Loves' Conqueror. Renee Hand

Loves' Conqueror - Renee Hand

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from a ship they had plundered years ago and that she was to always wear it in remembrance of her mother. She lifted the hem of her gown and raised it to her thigh, seeing the precious stone tied there by a scarf. The neckline of her gown was too low to hide the necklace so she tied it to her thigh hoping to keep it safe, keeping her word to her father to always wear it.

      She let go of the hem of her skirt and it flowed like a waterfall back down to the floor covering her legs. Her eyes then fell upon some decorative pieces of parchment. She scanned them quickly and noticed they were letters of marque. She read through the top one quickly and absorbed every word including the name of the captain which was, Riveri, and the name of the ship, The Captain’s Avenger. She was about to go to the next letter of marque when she saw a rolled up piece of parchment with a pretty ribbon. Curious, she was about to reach for it when she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Nervously, she looked back at the door, which she forgot to close, rose quickly and hurried to the doorway. Upon seeing no one she rushed out into the hallway closing the door tightly behind her. She moved quickly for the turn in the hallway and once she cleared the corner could see Davy waiting for her like he had said he would.

      She passed by a woman in a bright yellow gown whose footsteps had to be the ones she had heard. The woman smiled at her but Miranda was too consumed in thoughts to return the gesture. Her eyes focused on Davy’s until she made it to his side. When they looked at each other, Davy knew something was wrong. Miranda’s chest was rising and falling heavily from almost running to him. Davy was about to speak when Miranda held up her hand to stop him. “We must speak,” was all she said. Davy was about to reply when they heard a booming voice coming from the hall.

      “My dove, where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Startled, Miranda raised her hand to her throat feeling like she had just gotten caught for looking into Lord Hammil’s private affairs. She cleared her mind before she spoke, “I have been right here, Leonard, talking with Davy.”

      “I believe you owe me a dance. I wish to claim it now.” Lord Hammil’s voice accepted no comment or discussion upon the matter as he offered his hand for Miranda to take. She smiled briefly and took it, though reluctantly. As Lord Hammil twirled her around the dance floor Miranda’s mind was reeling from all that she had learned. Lord Hammil then discussed with her the time they would be leaving tomorrow for the Caribbean and other important details. Miranda kept nodding her head, showing her fake smile to please him as she listened. As the dance finished Miranda was about to excuse herself when Lord Hammil held her hand tightly, wanting her for another dance. She tried to refuse but Lord Hammil ignored her.

      Miranda glanced constantly at Davy begging him to save her and when she thought that she could take no more, he did. Lord Hammil was not pleased when Davy tapped him on the shoulder, forcing him to stop.

      “What can I do for you, Davy?” asked Lord Hammil angrily.

      “I know you are oblivious to it, milord, but Miranda is tired, her feet ache.” Lord Hammil glanced quickly at Miranda who nodded her head.

      “I’m sorry, my dear, why didn’t you say something?” asked Lord Hammil.

      “I didn’t want to disappoint you. I know how much you wanted me to dance,” replied Miranda smoothly.

      “You are so thoughtful, my dear, but I insist that you rest.”

      “I will be taking her home to rest, Lord Hammil,” piped in Davy as he placed his arm around Miranda’s waist and removed her from the dance floor. Lord Hammil smiled at his guests as he followed the pair. He then caught up with Davy and Miranda near the entranceway and grabbed Davy’s arm to stop him.

      “Don’t ever take Miranda away from me again. You have made me look inconsiderate and foolish in front of my peers,” spouted Lord Hammil as quietly as possible. Davy knocked Lord Hammil’s hand away from his arm and glared at him as he told Miranda to go to the carriage. He waited a few seconds before he glanced and saw her step inside. He then turned on Lord Hammil and bore down on him like a fierce storm on a ship.

      “You don’t need me for that. You should have been more considerate toward her when forcing her to stand on her feet for most of the night just to please your peers. She’s a woman, not a doll. If you wish to put her on display to impress everyone, that is your right, but I will not allow such careless treatment of her. I think only of Miranda’s welfare, Lord Hammil. As her guardian I love her as my daughter, so forgive me when I say that I could care less for your pride and agenda.” Lord Hammil stood fuming as he watched Davy walk the rest of the way to the carriage. He then stormed off as he heard it roll away.

      CHAPTER 3

      “Lord Hammil wasn’t pleased with our leaving so abruptly, but I could tell that you wanted to go.” Davy whispered those words as he took off Miranda’s shoes and rubbed her feet one by one in the carriage as they left Lord Hammil’s estate. Miranda pressed her back forcefully into the seat as she stretched her legs out to lay them upon Davy’s knees, his muscular hands massaging from her toes to her heels and ankles. A sigh of pleasure escaped her lips as she rested her head against the seat.

      “I made a mistake, Davy, a big one. I told Lord Hammil that father had accepted his proposal of marriage.” Davy paused for only a moment while his eyes bore into Miranda’s.

      “If you recall, I heard the announcement of your engagement earlier in the evening. Do you feel that it was wise to speak for your father?” Was all that Davy had said as he resumed massaging Miranda’s feet.

      “You know as well as I that Father would accept the match, you have admitted as much to me.” Davy didn’t answer, he only glanced at her periodically, disapproval in his eyes. “Don’t look at me that way, you know I’m right. Anyway, I took Lord Hammil for a wealthy fool, but now I’ve realized that he is much smarter than what I thought. You know how we talked about letting Lord Hammil show me affection? Well, I let him and I won’t be ashamed to tell you that I wasn’t at all impressed with his kisses. He grabbed me by the shoulders passionately but the kiss didn’t show how excited he was to touch me, not that I have much experience in the matter. I will admit that it was pleasant, but I didn’t feel anything in my heart and I thought I would. I am mildly disappointed with my first experience. He lacks emotion, I think. He shows no passion in the art of love, and yet he shows passion for other things.” Davy raised his eyebrows at Miranda’s words.

      “Is this why you almost broke into tears when we were alone earlier?” His curiosity overcame him as he saw the look of sadness in her eyes.

      “Yes and no, I felt overwhelmed. I would have duties, as Lord Hammil’s wife, in taking care of his large estate and then having to deal with his abnormal expectations of me. He asks too much from me and I don’t think I could live up to his demands. Also, he has asked me to go to the Caribbean with him so we can marry at his estate in New Providence, at least that request I would do eagerly.” Davy stopped what he was doing and looked up at Miranda.

      “Are you serious? What did you say to such a proposal?”

      “What do you think I said? I said I would go, of course. He knows nothing of Father’s identity, and I figure that if he can take us to New Providence then it wouldn’t take much for us to go to Eleuthera in secret to check on Father, if he is there.” Davy pushed her feet abruptly off of his knees. Miranda almost fell forward from the action, a look of surprise in her eyes.

      “Lord Hammil is not a fool. You cannot treat him as such.”

      “Since when do you care for his feelings?” Miranda’s eyes narrowed into slits.

      “Watch your tongue with me child, he’s a smart man. I know that you do not love him and I think deep down you fear him. Why? What did he do or say to make you distrust him?” Davy folded his arms in front of his chest awaiting his answer.

      “What makes you say such things?” Miranda lowered her eyes, knowing that what Davy said to her was true.

      “Lord Hammil is soon to be your husband, and yet you feel that you can dupe him to get what you want. Not a good way to

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