Baba Malay Dictionary. William Gwee Thian Hock

Baba Malay Dictionary - William Gwee Thian Hock

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one is able to achieve an objective even without any assistance

      ■ ayam utan wild fowl

      ayer (air) water; liquid

      ■ ayer ada pasang ada surut fortune has its ups and downs

      ■ ayer angat warm water

      ■ ayer asin salt water

      ■ ayer batu ice water; ice

      ■ ayer berair Belanda barley water

      ■ ayer di-tetak takleh putus a relationship that can never be severed just as water cannot be severed by hacking

      ■ ayer kelapa coconut juice; coconut water

      ■ ayer kerair perfume

      ■ ayer laot sea water

      ■ ayer lior drooling saliva

      ■ ayer lior meleler dripping with drooling saliva

      ■ ayer mata tears

      ■ ayer mawair rose water

      ■ ayer menidi boiling water

      ■ ayer minom drinking water

      ■ ayer mungka facial expression; countenance

      ■ ayer panair hot water

      ■ ayer panair-sejok lukewarm water

      ■ ayer pasang high tide

      ■ ayer pasang berbani in between high and low tides; spring tide

      ■ ayer sarbat ginger water

      ■ ayer sejok cold water

      ■ ayer surut low tide

      ■ ayer tak di-mulot speechless

      ■ ayer tawair fresh water

      ■ ayer trujun waterfall

      ■ ayer ujan rainwater

      ■ ayer wangi perfume; scented water

      ayohai / adohai (ayuhai) Ho there!; an interjection to bespeak attention

      ayong / hayong to drag along

      azimat (azimat) amulet; cabalistic charm

      Ba abbreviated term for

      Baba; term of address for young Baba males; term of address for father

      Baba (Baba) a descriptive name applied specifically to male local-born Chinese of mixed Chinese-Malay-Indian descent belonging to the Baba Peranakan community

      ■ Baba Peranakan a Baba

      babi (babi) pig; hog; pork

      ■ babi buta to act wildly

      ■ babi chin stewed pork with bean paste and coriander

      ■ babi pongteh stewed pork with bean paste

      ■ babi utan wild boar

      babu (babu) maidservant; Bengali type

      bacha (baca) to read

      ■ bacha-bacha to chant

      ■ bacha surat to study; to read a letter

      bachang (bacang) SEE buah


      bachen SEE bacheng

      bacheng / bachen (bacin) fetid; vile smell; e.g. as decaying fish manure

      badak (badak) rhinoceros

      ■ badak ayer hippopotamus

      badan (badan) body

      ■ badan besair big body size

      ■ badan dua pregnancy

      ■ badan kain body of a sarong

      badi (badi) a spiritual influence

      ■ badi keras strong spiritual influence; charisma

      badong wide and protruding (of ears)

      bagi (bagai) like; similar to

      ■ bagi boleh di-jilat a state of extreme cleanliness

      bagi (bagi) to allot

      ■ bagi harta to divide the inheritance

      bagsat SEE batsat

      bagus (bagus) fine; good

      bahang (bahang) hot breath from fire or other heat source

      bahasa / basa (bahasa) breeding or manners

      bahru (baru) SEE baru

      bahu / bau (bahu) shoulder

      Bai (bai) familiar address to a Punjabi and Bengali

      ■ Bai roti Indian bread vendor

      ■ Bai susu Indian milkman

      ■ Bai tonchet general term for an Indian milk vendor with a small queue

      baik (baik) good; well

      ■ baik-baik to take good care; in good condition

      ■ baik balek to be reconciled (with); to recover

      ■ baik budi kindness well reciprocated

      ■ baik jugak fortunately

      ■ baik jahat good and bad

      ■ baik rupa good looking

      ■ baik sapa pun whosoever

      ■ baik tak baik for all one knows

      baja (baja) fertilizer; manure

      baju (baju) garment

      ■ baju besi suit of armour

      ■ baju Cheena Chinese loose-sleeve jacket and trousers

      ■ baju coat coat

      ■ baju dalam inner garment

      ■ baju dua belair ari the wedding costume worn by the bride on the twelfth and last day of the traditional Baba wedding

      ■ baju Hockchiu Chinese jacket and skirt; wedding costume of the Nyonya bride

      ■ baju kebaya Nyonya and Malay ladies' short blouse worn with sarong; kebaya garment

      ■ baju kodok bib-like garment of young male children

      ■ baju kurong Malay lady's long loose blouse worn with sarong

      ■ baju lok chuan loose Chinese jacket and trousers of silk worn by Babas on festive occasions

      ■ baju mati elaborate Chinese costume worn by the dead

      ■ baju Nyonya SEE baju panjang

      ■ baju panair sweater; warm clothing

      ■ baju panjang a three quarter length Nyonya dress worn with sarong

      ■ baju perap singlet with short sleeve

      ■ baju pendek short-sleeve blouse

      ■ baju Shanghai [上海] samfoo jacket and trousers

      ■ baju shirt shirt

      ■ baju siu i [壽衣] SEE baju mati

      ■ baju ujan raincoat

      bak [猪肉] pork; meat

      ■ bak hu [肉脯] pork floss

      ■ bak kuan [肉乾] barbecued pork

      ■ bak kueh [肉稞] SEE kueh

      ■ bak kut [肉骨] pork rib

      ■ bak pau [肉包] pork dumpling

      ■ bak pok [肉渣] crispy fried lard

      ■ bak wan [肉具]

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