Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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fu-tōitsu n 不統一 lacking of unity, disunity; fu-tōkō n 不登校 nonattendance at school, truancy; fu-tsuriai n 不釣合い imbalance; fu-un (na) adj 不運(な) unfortunate; fu-yō (no) adj 不要(の) unnecessary, unneeded; fu-yō (no) adj 不用(の) useless, disused; fu-yúkai (na) adj 不愉快(な) un-pleasant, displeasing, displeased; fu-zai n 不在 absence: ~-tøhyø 不在投票 absentee vote

      fú n, suffix 府, …´-fu … 府 an urban prefecture: Kyøto-fu 京都府 Kyoto Prefecture

      fū´ n 封 sealing: … no ~ o shimásu …の封をします seals a letter

      fúbo n 父母 father and mother, one’s parents (= ryøshin 両親)

      fúbuki n 吹雪 snowstorm

      fuchí n 縁 edge, rim, frame

      fuda n 札 label, tag, card, check

      fúdan adv 普段 usually, ordinarily, always; fúdan (no) adj 普段 (の) usual, everyday, ordinary; fudán-gí n 普段着 everyday clothes

      fude n 筆 writing/painting brush; fude-bako n 筆箱 pencil box/case

      fudō (no) adj 不動(の) [BOOKISH] steadfast: ~ no chii ni imásu 不動の地位にいます is in an impregnable position

      fudō´san n 不動産 real estate

      fuemásu, fuéru v 増えます, 増える multiplies; grows in quantity/number, gets bigger, swells, increases, expands

      fū´fu n 夫婦 husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs., (married) couple: füfu-tomo(domo) 夫婦共(々) both husband and wife

      fúgú n フグ・河豚 blowfish, puffer

      fú-gú n (discriminatory term) 不具 cripple

      fui (ni) adv 不意(に) suddenly

      fuji n フジ・藤 wisteria

      fujin n 婦人 lady, woman (go-fujin ご婦人 [HONORIFIC])

      fujin n 夫人 wife: -fujin –夫人 Mrs. …

      Fuji (-san) n 富士(山) Mount Fuji, Fujiyama

      fujo n 婦女 [BOOKISH] lady, woman (= fujin 婦人): fujo-bøkø 婦女暴行 sexual assault

      fujo n 扶助 aid, support: fujo-kin 扶助金 benefits

      fuká n フカ big shark (used in western Japan) (→ same サメ・鮫)

      fukái adj 深い deep: fukáku 深く deeply

      fukása n 深さ depth

      fukashimásu, fukásu v 蒸かします, 蒸かす steams (food)

      fukashimásu, fukásu v 吹かします, 吹かす smokes: énjin o ~ エンジ ンを吹かします, 吹かす races the engine

      fukashimásu, fukásu v 更かします, 更かす sits up late: yó o ~ 夜を更かします, 更かす stays up late

      fuké v ふけ dandruff

      fū´kei n 風景 scenery, landscape; fūkei-ga n 風景画 landscape painting(s)/picture(s)

      fukemásu, fukéru v 更けます, 更け る gets late: yo ga ~ 夜が更けます, 更ける (the night) grows late

      fukemásu, fukéru v 老けます, 老ける gets old, ages

      fuketsu (na) adj 不潔(な) unclean, dirty, filthy

      fuki n フキ・蕗 bog rhubarb

      fukimásu, fuku v 拭きます, 拭く wipes

      fukimásu, fúku v 葺きます, 葺く thatches (a roof), tiles roof: … no yáne o ~ …の屋根を葺きます covers with a roof, roofs: kawara de ~ 瓦で葺きます tiles a roof: káya/kusá/wára de ~ 茅/草/藁で葺きます thatches

      fukimásu, fúku v 吹きます, 吹く blows

      fukín n 布きん napkin, towel, cloth, washcloth, dishcloth

      fukín n 付近 vicinity

      fukkakemásu, fukkakéru v ふっかけます, ふっかける overcharges

      fukú n 服 clothes, suit, dress uniform

      fuku n 福 happiness; fuku-biki n 福引 lottery; raffle; fuku no kami n 福の神 god of wealth

      fuku- prefix 副– vice-, assistant-; fuku-kaichō n 副会長 vice chairman/chairperson; fuku-shachō n 副社長 vice-president (of a company); fukú-sayō n 副作用 side-effect, after-effect

      fuku- n 複 double; fuku-sei n 複製 replica, reproduction, reprint; fuku-sha n 複写 reproduction, copy; fuku-sū n 複数 plural

      fukugō-go n 複合語 compound (word)

      fukumemásu, fukuméru v 含めます, 含める includes, adds

      fukumimásu, fukúmu v 含みます, 含む holds in the mouth; contains; implies; bears/keeps in mind

      fukuramashimásu, fukuramásu v 膨ら まします, 膨らます bulges, inflates

      fukurami v 膨らみ bulge

      fukuramimásu, fukuramu v 膨らみます, 膨らむ swells up, bulges

      fukuremásu, fukureru v 膨れます, 膨れる swells up; pouts, sulks

      fukuró n 袋 bag, sack

      fukúrō n フクロウ・梟 owl

      fukushi n 副詞 adverb

      fukúshi n 福祉 welfare; fukushi-shí-setsu n 福祉施設 welfare facility

      fukushū n 復習 review (study)

      fukushū n 復讐 revenge, vengeance

      fukushū shimásu (suru) v 復習します (する) reviews (study)

      fukushū shimásu (suru) v 復讐します (する) takes revenge, revenges

      fukusō n 服装 dress, attirement, clothes, costume

      fukuzatsu (na) adj 複雑(な) complicated: ~ na shinkyø 複雑な心境 mixed feelings: ~ na tachiba 複雑な立場 complicated situation

      fukyū n 普及 diffusion, popularization: pasokon no ~ (ga susunde) パソコンの普及(が進んで) (with) the increase of computer users

      fumemásu, fumeru v 踏めます, 踏める can tread

      fū´mí n 風味 flavor: ~ o tamochimásu 風味を保ちます keeps/preserves a flavor; ~ no aru ryøri 風味のある料理 savory dish

      fumi-komimásu, fumi-kómu v 踏み込みます, 踏み込む 1. steps into/on 2. trespasses (on); raids

      fumimásu, fumu v 踏みます, 踏む steps on, treads

      fumotó n 麓 foot (of a mountain)

      fún n 糞 feces, dung

      …´-fun suffix …分 minute(s)

      funá-… prefix 船… ship, vessel; funá-bin n 船便 sea mail; funá-nori n 船乗り sailor, crew (member); funá-yoi n 船酔い seasick(ness)

      funbari n 踏ん張り effort: mø

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