Speak Japanese Today. Taeko Kamiya

Speak Japanese Today - Taeko  Kamiya

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アメリカ人 Amerika-jin American (person) 人 -jin (a suffix used for nationality) 方 kata person (polite) アメリカの方 Amerika no kata person of America (a polite phrase for アメリカ人 Amerika-jin)

      * The pronoun are becomes ano when it modifies a following noun (see Lesson 1, Vocabulary).


      Study the dialogue below. Practice until you no longer need to refer to the Japanese half.

Cab driver : どこまで(ですか)。
Doko made1 (desu ka)?
Where (are you going) to?
Tourist : 東京駅まで(です)。
Tōkyō Eki made (desu).
To Tokyo Station.
Cab driver : 貴方はアメリカの方ですか。
Anata wa Amerika no kata desu ka?
Are you an American? (lit., a person of America)
Tourist : はい、私はアメリカ人です。
Hai, watashi wa Amerika-jin desu.
Yes, I am an American.
Tourist : あれは何ですか。
Are wa nan2 desu ka?
What is that?
Cab driver : あの建物(ですか)。
Ano tatemono (desu ka)?
That building?
Are wa Kabuki-za desu.
That is the Kabuki Theater.


      1. NOUN + made: to/till NOUN

      Made is used to indicate an ending point in time and place.

      EXAMPLE: 東京駅までです。

      Tōkyō Eki made desu.

      To Tokyo Station.

      For more examples, see Lesson 5.

      2. Before d, t, and n, nani (what) becomes nan.

      EXAMPLE: あれは何ですか

      Are wa nan desu ka?

      What is this?


      Nan no hon desu ka?

      What is this book about? (lit., This book is what?)


      Study these new words and clearly pronounce them aloud. Then proceed to the exercises.

ドイツ Doitsu Germany
ドイツ人 Doitsu-jin German (person)
フランス Furansu France
フランス人 Furansu-jin French (person)
イギリス Igirisu England
イギリス人 Igirisu-jin English (person)
日本 Nippon/Nihon Japan
日本人 Nippon-jin/Nihon-jin Japanese (person)
銀行 ginkō bank
空港 kūkō airport
大使館 taishi-kan embassy
帝国ホテル Teikoku Hoteru the Imperial Hotel
ホテル hoteru hotel
これ kore* this (one)
この kono this
いいえ iie no

      * Just as are becomes ano, the pronoun kore becomes kono when it modifies a following noun.

      EXAMPLE: このホテル kono hoteru (this hotel)


      A. Practice saying the following sentences in Japanese. Repeat the exercises until you no longer need to refer to the Japanese half.

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