks while controlling the world’s natural resources under the fallacious parody of freedom. Worse yet, this International Aristocracy now controls our powerful military complex, our intelligence and homeland security system, the news media and all its influential propaganda networks, as well as their own privately controlled international banking system - all under this nation’s puppet like government, which was once admired as a leader throughout the entire world. Yes, this novel describes in shocking detail what first took place at the grass roots in healthcare, and what has now been repeated over and over in almost every other facet of human service. And as a result, we’re failing as a democracy, just as the Athenian Culture was sapped of it’s strength and unity by the wealthy Persians in 45 BC - and our future now depends on We the People waking up and getting this Enemy Within out of our craw, if we ever hope to regain our sovereignty. And remember, this time we have no place to run!
Chapter 1
A Fresh Start
As Doctor Bill Warner sipped his morning coffee he recalled Susan’s love for the mountains, and even though the fresh snow offered him a different outlook for that day, he still couldn’t look at Pike’s Peak with-out deeply missing her pleasant smile that had greeted him for so many years. And since her murder, he often found himself grieving over those trips into the mountains to see the golden Aspen. As he sat absorbed with these painful thoughts of the past, he recalled when the Catholic Sister’s he’d worked for demanded he and his wife Susan take a fully paid vacation to Hawaii as their gift to him for a job well done. As he thought about that vacation, he remembered how the phone jolted him from a sound sleep, and how completely disoriented he was as he reached out several times before grabbing the phone and finally saying, “Hello?”
“Hi Dad.”
“John? Is that you - is everything all right?” He’d asked, wondering why his son would be calling in the middle of the night, but sensing that something was terribly wrong.
Then John sobbed, “Dad, Kate’s dead.”
“Dead! Oh God no! - John, what’s happened?”
“She drowned in her apartment swimming pool. They tried to revive her at the Hennepin Hospital in Minneapolis - but they couldn’t,” he gasped. “I guess they were able to restart her heart, but only for a short time, and she was pronounced dead at nine-thirty last night. Dad, Donna told me there were abrasions on her head, and that the police were concerned about that.”
Bill recalled how his mind was racing wildly, thinking back to the phone threat he’d received. I … I can’t believe this … what should I do? He’d thought to himself.
“John, where are you?”
“I’m in Texas, but I’m leaving for Minneapolis in about an hour and I don’t know too much about what happened just yet.”
After they’d finished talking, Bill remembered how he and Susan sobbed in each other’s arms, neither one speaking before he finally gathered enough energy to call the airport. Since it was an