A Manual for Acolytes. Dennis G. Michno
your vestments.
3 If two servers are assigned to extinguish the candles, the procedure is the same. After reverencing the altar together, begin with the candles on either end, farthest from the center, and work towards the center. After the altar candles have been extinguished, other candles are extinguished (remember, the Paschal Candle is last during Eastertide!). The servers come to the center, reverence the altar and return to the sacristy.
4 Important notes on extinguishing candles:a. Be sure to check the inside of the extinguisher, making sure that there is no residue of wax. If there is, clean it out before extinguishing the candles. Old wax can easily melt and create a messy blotch of wax and soot falling on altar linens or vestments.b. When extinguishing candles, the purpose is not to drown them in their own wax, but rather to cut off the oxygen. Therefore, do not plunge the extinguisher down over the top of the candle, but rather hold it gently over the flame until the candle is out.c. After extinguishing each candle turn the snuffer up. This will keep melted wax from spilling on the altar linen.d. If for some reason you must blow the candles out rather than using an extinguisher, be careful. Place your hand behind the flame—otherwise wax will fly all over the place!
Chapter 7
Before the Eucharist
Arrive at least twenty minutes before the service begins. Vest immediately; then ask for any instructions from the celebrant or person in charge. After you are vested, it is a good idea to check the credence.
1 If the gifts are not being presented by members of the congregation, the following should be on the credence:a. Chalice, purificator, paten, bread or host, pall, corporal. If the above are covered with a veil, the burse is placed on top and contains the corporal and an extra purificator. In some places, especially at weekday celebrations, the celebrant will carry these in at the entrance.BURSECORPORALVEILED CHALICEb. Bread box with wafers or bread.c. A cruet of wine and a cruet of water.BREAD BOXCRUETd. Lavabo bowl and towel.LAVABO BOWL AND TOWELe. A second chalice and purificator, if needed.f. An extra cruet or flagon with wine, if necessary.
2 If the gifts are being presented by members of the congregation be sure that the lavabo bowl and towel (and anything else they may not bring up—see above list) are on the credence.
Ten minutes before the service light the candles (see Chapter 5). Be ready, quiet, and prepared for the start of the service. If you are carrying a candle, light it; if you are thurifer, make sure your coals are very hot; if you are crucifer, have your cross in hand.
Loud talking, or anything that might distract the congregation, is always out of order.
Part Two
The Holy Eucharist
Chapter 8
An Outline of the Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist
The Word of God
The Entrance | [Hymn, psalm, or anthem] [A Penitential Order] |
The Preparation | Acclamation [Collect for Purity] [Summary of the Law] Song(s) of Praise |
The Collect of the Day | |
The Lessons | Lesson (Old Testament, Acts, Revelation, Apocrypha) [Psalm] Epistle (Letters of New Testament, Acts, or Revelation) [Alleluia (or Tract)] [Sequence Hymn] Gospel |
The Sermon
The Nicene Creed
The Prayers of the People
Confession of Sin
[Comfortable Words]
The Peace
The Holy Communion
The Offertory | Sentence of Scripture, hymn, psalm, or anthem Presentation and preparation of the gifts [Lavabo] |
The Great Thanksgiving | Salutation and Preface Sanctus Consecration [(Memorial) Acclamation] Doxology Lord’s Prayer |
The Breaking of the Bread | Anthem [Agnus Dei] [Prayer of Humble Access] Invitation to Communion Ministration of Communion [Hymn, psalm, or anthem] [Ablutions] Post-communion prayer of thanksgiving [Hymn] [Blessing] Dismissal [Hymn] |
Chapter 9
Basic Instructions and Duties of the Server at the Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist When the Celebrant is behind the Altar, facing the People | The Holy Eucharist When the Celebrant faces the Cross with back to Congregation |
The Word of God (page 323 or 355 | The Word of God (page 323 or 355) |
The Entrance | The Entrance |
After a prayer of preparation, the S leads the C into the sanctuary. | After a prayer of preparation, the S leads the C into the sanctuary. |
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