Who Am I?. Sharon Simmonds

Who Am I? - Sharon Simmonds

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of elementary school gym class, standing in the field or gym, nervously waiting as two team captains survey their classmates and slowly, one at a time, choose teammates based on their personalities, sports prowess and friendship. If you were ever part of that process, you were either satisfied because you were one of the first to be picked or self-conscious and feeling like you would have to prove yourself because you were one of the last.

      Here’s the good news. In God’s economy being chosen is based on what God wants to give to us—not on what we have to offer to him. We are the objects of God’s choice and his divine favor, chosen by him to receive all the fullness of life in Christ. Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10, NIV). Colossians 3 provides some hints about what it means to be chosen by God.

      Chosen by God for Intimacy

      God loves us dearly and chooses us to be in relationship with him. He places his Spirit within us, and we learn to be attentive and responsive to him. Choosing his ways over our ways, we pursue the things over which Christ presides, not shuffling along with our eyes to the ground or absorbed with the things right in front of us. We look up and become alert to what is going on around Christ and realize that’s where the action is. We begin to see things from his perspective, and we acknowledge that he is our life (see Col. 3:1–3, MSG).

      Chosen by God for Holiness

      God chooses us to be holy—set apart for him—and he supplies all we need to live this out. He invites us to get rid of sin and walk away from evil desires and practices (see examples in Col. 3:5–11). He dresses us with compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, patience, discipline, forgiveness and love. As set-apart ones we bring these qualities and practices into our activities, joining with God to bring goodness and wholeness to our families, churches, workplaces and communities.

      Chosen by God for Worship

      God chooses us to worship and serve him together (Col. 3:15–17). We read Scripture and store his words in our hearts and minds. We receive his wisdom to make good decisions, to instruct and guide one another. We sing with energy, gratitude and praise to God. We cultivate Christian community with practices of peace, unity and thankfulness. Our words and actions—every detail of our lives—point to God, thanking him every step along the way.

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