Hannah Smart 3-Book Bundle. Melody Fitzpatrick

Hannah Smart 3-Book Bundle - Melody Fitzpatrick

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Eden says calmly, “and it’s not the bracelets.”

      The puppies all giggle. Missy gasps, and Anika bites her lip, staring at her feet, not daring to look at Scarlett.

      Scarlett, suddenly realizing that she’s the butt of the joke, narrows her eyes and turns toward us, glaring. Suddenly, her eyes shift toward our Wishbandz and a smile crosses her face.

      “Have a nice day, girls.” She turns on her designer heel and stalks off into the school with Anika and Missy trailing behind, looking confused.

      “Hmmm … I wonder what she’s up to now,” I say.

      “I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough,” Rachel replies with worried sigh.


      Easy Come, Easy Go

      Awesome… that’s how I’d describe our display of Wishbandz this morning. We went crazy last night and braided and beaded around thirty more bracelets. We got a lot of promises yesterday from kids who said they were going to bring cash today, so we’re expecting a few more sales at least. Now that Eden Payton-Patterson (the closest thing to a celebrity in our school) and her fan club are wearing them, it won’t be long before everybody wants one. That’s what I’m hoping, anyway.

      We set up by the front doors of the school, and like yesterday, a group of girls comes up right away. Suddenly, the crowd around us starts growing and growing until we have what seems like half the school surrounding us.

      “I want the blue one,” one kid says.

      “I want three of those army-green beaded ones,” another girl says.

      “Can guys wear them?” a really cute dude from ninth grade yells out.

      Rachel looks at me in amazement. “Yeah, totally!” She shouts. “Hey guys, we need everyone to line up.”

      Suddenly, the whole group starts shuffling themselves into a lineup.

      “Wow, they listened,” she whispers, flashing me a smile.


      “We’re in the money, Rachel,” I whisper back.

      “Still trying to sell your crap, I see,” Scarlett says, snickering, as she, Anika, and Missy strut past the kids in line.

      “Hmmm … I don’t think we’re trying to sell anything, Scarlett,” Rachel replies. “Our Wishbandz are selling themselves.”

      “Not for long,” Scarlett whispers to us with a satisfied smirk. “The principal wants to see you in her office, A-Sap.”

      “Now?” I cry.

      “That’s what A-Sap means, loser,” Anika sneers.

      Rachel sighs. “She wants both of us?”

      “Yes, both of you!” Missy snaps. “Wait … does she?” She looks at Scarlett for an answer.

      “She wants to see both of you … now!” Scarlett looks positively blissful.

      Rachel shakes her head. “What did you do, Scarlett?”

      “Let’s go, girls.” Scarlett points to the door.

      “We don’t need an escort, Scarlett!” Rachel huffs.

      “Oh, I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Scarlett laughs as she pushes the door open.

      Anika snorts. “Me neither.”

      Missy nods. “Yeah … um … hold it … what don’t we want to miss?”

      “Stay!” Scarlett holds up her hand, stopping Anika and Missy in their tracks. “Wait here until I’m done.”

      Scarlett rushes ahead and is gleefully holding the door for us when we arrive at the office.

      “Good morning girls,” Mrs. Harris says with a friendly smile. “Please come in. Have a seat.”

      Scarlett invites herself along.

      “So, I hear you have recently become entrepreneurs,” Mrs. Harris remarks.

      “Entrepren-what?” I say, confused.

      “Yeah, I guess,” Rachel answers. “I mean, we have a product we’re selling, and we have investors.”

      “And a business plan,” I add.

      “Hmm, well, taking all of that into account, I’d definitely say you’re entrepreneurs,” Mrs. Harris says with a little chuckle.

      “Yes,” I say, “entre-pren-eurs … um … I thought you said something else. Yeah, we’re definitely entrepreneurs.” I like the way that sounds … so professional. “Would you like to see our stuff?” I add, pushing up my sleeve.

      “Oh,” she says, gripping my wrist. “Yes, they are quite lovely.”

      Rachel’s face breaks into a smile; Scarlett looks beyond ticked off, and suddenly, I get it! We’ve been worrying for nothing. I know why Mrs. Harris invited us into her office. She’s the principal and the boss, and what do bosses want from their staff? Loyalty. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Mrs. Harris plans to buy Wishbandz for all the teachers — if she gives


      them bracelets, they’ll feel like a special part of her team, and they’ll give her their everlasting loyalty and devotion. Smart lady! She obviously heard how long the lineup was and didn’t want to miss out. Wow, she’s totally cool for a principal. This morning just keeps getting better!

      “Ahem …” Scarlett coughs, tapping a large book that’s found its way onto her lap.

      “Oh, yes, Scarlett,” Mrs. Harris stammers, “I almost forgot.”

      The smile on Scarlett’s face has returned.

      What’s going on?

      “So you girls call your bracelets Wishbandz?” Mrs. Harris asks.

      I beam. “Yes, with a z at the end.”

      “How clever.”

      “Ahem …” Scarlett coughs again as she shoves the open book toward Mrs. Harris, who suddenly looks annoyed.

      “Well, girls …” Mrs. Harris’s face softens. “I am very pleased with the amount of effort you have put into your project. You should be very proud of yourselves.”

      “We are,” I answer.

      “Being an entrepreneur is seldom easy. There are many obstacles that can pop up unexpectedly on your way to success.”

      I notice that Rachel is starting to shift around in her chair, and Scarlett has suddenly transformed into an evil feline again.

      “So, I’m sorry to be the one to put up your first obstacle.”

      “Oh, Mrs. Harris,” I interrupt, “you’re not our first obstacle.”

      “Shhhhh, Hannah,” Scarlett snaps, “the principal has something very important to tell you.”

      “Yes, unfortunately I do.” Mrs. Harris looks down at the book. “I’m afraid that it is against school board policy for students to sell goods for personal profit while on school property and during school hours. I’m sorry, girls, but you’re going to have to pack up your display immediately.”

      And just like that, it’s over.


      The Show Must Go On

      “Hannah!” I hear Mom calling from her office.


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