Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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      boryūmu n ボリューム volume

      bō-san n 坊さん(obō-sán お坊さん) Buddhist monk (= bō´zu 坊主)

      bósei n 母性 maternity

      bōseki n 紡績 [BOOKISH] spinning

      bōseki-kō´jō n 紡績工場 spinning mill

      bōshi n 帽子 hat

      boshikátei n 母子家庭 family without a father

      boshū n 募集 recruitment: ~ shimásu 募集します recruits, collects

      bōsōzoku n 暴走族 motorcycle gang

      bōsui (no) adj 防水(の) waterproof

      bótan n ボタン button

      bótan n ボタン・牡丹 tree peony

      bótchan n 坊ちゃん (little) boy, (your) son (= bō´ya 坊や)

      bō´to n ボート boat

      bōtō n 冒頭 opening, at [in] the beginning

      bōtoku n 冒とく sacrilege, violence; blasphemy

      bótsubotsu adv ぼつぼつ 1. adv (= sórosoro そろそろ) little by little, gradually; (leave) before long 2. n (with) dots, spots, bumps

      bottō-shimásu (-suru) v 没頭します devotes oneself, buries oneself in

      bō´ya n 坊や (little) boy

      boyakimásu, boyáku v ぼやきます, ぼやく grumbles, complains

      bōzen adj 茫然 stunned: ~ to shita kao 茫然とした顔 dazed-looking: ~ to shimásu 茫然とします is struck dumb with amazement.

      bōzu n 坊主 Buddhist monk or priest

      bōzu-atama n 坊主頭 shaven head

      bú n 部 (suffix …´-bu …部) part, division, section

      bú-bun n 部分 part, portion

      bu-chō n 部長 department/division/section head, manager

      bu-gáisha n 部外者 outsider

      bu-hín n 部品 parts

      bú-ka n 部下 a subordinate

      bu-mon n 部門 sector

      eigyō-bu n 営業部 business/sales department

      …´-bú n 部 (performance) hiru-no-bú 昼の部 matinee; yóru-no-bú 夜の部 evening performance

      …´-bu suffix …分 (1-9) percent: sán-wari sán-bu 三割三分 = sánjū san-pāsénto 33 パーセント 33 percent

      …´-bu suffix …部 copies (of a book); ichí-bu 一部 one copy

      buai n 歩合 commission

      buai-sei 歩合制 commission system

      bu-áisō (na) adj 無愛想(な) unsociable, blunt, brusque, curt

      buatsuí adj 分厚い thick (= atsubottai 厚ぼったい)

      buchimásu, butsu v ぶちます, ぶつ hits (= tatakimásu 叩きます)

      bu-chō´hō n 不調法 a gaffe, a blunder: ~ o shimásu 不調法をします makes a blunder

      bu-chō´hō-monó n 不調法者 abstainer

      bu-chō´hō (na) adj 不調法(な) awkward, clumsy, impolite

      Budda n 仏陀 Buddha

      budō n ブドウ・葡萄 grapes

      budō-shu n ブドウ酒 wine

      búdō n 武道 martial arts (= bújutsu 武術)

      bu-énryo (na) adj 不遠慮(な) frank, unreserved, forward, pushy, rude

      búffe n ビュッフェ buffet

      búgaku n 舞楽 traditional court dances and music

      būingu n ブーイング booing

      buji (ni) adv 無事(に) safely (without incident)

      bujoku n 侮辱 insult(ing)

      bújutsu n 武術 martial arts (= búdō 武道)

      búki n 武器 weapon, arms

      bu-kimi (na) adj 不気味(な) ghastly, eerie

      bu-kíryō (na) adj 不器量(な) homely, ugly

      bu-kíyō (na) adj 不器用(な) clumsy

      bukká n 物価 commodity prices

      bukkirábō (na) adj ぶっきらぼう(な) blunt, brusque, curt

      bukku n ブック book

      bukku-fea n ブックフェア book fair

      Búkkyō n 仏教 Buddhism

      bū´mu n ブーム boom (fad)

      bún n 文 sentence, text (= búnshō 文章)

      bun-bō-gu n 文房具, bunpō´-gu 文房具 stationery supplies: bunbōgu-ya 文房具屋 stationery shop

      bun-chin n 文鎮 paperweight

      bún-gaku n 文学 literature

      bún-go n 文語 literary language/word: bungo-teki (na) 文語的(な) literary

      bún-ka n 文化 culture, civilization; Bunka-no-hí 文化の日 Culture Day (3 November); bunká-sai 文化祭 cultural festival

      bun-ko(-bon) n 文庫(本) pocketbook

      bun-ken n 文献 literary document: bunken-mokuroku 文献目録 bibliography

      bun-mei n 文明 civilization

      bun-pō n 文法 grammar

      bún-raku n 文楽 puppet play (traditional)

      bún-shō n 文章 (written) sentence

      bún-… prefix 分… part, portion, share; state, status

      bun-ben n 分娩 childbirth delivery: bunben-shitsu 分娩室 labor room

      bun-dóki n 分度器 protractor

      bun-jō n 分譲 sale in lots, lotting out: bunjō-manshon 分譲マンション condominium

      bun-kai n 分解 breakup (material)

      bun-katsu n 分割 dividing, splitting

      bun-pu n 分布 distribution

      bun-retsu n 分裂 breakup (countries, human relationship)

      bun-ruí n 分類 classification: ~ shimásu 分類します classifies, divides into (types/groups)

      bun-sekí n 分析 analysis

      bún-shi n 分子 molecule, numerator

      bun-tan n 分担 (taking) partial charge; allotment, share: ~ shimásu 分担します takes partial charge of, shares in; pays/does one’s share

      …-bun suffix …分 numeral -th

      yon-bun no ichí 4分の1 one-fourth

      han-bun (no) n (adj) 半分(の) half

      búppō n 仏法 the teachings of Buddhism


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