Haunted Ontario 2-Book Bundle. Terry Boyle

Haunted Ontario 2-Book Bundle - Terry Boyle

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to Krista, “At one time we had this head housekeeper who had misplaced her keys to the other buildings on site. Another housekeeper found her keys in room 105.”

      Katherine Cumberland has worked as a pub server in the Fox and Hound Pub, located on the lower level of the inn, for more than four years. She has actually seen the ghost of Judge Mahaffy sitting in the front parlour of the main building. Katherine is very happy working here. She is not afraid of the ghostly events of the inn or shy about sharing her stories about the inn. In fact, she knows she is never alone in the building!


      Katherine Cumberland, a server at the Fox and the Hound pub, located in the lower level of the Inn at the Falls, Bracebridge.

      “I believe that there is something here. You definitely get the sense that something or someone is around. You often get the feeling that you don’t belong in a certain area of the pub.”

      The pub is not the only area where Katherine senses a feeling of unwelcome. “Just down the hallway, prior to the pub entranceway, is the laundry room. You just get a sense of not being wanted there. It’s not a bad feeling, but the hair on the back of my neck will stand up.”

      Another area of activity on the same floor level is the meeting room. Katherine explained, “About two years ago we were going to have a party of guests use this room. Prior to the meeting, a staff member was on their way to organize the room. Just as they approached the room they heard the sound of a table being dragged across the floor. The employee thought the guests had already arrived. When she entered the room it was empty of people. She quickly observed that one table had been mysteriously moved from one end of the room to the other end.”

      Guests who stay overnight upstairs in the inn still encounter unexplained events. Katherine related how one gentleman spent a restless night here.

      “About two years ago we had a man staying upstairs in the main inn. At 11:00 p.m. that night, the last staff member locked the front door and left the premises. During the night the guest was awakened by people running up and down the hallways. He thought it was children playing. When the staff arrived in the morning this male guest, upon leaving, bitterly complained about not having been able to sleep for the noise. He soon discovered that he had been the only guest staying in the inn that night. The front doors had been locked and had not been possible for anyone to have entered the building.”

      Some evenings when people stay at the inn, they have reported seeing Judge Mahaffy just standing in the building. He is usually described as wearing a jacket and vest. There are other reports of a child you don’t see, but hear.

      Katherine has encountered this child. “One morning I arrived at the pub and heard someone say ‘hi’ to me. The voice belonged to a child. I looked all around, but couldn’t find anyone. This happened twice in one morning.”

      Some staff members believe the child sounds like an eight- or 12-year-old.

      In the past few years guests taking pictures of the front parlour report capturing orbs of light floating in mid-air. Even the silhouette of a person has appeared in their pictures.

      Breeze Mitchell began working at the inn in the early part of October 2006. She is convinced of the existence of the spirits. Her childhood experiences have confirmed this belief. Breeze recalled that childhood. “You have to know what is real. Death is just another plane of existence. When I was younger we lived in a house in which the previous owner had died. I would see these grey images there. As a child I would sleep walk. My mother would watch me talking to someone that she could not see. I have no memory of this.”

      Her day at work begins by saying hello to the staff and spirits, including Judge Mahaffy. She still sees these grey images most of the time. Breeze shared some of her experiences at the inn.

      “There are three sets of lights in the kitchen. This one morning as I entered the kitchen the sets of lights went off, one by one. In the back of the kitchen the freezer doors will open and slam shut on their own. In January 2007 I was near the back of the kitchen. I looked out the window and caught sight of a woman. She was wearing a large-brimmed hat and wore an old-fashioned dress. She was standing on the outside verandah. Then she disappeared.

      “Certain mornings you can often smell the scent of lavender and roses in different areas in the main dining room just off from the central hall.

      “One day I had a file disappear in the office. The file reappeared a couple of days later.”

      Guests who photograph the interior of the inn frequently capture images of orbs. Some people believe these orbs are actually spirits or the energy of spirits. Sometimes they appear with a pattern inside the orb.

      Breeze shared a couple of stories surrounding room 105. “In late October 2006 a lady was booked into room 105. She wanted to see a ghost. That night she couldn’t fall asleep. Then she felt someone patting her back and rubbing it. She drifted off to sleep. When she awoke she realized that she was alone and had as she had wished, encountered a spirit.

      “In November 2007 we had a male guest staying in room 105. A couple days later he came up to me at breakfast. He said someone got out of his bed in the middle of the night. He asked me if that was possible? I replied, ‘yes.’ He took some pictures of the room and photographed an orb floating over the bed.”

      Most guests who stay on the second floor report an experience of the same paranormal event. Breeze explained, “This one night we had three young boys in room 107 and a couple with a baby in room 105. The other rooms on the floor were occupied by couples. They all reported in the morning that they had heard two gentlemen roaming the halls and going up and down the stairs and slamming the emergency exit door by room 107. The guests could hear them talking about business. This had happened about 2:30 a.m. Every room confirmed this account.”

      The interview with Breeze ended with this final statement. “Each part of life is a plane of existence. How you handle one plane is how you transfer to the next plane.”

      It would seem that the spirits at Inn at the Falls are still there. And no wonder, since the inn is truly a place of beauty, peace, and quiet, a place set aside from the hustle and bustle of the world. Perhaps it is too good to leave.

      Either the activity here has increased, it is more able to be perceived, or it just needed a more empathetic response in order to manifest a little stronger. Whatever the cause, it certainly proves that people in the third dimension are not the only ones who appreciate a good and peaceful inn.

      The Donnelly Homestead

      ~ Lucan ~

      After all these years the tragedy that befell the Donnelly family on the night of February 3, 1880, can still be felt. A group of vigilantes burst into their homestead on the Roman Line, near the village of Lucan, and killed the family in cold blood. Was it a case of murder? Why does this story continue to haunt the imagination of so many people? How many lost souls wander the Roman Line?

      These questions preoccupied me as my car made the turn onto the Roman Line. Donnelly investigation, here we come. Once on the Roman Line I saw St. Patrick’s Church and my thoughts focused on the surroundings — a community made up of both Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants. Their hatred for one another had not been left back in Ireland. The bickering, the fighting and the bad feelings were very much alive. Lucan, Ontario, like Belfast, Ireland in the 1990s, was a very dangerous place to live in the mid-1800s. I wandered through the graveyard, past old moss-covered monuments with variations of the Celtic cross and found the Donnelly gravestone. The inscription verified that five of the Donnelly family had perished on the same day. A short distance down the Roman Line was the Donnelly Homestead. What had really happened here?

      James and Johannah Donnelly arrived in Canada from Ireland with their first child, James Jr., in 1842. James found work in London, Ontario and a second son, William, was born there in 1844. The following year they settled in Biddulph Township near Lucan and built a shanty on lot 18 of the sixth concession. A third son was born in 1847 and Johannah

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