Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin
chūsū (shinkei) n 中枢(神経) nerve center
chūsúi-ki n 注水器 douche, syringe (for water)
chūto (de) adv 中途(で) on the way, halfway
chūyō n 中庸 [BOOKISH] moderation: ~ o emásu 中庸を得ます exercises moderation
chūzái n, 駐在 residence, presence; chūzái-in n 駐在員 resident officer; chūzái-táishi n 駐在大使 ambassador
chūzetsu n 中絶 abortion: ~-shujutsu o ukemásu 中絶手術を受けます undergoes an abortion
… da suffix …だ: … -ta た
… dá v …だ = … désu …です is; it is
daben n 駄弁 idle talk: ~ o røshimásu 駄弁をろうします talks rubbish, talks nonsense: ~ka 駄弁家 long-winded speaker
daberimásu, dabéru v だべります, だべる shoots the breeze/bull, chews the fat (idly talks)
dabingu n ダビング dubbing
daboku-shō n 打撲傷 bruise
dabudabu (no) adj だぶだぶ(の) baggy, loose, full, voluminous: ~ no fuku だぶだぶの服 voluminous dress
daburimásu, dabúru v ダブります, ダブる gets doubled, overlaps, repeats, is repeated (by mistake)
dáburu n ダブル 1. = ~-rü´mu ダブ ルルーム a double (room) 2. double(-size) drink 3. double-breasted suit 4. ~-su ダブルス (tennis) doubles; daburu-béddo n ダブルベッド double bed
dachin n 駄賃 reward, tip
dada n 駄々 fretful: dadakko 駄々 っ子 fretful/unreasonable/spoiled child
dadappiroi adj だだっ広い rambling, too spacious
daeki n 唾液 [BOOKISH] saliva
daen n 楕円 ellipse, oval
dága conj だが [BOOKISH] but (= shikashi しかし)
dageki n 打撃 blow, shock
daha n 打破 defeat
dái- prefix 第 [+ number] number
…; (= …-banmé…番目) [numeral] -th; (separate word except when attached to a single-unit numeral); dái-go adj 第五 number five; (= go-banmé 五番目) fifth; dái-ichi adj 第一 number one; (= ichi-banmé 一番目) first: dái-ichi no 第一の (the) first; dái-ichi ni 第一 に first (of all); Dái-ni-ji Sekaitaisen 第二次世界大戦 World War II; dái-san adj 第三 number three; (= sanbanmé 三番目) third: ~-sha 第三者 third party
dái n 題 1. title (= daimei 題名) 2. topic, theme (= daimokú 題目)
dai 代 1. n (o-dai お代) charge (fee), bill: o-~ wa itadakimasen お代はいただきません Compliments of the house.: takushii-~ タクシー代 taxi fare 2. [numeral] -dai …age, generation: nijü´-~ 20代 twenties; ni-dai(me) 2代目 The Second, junior (family)
… dai suffix …だい [INFORMAL] (= … désu ka …ですか [FORMAL]): dáre/nán dai 誰/何だい who/what is it?
dai n 台 stand, (low) table
…´-dai suffix …台 (counts mounted machines, vehicles)
daibā n ダイバー diver
daiben n 大便 defecation, bowel movement, feces
daiben n 代弁 speaking for another
daibingu n ダイビング dive
daibu adv 大分 quite, very, much
dai-búbun n 大部分 most, the majority
daibutsu n 大仏 giant statue of Buddha
daidái n ダイダイ・橙 bitter orange; daidái-iro n 橙色 (color) orange
dáidai adj, adv 代々 generation after generation, for generations
daidokoro n 台所 kitchen
daietto n ダイエット diet
daifuku (mochi) n 大福(もち) soft rice cake stuffed with sweet bean jam
daigaku n 大学 college, university; daigakú-in n 大学院 graduate school: ~ín-sei 大学院生 graduate student
daigiin n 代議員 deputy
daigishi n 代議士 Diet member
daigomi n 醍醐味 relish, whole point
daihitsu n 代筆 ghost-writing
daihon n 台本 script (= kyakuhon 脚本)
daihyō n 代表 representative; daihyō-sha n 代表者 a representative (person)
daiji n 大事 a matter of importance; ~ o torimásu 大事をとります plays it safe: (o-)karada o (o-)~ ni shite kudasái (お)体を(お)大 事にして下さい take good care of yourself; daijí (na) adj 大事(な) important, precious
dáijin n 大臣 minister (cabinet)
dai-jō´bu adj 大丈夫 OK, all right; safe (and sound); no need to worry, no problem: ~ desu 大丈夫です It’s all right.
dáikichi n 大吉 very good luck, excellent luck
daikin n 代金 the price/charge, the bill: ~ hikikae (de) 代金引換え (で) (= daibiki (de) 代引き(で)) C.O.D., collect (on delivery)
daikō n 代行 acting as agent; daikō´-sha n 代行者 agent
daikō n 代講 substitute class/teacher
daikoku-bashira n 大黒柱 pillar, breadwinner
daikon n 大根 giant white radish; daikon-óroshi n 大根おろし grated radish
dáiku n 大工 carpenter
daikyū n 代休 compensation day, substitute holiday
daiméishi n 代名詞 pronoun
daimoku n 題目 topic (= dái 題)
daimyō´ n 大名 feudal lord
dainamaito n ダイナマイト dynamite
dainashi n 台無し ruin, spoil
dainingu-kitchin (DK) n ダイニングキッチン (DK) a combined dining room-kitchen, an eat-in kitchen
dainingu-rūmu n ダイニングルーム dining room
daí (no) … adj 大(の) …, dai-… 大… big, great; dai-kirai (na) adj 大嫌い(な) loathing, aversion; dái-suki (na) adj 大好き(な) favorite, greatly liked; dai-tasū n 大多数 large number; majority
dairi n 代理 commission, agent, agency; dairi-bo n 代理母 surrogate mother; dairí-nin n 代理人 agent; dairí-ten n 代理店 agency
daishi n 台紙 mount, board (art)
dai-shō n 大小 size
dai-shō n 代償 price, compensation, reparation
dái-sū n 代数 algebra, literal arithmetic
daitai adv 大体 in general,