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Love Is Like D
Love is like dancing with a stranger because love is always making you feel the danger.
Love also is a lot like nature because you can never quite predict the weather or if you are still together.
Love Is Like E
Love Is Like E
Love is like eating chocolate you never get enough, but love is also like eternity.
Love is like artful modernity with a slight touch of vanity because love can turn from divinity into sudden disharmony.
Love Is Like F
Love Is Like F
Love is ficle and love is like dangerous fire.
A fire that is devestating and fire that is higher than any love can be.
Love is like finding that music you haven't heard in years.
You've always known the tune, yet hearing it again eases all your fears.
Love is like a great fire, dangerous and quite bright.
It can destroy almost anything, but also light up the darkest night.
Love Is Like G
Love Is Like G
Love is like gravitation that is not responsible for people falling in love!
Love Is Like H
Love Is Like H
Love is like heaven, but it can hurt like hell.
Love is like holding sand in your hand because you never know how long you can hold it.
Love can also be quite the opposite because love does not boast and it cares for another.
It can be a partnership, a relationship, or your sister, or your brother.
Love can be like heaven and it can be like hell.
It moves and flows like the wind of a great ocean blows.
Love Is Like I
Love Is Like I
love is like insanity far away from profanity.
Love is like all religions united because love is just the greatest alchemy in one.
Love gives amnesty to every lover's heart and love is quite frankly like a very expensive piece of art!
Love Is Like J
Love Is Like J
Love is like jumping off a steep cliff in the ocean.
Love takes devotion and a ton of emotion!
Love Is Like K
Love Is Like K
Love is like Kamasutra, an asiatic and quite ecstatic tale of love.
Some lovers like it fanatic.
Some lovers say it is quite climatic and only works in a climate that is calm with lots of palms and white sand.
Other lovers confirm and say that this is true.
A lover has to be quite acrobatic and the opposite of static.
Kamasutra is quite enigmatic and teaches lovers a blissful state of mind.
Bliss is quite the opposite of a Frech Kiss and Kamasutra is not at all for the one who is dogmatic.
Kamasutra has so many hidden secrets, but one thing is for sure.
Kamasutra is quite a cure for lovers who are immature or for lovers who are unsure or for lovers who want to restore their lover's open door for love.
No matter if you live in Kuala Lumpur or in the land of the couture and no matter if you are an entrepreneur or connoisseur, Kamasutra is preferred
and referred by any passionate lover in the world.
Love Is Like L
Love Is Like L
Love is like life's darkest and brightest days.
It comes and it goes without any delays.
Love amazes, love appraises and love manifests some of the most lustful benefits.
Love Is Like M
Love Is Like M
Love is like mythical, mysterious & magical love spells.
Love is quite the opposite of M&Ms because love does not even melt in your lover's hands.
Love Is Like N
Love Is Like N
Love is like no other things known to mankind.
Love is also like nirvana.
Love is like nothing else that man can ever know.
Without it, there is no way for anyone to ever grow.
Love is the binding that holds the soul together every day.
It keeps us together no matter where the journey takes us today.
Love Is Like O
Love Is Like O
Love is like oxygen because without it one would die.
It is the best feeling to have even when it hurts like hell inside.
Love is like a great opera singer who can forever sing.
The chimes of love are the best sounds that the heart can ever bring.
Love Is Like P
Love Is Like P
Love is like a pandora love heart ring.
Sometimes love is even like a sting, sometimes it can be quite a perky ding, sometimes love can be quite a jerk and sometimes love can even be like a meaningless fling and then you have to decide if you want to blow it or if you want to grow it!
Love Is Like Q