Tuttle English-Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong

Tuttle English-Chinese Dictionary - Li Dong

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kěyǐ gàosu wǒ qù jǐngchájú zěnme zǒu ma?

      sense of direction 方向感 fāngxiànggǎn

      directive n 指令 zhǐlìng, 指示 zhǐshì

      director n 1 [公司] 董事 [gōngsī] dǒngshì [m. wd 位 wèi] □ Mr Smith is the new finance director of our company. 史密斯先生是我们公司的新任财务董事。Shǐmìsī xiānsheng shì wǒmen gōngsī de xīnrèn cáiwù dǒngshì. 2(电影)导演 (diànyǐng) dǎoyǎn [m. wd 位 wèi] □ Who won the Best Director in this year’s Oscar Awards? 今年谁获得了奥斯卡最佳导演奖?Jīnnián shéi huòdéle Àosīkǎ zuìjiā dǎoyǎn jiǎng?

      directory n 1 姓名地址录 xìngmíng dìzhǐ lù

      telephone directory 电话号码簿 diànhuà hàomǎ bù 2(计算机)文档目录 (jìsuànjī) wéndàng mùlù

      dirt n 1 灰尘 huīchén, 尘土 chéntǔ □ His shoes were all covered with dirt. 他的鞋上全是尘土。Tā de xiéshang quán shì chéntǔ.

      dirt bike 轻型摩托车 qīngxíng mótuōchē

      dirt cheap 极其便宜 jíqí piányi

      dirt road 泥路 nílù 2 丑闻 chǒuwén

      to dig up dirt on sb 发掘某人的丑闻 fājué mǒurén de chǒuwén

      dirty adj 1 肮脏 āngzāng □ Could you wash up the dirty dishes in the sink, please? 请你洗一下水池里的脏盘子,好吗?Qǐng nǐ xǐ yíxià shuǐchílǐ de zāng pánzi, hǎoma? 2 黄色的 huángsè de, 下流的 xiàliú de □ We were disgusted by his dirty jokes. 他的黄色笑话,让我们感到讨厌。Tā de huángsè xiàohua, ràng wǒmen gǎndao tǎoyàn.

      a dirty trick 卑鄙花招 bēibǐ huāzhāo, 下流手段 xiàliú shǒuduàn

      disability n 残疾 cánjí, 残障 cánzhàng

      disable v 使 [士兵+] 残疾 shǐ [shìbīng+] cánjí, 使 [系统+] 无法使用 shǐ [xìtǒng+] wúfǎ shǐyòng

      disabled adj 残疾的 cánjí de, 残障的 cánzhàng de

      disadvantage n 不利条件 búlì tiáojiàn, 缺陷 quēxiàn

      disadvantaged adj 1 处于不利地位的 chǔ yú búlì dìwèi de 2 社会下层的 shèhuì xiàcéng de, 弱势的 ruòshì de

      disagree v 不同意 bù tóngyì □ I disagree with your assessment of the situation. 我不同意你对形势的看法。Wǒ bù tóngyì nǐ duì xíngshì de kànfa.

      disagreeable adj 讨厌的 tǎoyàn de □ The lecturer has some disagreeable mannerisms. 那位讲师有一些讨厌的习惯性动作。Nà wèi jiǎngshī yǒu yìxiē tǎoyàn de xíguànxìng dòngzuò.

      disagreement n 意见不合 yìjiàn bùhé, 分歧 fēnqí

      disallow v 不允许 bù yǔnxǔ, 驳回 bóhuí

      disappear v 1 消失 xiāoshī □ The young lady disappeared from the magician’s wardrobe. 年轻女郎从魔术师的大衣柜里消失了。Niánqīng nǚláng cóng móshùshī de dà yīguìlǐ xiāoshī le. □ This species of frog could soon disappear forever. 这种 青蛙可能永远消失。Zhè zhǒng qīngwā kěnéng yǒngyuǎn xiāoshī. 2 失踪 shīzōng, 丢失 diūshī

      disappearance n 1 消失 xiāoshī 2 失踪 shīzōng, 丢失 diūshī

      disappoint v 使⋯失望 shǐ...shīwàng □ His less than generous donation disappointed us. 他捐款不够慷慨,使我们失望。 Tā juānkuǎn búgòu kāngkǎi, shǐ wǒmen shīwàng. □ Poor sales of the new product disappointed the management. 新产品销售不好,使管理层失望。Xīn chǎnpǐn xiāoshòu bù hǎo, shǐ guǎnlǐcéng shīwàng.

      diappointed adj 失望的 shīwàng de

      disappointing adj 令人失望的 lìng rén shīwàng de

      disappointment n 失望 shīwàng, 扫兴(的事)sǎoxìng (de shì)

      disapproval n 不赞成 bú zànchéng, 反对 fǎnduì

      disapprove v 不赞成 bú zànchéng, 反对 fǎnduì

      disarm v 解除武装 jiěchú wǔzhuāng

      disarmament n 裁军 cáijūn

      disarming adj 消除敌意的 xiāochú díyì de, 让人感到友好的 ràng rén gǎndào yǒuhǎo de

      disarray n 混乱 hùnluàn

      disaster n 1 灾难 zāinàn, 灾害 zāihài 2 彻底失败 chèdǐ shībài

      disastrous adj 灾难性的 zāinànxìng de, 彻底失败的 chèdǐ shībài de

      disavow v 否认 fǒurèn

      disavowal n 否认 fǒurèn

      disband v 解体 jiětǐ, 解散 jiěsàn

      disbelief n 不相信 bù xiāngxìn, 怀疑 huáiyí

      disbelieve v 不相信 bù xiāngxìn, 怀疑 huáiyí

      disc See disk

      discard I v 1 扔掉 [+旧衣服] rēngdiào [+jiù yīfú] 2 打出 [+扑 克牌] dǎchū [+pūkèpái] II n 1 扔掉的东西 rēngdiào de dōngxi, 废物 fèiwù 2 打出的牌 dǎchū de pái, 废牌 fèi pái

      discern v 觉察出 juécháchū, 辨明 biànmíng

      discerning adj 有眼力的 yǒu yǎnlì de, 识别力很强的 shíbiélì hěn qiáng de

      discharge I v 准许⋯离开 zhǔnxǔ...líkāi

      to be discharged from a hospital(病人)出院 (bìng­rén) chūyuàn

      to be discharged from the Army(军人)退役 (jūnrén) tuìyì 2 排放 [+污水] páifàng [+wūshuǐ]

      to discharge polluted water 排放污水 páifàng wūshuǐ 3 履行 [+职责] lǚxíng [+zhízé] II n 1 准许离开 zhǔnxǔ líkāi 2 排放 páifàng

      disciplinarian n 严格执行纪律者 yángé zhíxíng jìlǜ zhě

      discipline I n 1 纪律 jìlǜ □ Some teachers think the school needs more strict discipline. 有些老师认为学校的纪律要更严格一点。Yǒuxiē lǎoshī rènwéi xuéxiào de jìlǜ yào gèng yángé yìdiǎn. □ Miss Curry finds most of the children she knows lacking discipline. 柯里小姐觉得她遇到的孩子大多缺乏纪律。Kēlǐ xiǎojie juéde tā yùdào de háizi dà duō quēfá jìlǜ. 2 处分 chǔfèn, 处罚 chǔfá

      to face discipline 接受处分 jiēshòu chǔfèn 3 学科 xuékē

      core disciplines 重点学科

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