The Covenant of the Torch. Abraham Park
(2) Jacob protects Rachel and Joseph
When Jacob saw that Esau was coming to meet him with his army of men, he placed Rachel and Joseph in the very end of the caravan in order to protect them from Esau (Gen 33:1–3). He did this because Rachel is the one whom God remembered and opened her womb to give birth to Joseph (Gen 30:22). Jacob promised Laban to work seven years for him in order to get married to Rachel (Gen 29:18, 20, 25). It was also for Rachel that he worked another seven years (Gen 29:27–28, 30). In total, he worked for 14 years to take Rachel as his wife.
The “wife” to whom the prophet Hosea refers in Hosea 12:12 was Rachel: “Now Jacob fled to the land of Aram, and Israel worked for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheep.” Among his four wives (Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah), Rachel was the only true wife in his eyes. H. C. Leupold says, “Now Jacob had naturally destined Rachel to be his only wife. Her sons should have been the firstborn.”16
(3) Jacob and Esau reconcile
Jacob bowed down to the ground seven times until he came near to Esau (Gen 33:3). Jacob was already 96 years old at the time. Bowing down to the ground was the most respectful way to greet another person. Thus, Jacob bowed down to the ground to demonstrate that he had deeply repented of all the things he had done to his brother in the past.
Esau, seeing Jacob bowing to him with great difficulty from a dislocated thigh, ran to meet him and embraced him. He fell on Jacob’s neck and kissed him, and they both wept (Gen 33:4). All the feelings of hatred, conflict, and anger melted away instantly.
All of this was through the work of God. Once Jacob reconciled his relationship with God through prayer at Jabbok, God reconciled Jacob’s relationship with his brother Esau. If we reconcile our relationship with God and please Him, then He will help us resolve the issues that are too great for us to handle. He helps us make peace with our enemies.
Job 22:21 Yield now and be at peace with Him; thereby good will come to you.
Proverbs 16:7 When a man’s ways are pleasing to the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
9. Leah’s Daughter Dinah Is Disgraced (Gen 34), 1900 BC (Estimated), 182nd Year of the Covenant of the Torch
Isaac’s age, 166; Jacob’s age, 106; Joseph’s age, 16
By God’s providence, Jacob returned to the land of Canaan after 20 years. He dwelt in the city of Shechem, camping before the city. He bought the land where he pitched his tent for 100 pieces of silver (Gen 33:18–20). Jacob remembered God’s promise to Abraham when he passed through the land of Shechem. God said, “To your descendants I will give this land” (Gen 12:7). Jacob probably bought the land as a guarantee that the Israelites would possess this land rooted in God’s promise.
Jacob experienced many unfortunate events while he was dwelling in Shechem. Dinah, his only daughter, was disgraced and humiliated by the son of Hamor the Hivite who raped her (Gen 34:1–2). Given the fact that Hamor had suggested marriage, Dinah must have been around 16 years of age (Gen 34:8).17
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