Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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n 一階 one floor/story; first floor, ground floor

      ik-kái (no) n, adj 一回(の) one time, once (= ichi-dó 一度)

      ík-ken n 一軒 one house/building (counter for buildings)

      ík-ken n 一件 one case/matter: ikken-rakuchaku 一件落着 The case is closed.

      ík-ko n 一個 one (piece, small object) (= hitótsu ひとつ・一つ)

      ik-ko n 一戸 a house, a household: ik-ko-date 一戸建て detached house

      ik-kyoku n 一曲 a piece of music, a song, a tune

      ik-kyoku n 一局 a game ((i)go (the board game Go) and/or shōgi (Japanese chess)): (i-)go/shōgi o ~ uchimásu (囲)碁/将棋を一局打ちます plays a game of (i)go/shōgi

      ikkansei n 一貫性 consistency

      ík-ki ni adv 一気に with a gulp, with a dash, with a burst

      ik-kō n 一考 consideration: ~ shimásu 一考します considers

      ik-kō (ni)… adv 一向(に)… [+ NEGATIVE] not at all, never: ~ ni kamaimasen 一向に構いません I don’t mind at all.

      ik-kyo-ryōtoku n 一挙両得 [IDIOM] Kill two birds with one stone. (= is-seki-nichō 一石二鳥)

      ik-kyū n 一級 first class

      ikō´ v 行こう = ikimashō´ 行きましょう (let’s go!)

      ikō´ v 憩う = ikoimásu 憩います (rests and relaxes)

      ikō n 意向 one’s mind, inclination, intention; one’s views

      ( … ) íkō suffix (…)以降 afterward, from … on (= ( … ) ígo (…)以後)

      ikoi n 憩い rest and relaxation: ~ no ba(sho) 憩いの場(所) recreation area: ikoimásu 憩います rests and relaxes

      ikoku n 異国 foreign countries

      ikoku-jōcho (no) adj 異国情緒(の) exotic

      ikon n 遺恨 grudge

      ikotsu n 遺骨 remains (of person)

      iku v 行く = ikimásu 行きます (goes)

      íku-… prefix いく・幾 … = nán-… 何… how many …

      ikudōon (ni) adv 異口同音(に) unanimously

      ikuji n 育児 child care: ikuji-kyūka 育児休暇 child-care leave

      ikuji-nashi n 意気地なし coward, chicken: ~ (no/ga) nai 意気地(の/が)ない is a coward, cowardly

      ikura n イクラ salmon roe (caviar)

      íkura n いくら(o-ikura おいくら) how much: O-ikura desu ka? おいくらですか? How much is it?; ~ ka いくらか some, a little; ikura mo いくらも ever so much, [+ NEGATIVE] not very much; ~ de mo いくらでも a lot, as much as you like

      ikusa n 戦 war (= sensō 戦争)

      ikusei n 育成 fosterage, nourishment: ~ shimásu 育成します fosters, nourishes

      íkutsu n いくつ(o-ikutsu おいくつ) how many; how old: O-ikutsu desu ka? おいくつですか? “How old are you?” or “How many do you want?”; ~ ka いくつか several, a number of; ~ mo いくつも ever so many, [+ NEGATIVE] not very many; ~ de mo いくつでも as many as you like

      ímá n 居間 living room (Western-style)

      íma n 今 now, this time: ~ wa 今は at present; ~ no tokoró wa 今のところは for the time being, so far; ~ goro wa 今ごろは about this time

      ima-máde adv 今まで until now, up to the present (time)

      íma-ni adv 今に before long, soon, by and by, presently: íma-ni mo 今にも at any moment

      ima-sara adv 今さら at this point

      ima-da ni adv 未だに still (= mada まだ)

      imásu, iru v います, いる is, stays

      imásu, íru v 射ます, 射る shoots

      imē´ji n イメージ (psychological/social) image (= gazō 画像): ~ torēningu イメージトレーニング image training

      iimēru n Eメール e-mail (= mēru メール)

      ími n 意味 meaning: … to iu ~ desu …という意味です, … o ~ shimásu …を意味します it means …

      imin n 移民 immigrant(s)/emigrant(s)

      imó n イモ・芋 (o-imo お芋) yam; potato

      imó n いも dork, country bumpkin (= inaka-mono 田舎者)

      í mo/ya shinai v いも/やしない not stay/be; not even/also stay or be

      imōtó n 妹 younger sister: imōto-san 妹さん (your) younger sister

      inabíkari n 稲光 lightning

      inada n イナダ baby yellowtail (cf. hamachi はまち・ハマチ, buri ブリ ・鰤)

      inai v いない = imasén いません (not stay)

      (…) ínai suffix (…)以内 within

      inaka n 田舎 country(side); one’s home area (hometown): inaka no 田舎の rural; inaka-mono 田舎者 country bumpkin (= imó いも)

      inarí-zushi n いなり鮨[寿司] sushi in a bag of aburage (fried bean-curd) (= o-inari san お稲荷さん)

      inázuma n イナズマ・稲妻 lightning

      inbō n 陰謀 [BOOKISH] dark plot(s), intrigue(s)

      (…-)ínchi suffix (…)インチ inch(es)

      ínchiki (na) adj いんちき(な) fake, fraud(ulent)

      ínchō n 院長 hospital head/director

      Indian n インディアン (American) Indian, native American

      Indo n インド India

      Indó-jin n インド人 Indian (from India)

      Indonéshia n インドネシア Indonesia

      Indoneshia-go n インドネシア語 Indonesian (language)

      Indoneshiá-jin n インドネシア人 an Indonesian

      íne n 稲 rice plant: ine-kari 稲刈り harvesting rice

      inemúri-shimásu (suru) v 居眠りします(する) dozes off

      infomēshon n インフォメーション information

      infure n インフレ inflation

      infuruénza n インフルエンザ flu, influenza

      íngen, ingénmame n インゲン・いんげん, インゲンマメ・いんげん豆 kidney beans, French beans

      ín(kan) n 印(鑑) [BOOKISH] seal, stamp (= hán 判, hankó 判子)

      inkei n 陰茎 penis [FORMAL, MEDICAL term] (= chínchin ちんちん,

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