The Trespassers. Morris Panych

The Trespassers - Morris Panych

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play what’s in your hand.


      Let him do what he wants.


      If I teach him nothing else before I die, I’m going to teach him how to bluff. Bluffing is humankind at his finest. It involves two completely contradictory aspects of thought:

      knowing and not knowing. Between the two, Lowell, lies the sublime.


      He’ll say anything to win a hand of poker.


      Did anybody ask you?


      What if my cards aren’t very good?


      Don’t tell me that. He tells me his hand isn’t very good. Don’t tell me that.




      Like I said, Lowell, it’s got absolutely nothing to do with what’s in your hand. It’s what’s in your mind that counts. That you can control. What’s in your hand is what’s in your hand. Make me think you’re holding three aces.




      When you look at your cards, let your head go back just slightly and widen your eyes a little; keep scanning the cards, as if you can’t quite believe your good luck. Bet tentatively at first, then lean back. Try to act unexcited. That’s good. I see you and raise you.


      Can you beat three aces?


      No, but I know you’re trying to bluff me, now.


      Then I fold.


      Don’t fold. Make me doubt my own wisdom. Great men make little men doubt. That’s how Lenin came to power, and Stalin after him. Bet, and bet high. Churchill, now there was a bluffer.


      I’ll lose all my money.


      Losing or winning isn’t the point.




      You want to be a victim of your own fate?



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