Japanese for Fun. Taeko Kamiya

Japanese for Fun - Taeko  Kamiya

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      two minutes



      three minutes



      four minutes



      five minutes



      six minutes



      seven minutes



      *Although 7 in Japanese is either shichi or nana, shichi-fun is rarely used.

      eight minutes



      nine minutes



      ten minutes






      half (past)






      what time



      what time

      nan-ji ni


      go out; leave
















      It’s 1:00.

      Ichi-ji dess.


      It’s 4:00 p.m.

      Gogo yo-ji dess.


      It’s 5:10 a.m.

      Gozen go-ji jip-pun dess.

      午前(ごぜん)5時(ごじ)10分 (じっぷん)です。

      10 minutes before 5:00

      go-ji jip-pun mae


      It’s 6:30 p.m.

      Gogo roku-ji-han dess.


      What time is it now?

      Ima nan-ji dess ka?


      What time shall we go out?

      Nan-ji ni dekakemahss ka?


      What time is breakfast?

      Asa-gohan wa nan-ji dess ka?


      What time does the movie start?

      Eiga wa nan-ji ni hajimarimahss ka?

      映画(えいが)は何時(なんじ)に始(は じ)まりますか?


      Trains and planes operate on the 24-hour timetable. Thus, midnight is 00:00, 9 a.m. is 09:00, and 5 p.m. is 17:00. If this is confusing, confirm times using the regular 12-hour method, carefully enunciating gozen (a.m.) or gogo (p.m.).

      All of Japan lies in a single time zone that is one hour behind Sydney, one hour ahead of Hong Kong and Singapore, nine hours ahead of London, and fourteen hours ahead of New York.


      Image MINI DIALOGUE 1

      A: What time is it now?

      Ima nan-ji dess ka?


      B: It’s 8:00.

      Hachi-ji dess.

      8時(は ちじ)です。


      It’s 7 minutes before 10:00.

      Jū-ji nana-fun mae dess.


      It’s 1:30.

      Ichi-ji san-jup-pun dess.


      It’s 2:30.

      Ni-ji-han dess.


      It’s 9:05.

      Ku-ji go-fun dess.


      It’s 6:25 a.m.

      Gozen roku-ji ni-jū-go-fun dess.


      It’s 4:30 p.m.

      Gogo yo-ji-han dess.


      Image MINI DIALOGUE 2

      A: What time is supper?


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