Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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at present, now: génzai (no) 現在(の) current, present

      géndo n 限度 limit: saidai/saikō-gén(do) 最大/最高限(度) the maximum/highest (degree); saishō/saitē-gen(do) 最小/最低限(度) the minimum/lowest (degree)

      genetsu-zai n 解熱剤 antipyretic agent

      géngo n 言語 language: gengó-gaku 言語学 linguistics

      gengō n 元号 era name

      gen’in n 原因 cause, origin, root

      genjū (na) adj 厳重(な) strict: ~ na keibi 厳重な警備 very strict guard

      génkan n 玄関 entrance (hall), porch

      génki n 元気(o-génki お元気) energy, vigor, pep: génki (na) 元気(な) well, healthy, cheerful, vigorous; ~ ga ii 元気がいい cheerful; ~ ga nai 元気がない cheerlessly: O-genki desu ka. お元気ですか. How are you?

      genko n 拳固 = genkotsu 拳骨 fist

      genkō n 言行 sayings and doings: genkō-itchi 言行一致 behavior consonant with one’s words

      genkō n 原稿 manuscript: ~ o shiage-másu 原稿を仕上げます finishes one’s article

      genkō-yōshi n 原稿用紙 squared paper, manuscript paper

      genkoku n 原告 suitor, accuser

      genkyū shimásu (suru) v 言及します (する) [BOOKISH] refers to …, mentions … (= (… ni) furemásu (… に)触れます)

      génmai n 玄米 unpolished rice

      genmai-cha n 玄米茶 Genmaicha, brown rice tea

      genmitsu (na) adj 厳密(な) strict

      genryō´ n 原料 (raw) materials, basic ingredient

      gensaku n 原作 the original (writing)

      gensan (no) adj 原産(の) (plants and animals) native to: gensan-chi 原産地 place of origin

      génshi n 原子 atom

      genshi-bákudan n 原子爆弾 atomic bomb

      genshí-ryoku n 原子力 atomic energy

      génshi (no) adj 原始(の) primitive

      genshō n 現象 phenomenon

      genshō n 減少 decrease

      gensoku n 原則 a basic principle, a rule: ~ to shite 原則として as a (general) rule

      gentei n 限定 limitation: ~ shimásu 限定します limits, restricts

      genzō shimásu (suru) v 現像します (する) develops (film)

      geppu n 月賦 monthly installments/payments: geppu-barai 月賦払い monthly payments

      géppu n げっぷ belch: ~ o shi­másu げっぷをします belches, burps

      geragera v げらげら[ゲラゲラ]: ~ waraimásu げらげら[ゲラゲラ] 笑います laughs with great guffaws

      geretsu adj 下劣 rude, abusive, mean

      geri n 下痢 diarrhea

      geri-dome n 下痢止め anti-diarrhetic

      geshi n 夏至 summer solstice

      geshuku n 下宿 lodgings, room (and board): ~ shimásu 下宿します rooms, boards, lodges

      geshuku-ya n 下宿屋 rooming house

      gessori-shimasu (suru) v げっそりします(する) loses a lot of weight (= gessori-yasemasu げっそりやせます)

      gés-súi-kin n 月水金 Monday-Wednesday-Friday

      gesui n 下水 sewage; (kitchen) drain

      gesui-dame n 下水溜め cesspool

      gesui-shorijō n 下水処理場 sewage treatment plant

      gesui-dō n 下水道 sewage system

      getá n 下駄 wooden clogs (shoes)

      geta-bako n 下駄箱 shoe box (at entryway)

      …-getsu suffix …月 month

      getsumatsu n 月末 the end of a month

      getsumen n 月面 surface of the moon

      Getsuyō´(bi) n 月曜(日) Monday

      gezai n 下剤 laxative

      gi-… prefix 偽… pseudo- …

      gi-shō n 偽証 false testimony

      gi-zen n 偽善 hypocrisy

      gi-… prefix 義 = giri (no) 義理の …-in-law

      gí-bo n 義母 = girí no haha 義理の母 mother-in-law

      gí-fu n 義父 = girí no chichi 義理の父 father-in-law

      gíchō n 議長 chairperson

      gífuto n ギフト gift (= okurimono 贈り物)

      gíin n 議員 member of parliament: Kokkai-giin 国会議員 member of a national legislature

      giji-dō n 議事堂: kokkai giji-dō 国会議事堂 Diet building

      gíjutsu n 技術 technique

      gijutu-sha n 技術者 technician, engineer

      gíkai n 議会 parliament, assembly, congress; (the Japanese) Diet (= kokkai 国会)

      gikochinái adj ぎこちない awkward, clumsy

      gimon n 疑問 question, doubt

      gimón-fu n 疑問符 question mark

      gímu n 義務 duty, obligation

      gimu-kyō´iku n 義務教育 compulsory education

      gín n 銀 silver

      gín-gami n 銀紙 silver paper

      gin-iro (no) adj 銀色(の) silver (color)

      gín-ka n 銀貨 silver coin

      gin-sekai n 銀世界 snowy world

      Gínga n 銀河 the Milky Way

      ginjō n 吟醸 produce from the use of selected ingredient(s): ginjō-shu 吟醸 酒 quality sake brewed from the finest rice

      ginkō n 銀行 bank

      ginkō´-in n 銀行員 bank clerk

      ginmi n 吟味 investigation: ~ shimásu 吟味します examines

      ginnán n ギンナン・銀杏 gingko nuts

      ginyūshijin n 吟遊詩人 minstrel

      girei n 儀礼 courtesy

      girí n 義理(o-gíri お義理) obligation, sense of obligation, honor: girí no … 義理の… …-in-law

      Gírish(i)a n ギリシャ・ギリシア Greece

      Girish(i)a-go ギリシャ・ギリシア語 Greek (language)

      Girish(i)a-jin ギリシャ・ギリシア人 Greek (people)

      gíron n 議論 discussion

      giryo n 技量 skills, abilities

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