Camilla MacPhee Mysteries 6-Book Bundle. Mary Jane Maffini
into his jeans, the fake leopard skin vest in place. His pony tail was slicked back, and he picked up his best leather jacket from the coat rack, although it was the hottest day so far in the year.
As we walked out the front door, a girl with long red and blue hair emerged from the bedroom. She was wearing a carelessly wrapped sheet and smoking something illegal.
“Go back to sleep,” he said, closing the door behind us.
We were back in Ottawa and zooming along the Queen Elizabeth Driveway, before he spoke.
“I’m thinking about going back to Cape Breton.”
“That’s a great idea,” I said. “I’ll help you make your arrangements as soon as we finish this little chore.”
The little chore was my impending visit to Rudy Wendtz and his tame gorilla, Denzil Hickey.
“You stay here, in the car. And if I’m not out of the house in twenty minutes, you call the police. Do you have that? Twenty minutes.”
“I forgot to put my watch on.”
“Use the clock on the dash.”
“I don’t think the time’s right. You didn’t adjust it after Daylight Saving Time, did you?”
“It doesn’t matter,” I said, through my teeth. “Just twenty minutes after whatever it says. Got that?”
“No need to be snotty,” Alvin said under his breath.
I left him there and marched up to the tall and wide front door of Rudy Wendtz’s big house.
“Hi,” I said, shaking Denzil Hickey by the hand as soon as he opened the door. “Good to see you again. I can tell by the car in the driveway the man himself must be home. This’ll just take a minute.”
Denzil looked at me with eyes that reminded me of ball bearings. I tried not to think about him murdering the tabby.
I intended to deal with him on that matter later. He shrugged and I followed him down the hall to the conservatory. His shoes, I noticed, were black.
Rudy was working out with a set of hydraulic weights. He kept going without a pause as we entered the room. This was good, because I wasn’t sure what I was going to say to him.
It must be nice, I thought, to have enough money to have a house that overlooks the canal, and to have all the time in the world to develop your deltoids while watching the water ripple in the warm spring breeze. Wearing fashionable workout clothes and some kind of black running shoes.
I waited. Denzil lurked in a corner. After a while, I cleared my throat. Patience is one thing, but I didn’t have all day. And Alvin was set to call the police if I didn’t show up in twenty minutes.
“I just popped around to mention that you and Brooke Findlay were observed and overheard arguing over her intention to speak to a certain recently deceased media type and people are beginning to gossip. And also, since your friend here,” I gestured to Denzil, but he seemed to have stepped out, “was seen lumbering around the Harmony Hotel, the police may wish to reconsider your involvement. I thought I’d mention this to you, since we hit it off so well the last time.”
He didn’t seem to have heard me at all. Just kept on pumping that iron.
I waited for a while, checking out the plants, touching the equipment, before I glanced at my watch.
“Oh God,” I said, “will you look at the time. Gotta run.
Keep in mind what I said though.”
“The police,” said Denzil as I passed him in the hallway, “are not interested in little things like that. Or little things like you and your friends. They’re not going to bother Rudy. So you can save your concern.”
“Great,” I said, “I can sleep tonight.”
I skipped through the front door, down the stairs and past the black Mercedes, hoping that Denzil hadn’t been able to see my heart thumping through my tee-shirt.
Alvin was slumped over on the seat, snoozing. “Some lookout you are,” I snarled, giving him a shake as I climbed into the driver’s seat. I gasped as he toppled over onto me, his eyes closed, blood matting the back of his head behind the ear.
I sat there in the car, struggling to get my breath before I thought to lock the doors and drive poor damaged Alvin to the hospital.
* * *
The police were less than helpful.
“Rudy Wendtz. In front of his house. This happened in broad daylight in front of his house. Are the citizens of Ottawa not safe in their own cars?” Perhaps I’d raised my voice a bit with this. Other people in the emergency area turned to stare.
Mombourquette leaned against the door, smirking his ratty smirk, staying removed from our crisis. At least they took our statement.
Then I took Alvin home. I was left with the impression that since Alvin had not been attacked inside Rudy’s place and since Alvin never knew what hit him, there was unlikely to be a riot squad attack on Rudy Wendtz’s home to capture him and protect the decent people of Ottawa from scum.
By the time I pulled up in front of Robin’s place late in the afternoon, my stomach was growling. But at least Alvin was all right, resting at home, no doubt smouldering at his memories of me. So I was cranky when Mr. Findlay’s face appeared.
“Oh hi, Camilla,” he said, holding the door open.
Surprise. I was half expecting to be a pariah among the Findlays.
“Robin’s upstairs changing. Excuse me, I have something to take care of in the kitchen.”
I walked through the living room. The TV was off. I’d never seen that in all the years I’d been coming to the Findlays.
“Mother’s at a funeral. I thought I’d better stay here in case Robin needed me.” Mr. Findlay’s voice drifted out of the kitchen. Although I was sure I hadn’t asked the question.
Robin’s room was empty. Shower sounds were coming from the bathroom. Good. I tiptoed down the hall to Brooke’s door and knocked. She looked surprised to see me, and stunned when I plunked myself down on her bed and started talking.
“I find it interesting, Brooke, to know you had a major problem with Mitzi Brochu trying to ruin your career. And you were seen in the Harmony minutes before her body was discovered, although your family believes you to have been in Toronto, too busy to come to your sister’s side. I also find it interesting you had a public battle with Rudy Wendtz, noted drug dealer and thug, about your intention to confront Mitzi, and I’m fascinated your consumption of cocaine is so well known. Not good news for the ‘Walk in the Woods’ image, I’d say. And while I’m talking, let me add, if you treat Robin with anything less than the care and respect she deserves, and if you cause her to take any responsibility for crimes, or if you attempt to have me kept away from this house, I will go to the newspapers. I’ll ruin you, and I’ll smile while I do it. The choice is yours.”
I left her, white-faced and shaking on her bed, and walked back to Robin’s room. Robin, wrapped in blue towels, including a blue turban on her head, was glad to see me.
“You look better,” I said.
“I feel better. And you? Are you staying out of trouble?”
“Good. I think I can go home again, pretty soon. I talked to the people in the office. I might drop in on Monday.”
She reached over and grabbed my hand. “Thanks. Thanks for talking tough. I guess I’d made myself a bit crazy. Lost perspective.”
“Hey, what are friends for?”
“Hmmm. I can’t wait to see